Does anyone really think k anything is going to happen with this? Decades and decades of empty investigations and hearing. All for show. More divide and conquer in Washington
There's always one going on in Washington. I hope they have more than the several dozen whistleblowers and the 150+ dossiers full of incriminating information, because in Washington, you have to have a LOT more than a slam dunk case - you have to have a political environment so toxic for the target that his own party will get on board.
IF they can ditch Kamala - the Dems COULD see this as the perfect means of dropping Joe, as well, and could promote someone else.
But Tyrus brought up a great point last night - I don't remember the term he used, but he mentioned that when you have a whole season's worth of wrestling to show - you don't START with the championship. You don't START with your big show - you "build" interest over time. He said, sure, investigate, but maybe go after the easy stuff that everyone can agree on - stop the ton of new IRS agents - stop the immigration problem - hire the agents needed. Do the stuff that CAN win people over.
I'd add find a way to get the oil flowing again in THIS country, because with all the money being WASTED to promote green energy, it won't heat homes THIS WINTER. EVERYTHING in this country is tied to the cost of energy, whether it's manufacturing, to transportation and the cost of diesel.
We MUST accept the idea that green energy isn't a zero sum game - it doesn't have to be "either or", but "both and". The Dems are SUCCEEDING with the horrible premise that if they just make oil and gas PAINFUL ENOUGH, people will be compelled to switch. Well, I am sorry, but if you choke my budget to the bone, I will never have the money to buy your damned cars or your freaking solar panels.