Jen Psaki Dancing and Ducking


Well-Known Member
I watched about half of that before I had to mute it - I couldn't stand the fawning and sucking up. Spicer was ripped a new ******* his first time at bat - if this is what we're going to get, it's going to be a long four years.

That is, if we don't impeach him before that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I watched about half of that before I had to mute it - I couldn't stand the fawning and sucking up. Spicer was ripped a new *** his first time at bat - if this is what we're going to get, it's going to be a long four years.

Not for me because I don't intend to watch one single second of that tripe. I don't even know who Jen Whatever is and don't intend to find out.
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Well-Known Member
Not for me because I don't intend to watch one single second of that tripe. I don't even know who Jen Whatever is and don't intend to find out.

(shrug) Can't say I enjoy it. I am wondering how long they will kiss his ass before they have to get all Jim Acosta on him or his press secretary. With Obama, it never happened.

You know what I can't figure? The sucking up isn't visible to the left. And the derision and hatred from the left to the right is equally invisible. With incredulity I read someone this morning claim "you can't say they treated Trump worse than Obama". Dear Lord - I don't think I've EVER seen a human being treated worse than Trump. And they were brutal with Dubya.

I did a check on how many times Obama was on talk shows - somewhere in the neighborhood of a couple dozen, with half on late night and others on shows like Oprah and The View and Ellen. They loved him there.

Any guesses on how they treated Trump or even INVITED him? No, I've never ever seen the kind of hate from the left - but something tells me I ain't seen nuthin' yet.


Well-Known Member
Well, that's ridiculous and anyone who hasn't been indoctrinated into the cult knows that.

I just can't figure out where these people have been the last four years, since some of the most vicious crap has been FOR THEIR BENEFIT.

Really, who was the severed head for? Who was the gang rape Barron thing for? Who was the fim Snoop Dogg made, for?
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I just can't figure out where these people have been the last four years, since some of the most vicious crap has been FOR THEIR BENEFIT.

Really, who was the severed head for? Who was the gang rape Barron thing for? Who was the fim Snoop Dogg made, for?

But Sam, you have been part of a cult in your youth. Surely you recognize this behavior.

I know you've heard the phrase "the winners write the history books". Well, this is what they're writing.


Beloved Misanthrope
I watched a bit of her PC last evening. She's seems like the female version of robert gibbs.


Well-Known Member
But Sam, you have been part of a cult in your youth. Surely you recognize this behavior.

I know you've heard the phrase "the winners write the history books". Well, this is what they're writing.

The CRAP wasn't invisible to most of the members - the more die-hard ones just dismissed it. They weren't fitted with blinders and they didn't have a self-imposed tunnel vision. Most of the people I knew had the "it is what it is" attitude.

But it was also because - a LOT OF STUFF just wasn't well known. I was surprised to learn that the original charismatic leader of the cult - was a pederast. Evdiently this was known among the leadership and was leveraged against him to move him out, quietly. Another very energetic and up and coming leader - statutory rape? - under age teens in his ministry - and more than once. Again - I knew - but most had no idea. Working at reconstructing the church office, I interecepted piles of documents headed for the trash - and I saw lots of stuff that pissed me off.

But - some things people just knew. One joke was that being a church intern you were paid very well and demanded very little - we would say if you really don't want to work for a living, you should be an intern.

I guess there was a grudging disdain for the waste. It slowly lead to the group's demise.

Cults aren't always characterized by people just utterly blind to the truth - they are typically idealists, devoted to a dream - even if it is tarnished.
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Well-Known Member
(shrug) Can't say I enjoy it. I am wondering how long they will kiss his ass before they have to get all Jim Acosta on him or his press secretary. With Obama, it never happened.

You know what I can't figure? The sucking up isn't visible to the left. And the derision and hatred from the left to the right is equally invisible. With incredulity I read someone this morning claim "you can't say they treated Trump worse than Obama". Dear Lord - I don't think I've EVER seen a human being treated worse than Trump. And they were brutal with Dubya.

