But wait, there's more...
2A, I realize that people sin. I sin, you sin, we all sin ... and I won't speak for others on here -- just myself. I find the hardest thing to swallow about you is just how judgemental you come across on here when you're trying to share the gospel, word of God, et al. And I know I'm not the first person to say this. Your comment about Chasey, the people who "deserved to die in the Tsunami because they weren't christian", and others that I don't have the time to look up right now. And I'm no student of the Bible on the level you and others on here are, but I know that that's one of the things that Christians aren't supposed to do -- be judgemental ... fine, think it, seek forgiveness, but you speak/type it ... and that's the blatant hypocrisy that I have repeatedly commented on here about that clouds any good you try to share about the word of God. It's like looking at a white sign that has a little fuschia dot ... you're eye is naturally drawn to the one little dot.
Just my two cents.
I'm outta here and getting ready to go camping. Ya'll have a great weekend! 
Just my two cents.