Jets vs. Pats


:lol: More of a chance than others thought. I am glad to see Tom Brady sit on the sidelines for a change.

Yea, he has gotten too full of himself. All serious and stoic and ####. I liked it better when he was a wide eyed dork. Oh and his commercial suck.


Having Fun!
:boo: Big Ben's off field "alleged" antics has turned me off from the Steelers... I want to see them go down and out next week.

Not to start or get into an argument or anything but I am curious how you feel about the Ravens (Ray Lewis) and the Eagles (Michael Vick)? :popcorn:

I admire the Steelers for the atmosphere that they foster with the players (Big Ben is on the thin edge with the owners -- one more "alleged" incident & he'll be gone and many in PIttsburgh are not happy with him.) and the emphasis that they put on being a family values organization. One man does not make the TEAM! Personally, I'm a Polamalu fan!

Just had to get my two cents' worth out there in response to a comment from a Redskins fan. No offense meant & don't take it personally, please.


Well-Known Member
Surprised, congratulations Jets. Just goes to show why i don't gamble on football games, my 2 picks this weekend were Ravens and Patriots. :otter:


Well-Known Member
Next week

Will be interesting, I can see the headlines now if the Jets win, Santonio Holmes scores xx amount of touchdowns to beat his old team!