I did a check on how many times Obama was on talk shows - somewhere in the neighborhood of a couple dozen, with half on late night and others on shows like Oprah and The View and Ellen. They loved him there.

Any guesses on how they treated Trump or even INVITED him? No, I've never ever seen the kind of hate from the left - but something tells me I ain't seen nuthin' yet.

Ya know they were pretty bad with Bush. One would think if a man got treated so roughly he would hold some sort of animosity towards those who treated him so badly.
Instead, he joins in with them like they are old buddies.
Any respect I had for Bush has been flushed down after watching him over the last few years,
He never fought back--------not once , he just kept taking it.
Now he joins them. What a wimp.


Well-Known Member
Ya know they were pretty bad with Bush. One would think if a man got treated so roughly he would hold some sort of animosity towards those who treated him so badly.
Instead, he joins in with them like they are old buddies.
Any respect I had for Bush has been flushed down after watching him over the last few years,
He never fought back--------not once , he just kept taking it.
Now he joins them. What a wimp.

I used to think he was being statesmanlike - not getting into it. Letting it slide. Kind of like Ike did.
When you're a battle worn veteran - like Ike - it doesn't faze you.

Or like Reagan - who usually took them to task but responded with incredible wit.

Nah. Dubya just didn't fight.


PREMO Member
Press Secretary Jen Psaki On Biden Allegedly Violating His Own Mask Order: He Was ‘Celebrating’

Here is the exchange that the two had:

DOOCY: “Why weren’t President Biden and all members of the Biden family masked at all times on federal lands last night if he signed an Executive Order that mandates masks on federal lands at all times?”

PSAKI: “At the inaugural–“

DOOCY: “At the Lincoln Memorial, yes.”

PSAKI: “I, I think Steve, he was celebrating an evening uh, uh, of a historic day in our country, and certainly he signed the mask mandate because it’s a way to send a message [to] the American public about the importance of, uh, wearing masks, how it can save tens of thousands of lives. We take a number of COVID precautions as you know here in terms of testing, social distancing, mask wearing ourselves as we do every single day, but I don’t know that I have more for you on it than that.”

DOOCY: “But [as] Joe Biden often talks about, it is not just important the example of power, but the power of our example. Was that a good example for people who were watching [that] might not being paying attention normally?”

PSAKI: “Well Steve, I think the power of his example is also the message he sends by signing 25 Executive Orders, including almost half of them related to COVID, uh, the requirements that we’re all under every single day here to ensure we’re sending that message to the public. Yesterday was a historic moment in our history, he was inaugurated as President of the United States. He was surrounded by his family. We take a number of precautions, but I think we have bigger issues to worry [about].”

Arrogance at its finest


PREMO Member
Doocy didn’t let her off the hook. He asked what kind of example Biden was setting by violating his own mask mandate. Psaki dodged again, claiming the “power of the president’s example” lies in the 25 executive orders Biden signed on his first day in office, “including almost half of them related to COVID.” Then she dismissed the blatant hypocrisy by saying the White House has “bigger issues to worry about at this moment in time.”

But masking wearing is a big issue, according to Biden, who said in a tweet Wednesday evening that “Wearing masks isn’t a partisan issue — it’s a patriotic act that can save countless lives. That’s why I signed an executive order today issuing a mask mandate on federal property. It’s time to mask up, America.”

wow this response is myopic ..... yeah the POWER of example

the example shown ..... rules are little people

how many times was Trump Excoriated for not wearing a mask


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
All I'll Say is Biden is a Devout Catholic
Devout Catholics Do Not Believe in Abortion otherwise they are not devout

AS 100% expected - she is very dismissive when confronted with questions she does not want to answer like with the non wearing of COVID masks on federal property during the inauguration...even though Biden had signed that as one of his EOs.

She's no Sarah Sanders or Kayleigh McInerny, that's for sure. Watching her leave that press conference the other day with her "stack of stuff" (nearly falling out of her arms) was hysterical compared to Haley and her organizational notebook! What a slob.

Anyhoo, saw this posted on the Free Republic FB page this am... :lol: