Joe the Plumber...


Well-Known Member
The Hybrid was only making sure that his statements during the third debate came true. He told Joe the Plumber that he wouldn't pay more taxes. By make him bankrupt, he makes sure Joe the Plumber doesn't pay more taxes.

Ain't Democrat arithmetic wonderful?

Poor Joe's going to have to off himself, in that case. He sure can't collect welfare or food stamps. As part of the oppressive non-protected class, he's expected to work and pay taxes in order to support them that are too oppressed to find a job.


Well-Known Member
and there you go again, the media and BO are separate.
I haven't seen any ads from obama attacking her over these clothes, but there are sure a lot of Joe the plumber ads.

and agian, this didn't start until AFTER mccain made joe central to his campaign.

What you don't seem to get, oh clueless one, is that much of the media not only has a socialist agenda that they want to push, but they are pushing the agent of that socialism in America, one Barack Nobama. The mainstream media may not be on Nobama's payroll, but they are in his pocket.