Jewitt's thoughts on "Democrat's Vision for Families"


New Member
It's funny how democrats complain when the Republicans "fail" to reduce taxes and don't blame their own for increasing them in the first place.

Q: If the democrats are raising taxes and slashing budgets, where does the money go? At least with Operation Enduring Freedom, we know where it's being spent.

The follwing can be found on the Jewitt for Congress website:

As the Republican congressional candidate for Maryland’s Fifth District, I am very pleased to provide a response to Rep. Hoyer’s recent column entitled, “New Partnership for America’s Future Outlines Democrat’s Vision for Families.”

On Sept. 22, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced their so-called “New Partnership for America’s Future,” comprised of six core values. If the past is an indicator of the future envisioned by these far-left Democrats, then America’s families can expect higher taxes, more costly big government intruding into their everyday lives, a weaker national defense, and the furtherance of the creation of a welfare state. For example, in 1993 – the last time Democrats controlled Congress – taxes were raised on social security benefits, intelligence funding was slashed after the first attack on the World Trade Center, and Maryland’s working families received one of the largest tax increases in history. Let’s examine each of the six core values of the “New Partnership,” as outlined by Hoyer.

1. PROSPERITY. The “New Partnership” promises to provide “all Americans with the opportunity to succeed and to live a secure and comfortable life, including good jobs here at home, affordable health care, a growing economy with stable prices, investment in new technologies, and fiscal responsibility in government.” However, what Americans actually received during the Clinton Administration included (a) the greatest tax increase in history enacted in 1993 that undermined prosperity and security for the middle class, (b) health care costs made worse by trial lawyers, (c) an economic recession that began in the last years of the Clinton Administration, (d) fiscal irresponsibility marked by exorbitant government spending, and (e) an increased loss of American jobs to overseas locations. Hoyer spoke of “promoting middle class tax relief;” yet he has an unbroken record of voting against tax relief measures. Just last month he voted against middle class tax cuts and eliminating the marriage penalty.

2. NATIONAL SECURITY: Although “military strength second to none” is what is touted in the “New Partnership,” national Democrats during the Clinton years provided for: (a) reckless cuts in defense spending and the downsizing of military forces that have now left us critically and overly dependent upon the Reserves and National Guard, (b) the subordination of U.S. national sovereignty to the United Nations, which has been quite ineffective in protecting America’s national interests, (c) the weakening of U.S. intelligence agencies through budget and manpower cuts, and limitations on the scope of intelligence operations, and (d) the treatment of terrorist attacks as criminal acts rather than acts of war. Did you know that my opponent voted against the formation of the Department of Homeland Security?

3. FAIRNESS: Another aspect of the “New Partnership” involves a commitment – on paper – to “equal opportunity for all, including affordable health care for everyone, spending Social Security funds only on Social Security, and eliminating tax loopholes so that all Americans pay their fair share.” But, when left-wing Democrats had their chance to lead during the 1990’s, they continued to place the issue of affordable health care on the backburner, as well as abused the public trust with regard to economic fairness. Hoyer has voted to raid the Social Security surplus 27 times and voted 11 times against protecting the surplus. My opponent has also voted to increase the taxable portion of Social Security benefits from 50 to 85 percent. Will he close the tax loopholes that permitted Sen. John Kerry and his billionaire wife to pay a tax rate of only 12% last year, far less than most Americans?

4. OPPORTUNITY: The “New Partnership” promises “a vibrant public education system accountable to the highest standards … including an affordable and accessible college education.” The main reason our public schools are in a state of failure is directly attributable to the policies of the National Education Association (NEA), which has given Hoyer a 100 percent approval rating. We need to support school choice measures to promote a more competitive education for our children, something that my opponent has refused to support time and again. We also need to broaden education savings accounts and establish tax breaks for teachers to defray out-of-pocket expenses.

5. COMMUNITY: National Democrats claim their new commitment is to “safe communities free of crimes and drugs, supporting local businesses and groups to keep our families safe and neighborhoods strong, and enforcing our anti-pollution laws to keep our air and water clean and healthy.” However, the record shows that Hoyer has (a) voted against making military personnel available to border patrols in order to fight drug trafficking and illegal immigration, (b) voted to transfer funds away from "truth-in-sentencing" programs that require criminals to serve most of their sentences with no chance for an early release, (c) voted to deny $1.5 billion for states to improve juvenile justice systems, (d) voted against prosecuting juveniles who commit federal violent crimes in conjunction with federal drug-trafficking offenses as adults, and (e) voted against $2 billion in FY1999 and $2.2 billion in FY2000 for U.S. Customs Service drug interdiction activities. Much of the current congressman’s vote pattern clearly does not contribute to the safety of our families and community.

6. ACCOUNTABILITY: The “New Partnership” promises to hold “those in power accountable for their actions, acting responsibly … by restoring fiscal discipline and eliminating deficit spending … and requiring real consequences for CEOs and corporations who break the law.” Well, where was the accountability during the Clinton Administration when the series of corporate scandals discovered during the Bush Administration had their beginnings? Why did Hoyer oppose holding President Clinton accountable for committing perjury? Is Hoyer practicing fiscal discipline when he continues to accept annual pay increases during a time of war and huge budget deficits?

Considering Hoyer’s lack of focus as a national Democrat, and the striking contradictions between Hoyer’s promises and his voting record, isn’t it time that the citizens of the Fifth District form a new partnership with a new congressman that truly represents their principles, values and interests? Southern Maryland deserves a majority party congressman who is focused full-time on the district and who will team up with the Governor and President to protect our military bases, ensure small business and job growth, provide tax relief, and give our systems of education and transportation the attention they deserve.

I ask for your vote on November 2 so that we can move Southern Maryland forward.

Brad Jewitt


New Member
Under cut military

Is it that Clinton cut the military or Bush has over-extended us? I was in the military in the 90's, and Clinton got us more equipment, training and supplies.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
Is it that Clinton cut the military or Bush has over-extended us? I was in the military in the 90's, and Clinton got us more equipment, training and supplies.
Clinton certainly made cuts, but such were the times (no Cold War). And is it that Bush has over-extended the military or is it that we are dealing with a different world and different threats? I also think that getting the training, equipment, and supplies was more of the Defense Department prioritizing the needs of the services as the budgets were being requested and debated.


Let's get drunk
Wow good article. I still believe because of Hoyer's status and position that he will be able to do more for So. MD.


J.South said:
Wow good article. I still believe because of Hoyer's status and position that he will be able to do more for So. MD.

In agreement with you. Jewitt will do nothing for SMD except drive us back to the age of tobacco plantations and slave auctions. :killingme

P.S. All Hail CLINTON!!!!

Rapture Man

New Member
J.South said:
I still believe because of Hoyer's status and position that he will be able to do more for So. MD.

I believe that largely because of his status and position, Hoyer will do even less for So. MD. The widely-held view is that the Democratic Whip has long lost touch with his own constituents.


Active Member
Rapture Man said:
I believe that largely because of his status and position, Hoyer will do even less for So. MD. The widely-held view is that the Democratic Whip has long lost touch with his own constituents.

A lot of his time is taken up by his leadership role in the minority party. We'll be better off without him.


Super Genius
Aimhigh2000 said:
Is it that Clinton cut the military or Bush has over-extended us? I was in the military in the 90's, and Clinton got us more equipment, training and supplies.
I'm guessing from your name that you were in the Air Force. The Air Force always gets what they want.


New Member
Rapture Man said:
The widely-held view is that the Democratic Whip has long lost touch with his own constituents.

No it isn't...hardcore, Republicans such as yourself are the only ones that say this. Steny Hoyer is out getting the endorsement of the VFW, Brad Jewitt is waving signs on the side of the road.


New Member
J.South said:
Wow good article. I still believe because of Hoyer's status and position that he will be able to do more for So. MD.

Actually, a freshman in the majority has more power than the minority whip.


Active Member
rraley said:
My God, you really don't get congressional politics or the seniority system?
Hoyer is a national 'player' now, not a local representative. Lose the DC fire engine riding no-load.


Well-Known Member
Certainly Clinton wasn't the only one responsible for cutting the military, but he's the principal character. He cut the Army nearly in half (18 to 10 divisions), the Navy in half (~600 to ~300 ships), and the Air Force in half (24 wings to 13).

Kerry of course, wants to ADD two more divisions, although I have no idea how he's going to pay for them, or populate them without a *draft*.


New Member
SamSpade said:
Kerry of course, wants to ADD two more divisions, although I have no idea how he's going to pay for them, or populate them without a *draft*.

The draft issue is a real funning one. A ton of people tend to blame and show hatred towards Bush and his republican posse everytime the word "draft" is mentioned.

Im the Senate, the bill was actually introduced by Fritz Hollings (SC) (D). Put that in your pipe an smoke it.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
somd_bluecrab said:
The draft issue is a real funning one. A ton of people tend to blame and show hatred towards Bush and his republican posse everytime the word "draft" is mentioned.

Im the Senate, the bill was actually introduced by Fritz Hollings (SC) (D). Put that in your pipe an smoke it.
The Holling's bill was a replica of the one that got trounced in the House introduced by Rangel. Neither are about a draft, they are about mandatory service, meaning everybody serves. And that is scary.


Ken King said:
The Holling's bill was a replica of the one that got trounced in the House introduced by Rangel. Neither are about a draft, they are about mandatory service, meaning everybody serves. And that is scary.

That's a southern thing. Democrats in the SOUTH are in GOP territory. They have to compete with conservatives who are extremists. So sometimes they have seem like there strong on issues that are kind of extreme. The same goes for Republicans in the North. They have to be moderate and support a liberal way of thinking sometimes. They have a job to keep you know...... :howdy:


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
That's a southern thing. Democrats in the SOUTH are in GOP territory. They have to compete with conservatives who are extremists. So sometimes they have seem like there strong on issues that are kind of extreme. The same goes for Republicans in the North. They have to be moderate and support a liberal way of thinking sometimes. They have a job to keep you know...... :howdy:
Rangle is from New York moron.


Enjoying life!
Aimhigh2000 said:
Is it that Clinton cut the military or Bush has over-extended us? I was in the military in the 90's, and Clinton got us more equipment, training and supplies.

I'd have to disagree. I watched my ops flight dwindle from a peak of 25 intelligence analysts in late 1993 to only 9 in late 1997. That's a decrease of nearly 66%. The same decreases applied to intelligence collectors. Do you suppose that the military activities we monitored decreased by 66% along with those cuts??

I'm not saying it was Clinton's fault directly, but Congress proposed the budget and Clinton signed it.


New Member

Well, working in the AF and now in the government, you know as well as I do that there is a lot of "dead weight". People getting paid for doing nothing while others bust their butts. I know from my personal experience in the AF, the Security Police got a lot more new equipment. I know there were the RIF's, and what not, but I saw the wing at McChord grow. I cannot speak for your division. It may not have been Clinton's fault completely, but Bush is calling this a war, although I have never heard an official congressional declaration, and, the President has completely overextended our troops. :patriot:


I wasn't talking about Rangle. I was talking about Fritz, from North Carolina. (Or it could be South, I'm not sure)