John Kerry Timeline


Active Member

Ok, u flew in AWACS, great. Then if you understand operations, then you obviously know that there are things and situations that can't be discussed. As two vets, at you should at least give me some room here. Obviously as a C/PR, and you on AWACS, you have an understanding, or I hope you would. And as far as briefings go, if you are/were at a level in which I am presuming you were, then obviously you know that not everyone is privy to who is where. So no, I can't disclose everywhere that I have been, and I wont. You will either have to accept that fact, or get over it. The one thing I can tell you is with Al Kharj, 4404 SP Reconstitution (provisional) in 1993. Other than that, as much as I would like to tell you; more so I can say "in your face" I can't. And if you have any respect for the AF and the military, then you of all people know that I can't disclose it. As far as Cub Scout operations, I would expect that from a flyboy, one who didn't have to get his hands dirty.
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
Ok, u flew in AWACS, great. Then if you understand operations, then you obviously know that there are things and situations that can't be discussed. As two vets, at you should at least give me some room here. Obviously as a C/PR, and you on AWACS, you have an understanding, or I hope you would. And as far as briefings go, if you are/were at a level in which I am presuming you were, then obviously you know that not everyone is privy to who is where. So no, I can't disclose everywhere that I have been, and I wont. You will either have to accept that fact, or get over it. The one thing I can tell you is with Al Kharj, 4404 SP Reconstitution (provisional) in 1993. Other than that, as much as I would like to tell you; more so I can say "in your face" I can't. And if you have any respect for the AF and the military, then you of all people know that I can't disclose it. As far as Cub Scout operations, I would expect that from a flyboy, one who didn't have to get his hands dirty.
I wasn't flying in Thailand, young buck, I've been in the mud before, been stuck on icy mountaintops too when at ground control intercept squadrons. The Cub Scout comment, since you missed the jest of it, was due to your implying you participated in Urgent Fury, which we know, if your profile is correct, that you would have been a tad young (about the age of a cub scout).

Yep, I was included on many senior command staffs, provided intelligence briefings for pre-deployment, determined orbit areas to maximize the radar, data links, and radios, not to mention the handling of the electronic warfare coordination for several theaters of operation. I understand fully the constraints regarding security, as a matter of fact many things I was involved in have not yet reached the on or about date for reclassification, but considering that just about every unit has it’s history on the Internet I find your claim a little too far fetched to believe as to why you won’t divulge where you were stationed or participated in combat. Also I do not think that (the where and when) specifically would violate any matter of security 13 years after the fact.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
That I don't have any military experience? I don't. I'm not going to say I do when I don't. So when y'all are talking about form 185 and blah blah blah, I really have no idea what your saying. So bite me.
That is a Form 180 and with a little effort on your part you could have Googled it and found something about it so that you could converse with some knowledge.


Active Member

In some aspects it would, considering my current post. Oh, I'm sorry, you were referring to the 1/5/71? Naw, I am a bit older than that. I never disclose my actual age anywhere on the Internet. As far as a home base, I will say that my primary duty station was Fairchild AFB. Hardly ever there, but, it was nice to visit when not busy. And, flight ops are a lot different from our mission. You should be aware that our ops are like the Seals. Not that I am trying to say we are the equal, no, just similar. We go in, complete the mission and get out without anyone knowing we were there at all.
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Dancing Up A Storm
Ken King said:
That is a Form 180 and with a little effort on your part you could have Googled it and found something about it so that you could converse with some knowledge.
TurbanAzzFlake has yet to be accused of posting verifiable information on these forums. :killingme You really think this turkey is going to break tradition and actually do something intelligent?
Why, if it ever occured to him, he could have simply typed in "US Gov Form 180", and Google would have steered him to "SF Form 180" - Official Military Records, halfway down the page and gone on from there.
But that's probably outside his mental thought capacities. :lmao:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
In some aspects it would, considering my current post. Oh, I'm sorry, you were referring to the 1/5/71? Naw, I am a bit older than that. I never disclose my actual age anywhere on the Internet. As far as a home base, I will say that my primary duty station was Fairchild AFB. Hardly ever there, but, it was nice to visit when not busy. And, flight ops are a lot different from our mission. You should be aware that our ops are like the Seals. Not that I am trying to say we are the equal, no, just similar. We go in, complete the mission and get out without anyone knowing we were there at all.
You with the 36th RQF or at the school?


Active Member
Phish all you want

all c/pr get trained at Fairchild. Just face the fact that I cannot and will not confirm nor deny where I was. I have an oath that I will maintain until such time as I am authorized to discuss when and where I may or may not have been assigned. The one assignment that I can detail is being a part of the largest reconstitution since the Vietnam Conflict at Al Kharj Air Base, now known as Prince Sultan Air Base. If you cannot move on from the subject, then that is your issue. I will not violate my oath. I am sure that as a crew of an AWACS mission, there are (or should be) missions that you cannot discuss, nor would I try to get detailed information about such missions. If you don't like my answer, you can spin it which ever way you want to make you happy. I simply will not divulge or discuss any mission I may or may not have been on, or that was conducted. Period.


b*tch rocket
Aimhigh2000 said:
all c/pr get trained at Fairchild. Just face the fact that I cannot and will not confirm nor deny where I was. I have an oath that I will maintain until such time as I am authorized to discuss when and where I may or may not have been assigned. The one assignment that I can detail is being a part of the largest reconstitution since the Vietnam Conflict at Al Kharj Air Base, now known as Prince Sultan Air Base. If you cannot move on from the subject, then that is your issue. I will not violate my oath. I am sure that as a crew of an AWACS mission, there are (or should be) missions that you cannot discuss, nor would I try to get detailed information about such missions. If you don't like my answer, you can spin it which ever way you want to make you happy. I simply will not divulge or discuss any mission I may or may not have been on, or that was conducted. Period.
:duh: :copout: :duh:
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Active Member
What smoke?

Um, I never said I was an agent you moron. If you read, I disclosed what I did. I am not like some of these people. You don't need to be all up in my business and just get over the fact that there are people with real lives, and they sure as He** don't need to be telling some of you smibs about it.


Dancing Up A Storm
AH2000, I was an Enlisted Weapons Controller(EWC) AFSC 27670. I was stationed overseas in Korea, W. Germany, as well as several units in the United States like Maine, New York, Phoenix, Az, New Mexico, and Panama City, Fl.

I was a radar specialist in surveillance, then got into controlling fighters, tankers and reconnaisance aircraft. Yes, some of the things I did were classified, where and when, but I can weed much of that out, or simply not get into specifics.

You sir, aren't even close to that in your explanations of what you did: someone asked what your AFSC was, and you blew that one off.

You do come off as if you were playing secret agent games without any background, but you don't seem to understand where some folks may be a little skeptical.


Penn said:
Yes, some of the things I did were classified, where and when.
If you look he did say he was a combat rescue or something to that effect. I think there are people who can't talk about what they did. And he may still have a job that he can't talk about. I think you people are just mad bacause he does something more exciting than you. If you are so interested in what he does, why don't you tell us one of your classified missions?


Ken King said:
That is a Form 180 and with a little effort on your part you could have Googled it and found something about it.

Why do I CARE? I really don't care to learn one thing about the military. I really don't. KK with a little extra effort I could have added an extra K..... I'll leave the military expertise up to those who feel that their military careers were the center of THEIR lives, (and now their time has passed) and they can't forget how great it was to be in the military back in the 70's when they were young.... :patriot:


b*tch rocket
UrbanPancake said:
If you look he did say he was a combat rescue or something to that effect. I think there are people who can't talk about what they did. And he may still have a job that he can't talk about. I think you people are just mad bacause he does something more exciting than you. If you are so interested in what he does, why don't you tell us one of your classified missions?
Yeah, that's it. :killingme


b*tch rocket
Aimhigh2000 said:
Um, I never said I was an agent you moron. If you read, I disclosed what I did. I am not like some of these people. You don't need to be all up in my business and just get over the fact that there are people with real lives, and they sure as He** don't need to be telling some of you smibs about it.
You're spreading an awful lot of vague business around, professing to be some sort of super hero. :duh: If what you did was so secret, you'd know it's just retarded to even reference it MORON. :duh:


Christy said:
Of course it isn't. :duh: Keep blowin that smoke, double O seven. :lmao:

The only smoke I see here is the smoke from your crack pipe. Aimhigh has been honest with you people and you can't accept that. It sounds like you guys are very keen on learning someone else's information. I have no idea why any of you would want to post your past on a forum that anyone could read. That sounds very foolish. Why can't you take someone's word (especially when they back it up with credible information)? My father was in the government for 30 years and there are things he still wont talk about. Just stop fighting the crusade and get over it. PEACE :patriot:


Kyle said:
If you had a real life you wouldn't be on here trying to convince everyone you're James Bond. :dork:

From what I gathered from AH2000's posting is that he lead a very commendable military career, that he can't share with the likes of you. If you don't like it, at the very least respect it. :getdown: