John Kerry Timeline


Christy said:
You're spreading an awful lot of vague business around, professing to be some sort of super hero. :duh: If what you did was so secret, you'd know it's just retarded to even reference it MORON. :duh:

If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living, and what have you done with yourself for the last 20 years? Hmmmmm, your response will not be filled with extensive details because your personal business is just personal business. I wouldn't expect you to air your dirty laundry (of course who would want to see those granny panies) on this website considering there are many eyes reading what you say. :loser:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
From what I gathered from AH2000's posting is that he lead a very commendable military career, that he can't share with the likes of you. If you don't like it, at the very least respect it. :getdown:
If it were real, I might... I have little regard for fiction or delusion.

You may go now.


and here I thought I was worried that Al BORE was going to get into the oval orafice.......I think John Scerry is just as bad. :twitch:


Kyle said:
If it were real, I might... I have little regard for fiction or delusion.

You may go now.

I'm sorry if you feel that your life is so boring and blah that you have to make yourself feel better by degrading others. You should go now. You don't belong. Good bye. :whip:


Christy said:
Drink 40's and smoke crack. :martini: :cool:

I'm not surprised with all the crap you have posted on this site. Only a crack smoker would throw so much feces on their post...... :whistle:

I see you left out the detail...of course that's what I expected from a feces thrower.


justhangn said:
and here I thought I was worried that Al BORE was going to get into the oval orafice.......I think John Scerry is just as bad. :twitch:

Your mistaken. Bush can't hide behind his backwoods supporters any longer (smibs). He will be held accountable come NOV 2.


Active Member
Let me break it down for you

I have no clue where the James Bond/Secret Agent crap came from. As I stated, I was AF Combat Para/Rescue. If you knew anything, you would know that that is far from being a spy or an agent. Some of what a C/PR does: When a pilot is down, we go in and get them. We also are FIFO for containing and securing airfields. And I sure as he** don't have to convince any of you what I did. I think your just pizzed because I can't disclose specific missions that I may or may not have been on. I have and had no desire to become an agent of anykind, I even turned down a chance at AFOSI. I do have a job within the government that currently prohibits me from disclosing the nature of what I do. I find it odd that some of you believe jobs like that do not exist, being we are only 40 miles (or more depending on what part you live in) from DC. As I am sure, I believe the Pentagon would be thrilled for some of you that were on classified missions to publicly disclose those missions on an open chat forum. You want to know what I do? I work for the government. Where do I work? In the Washington Area. Will I tell you what I do for the government? NO. I like my job, and I would like to retire in a couple more years. I have never claimed, nor made any statements alluding to or affirming that I was a secret agent. And I was no super hero, I was just doing my job. I am sure a radar specialist knows what that it is like. Oh, and I do know about radar specialists. I have been inside WADS (formerly NWADS) at McChord AFB. I have seen them sitting behind the screens and tracking aircraft over the western defense sector. Hey, if you want to know what I did, join the Air Force, make it through C/PR training, and you will get an idea. You people are the ones with visions of agents and spies.
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Aimhigh2000 said:
I have no clue where the James Bond/Secret Agent crap came from. As I stated, I was AF Combat Para/Rescue. If you knew anything, you would know that that is far from being a spy or an agent. Some of what a C/PR does: When a pilot is down, we go in and get them. We also are FIFO for containing and securing airfields. And I sure as he** don't have to convince any of you what I did. I think your just pizzed because I can't disclose specific missions that I may or may not have been on. I have and had no desire to become an agent of anykind, I even turned down a chance at AFOSI. I do have a job within the government that currently prohibits me from disclosing the nature of what I do. I find it odd that some of you believe jobs like that do not exist, being we are only 40 miles (or more depending on what part you live in) from DC. As I am sure, I believe the Pentagon would be thrilled for some of you that were on classified missions to publicly disclose those missions on an open chat forum. You want to know what I do? I work for the government. Where do I work? In the Washington Area. Will I tell you what I do for the government? NO. I like my job, and I would like to retire in a couple more years. I have never claimed, nor made any statements alluding to or affirming that I was a secret agent. And I was no super hero, I was just doing my job. I am sure a radar specialist knows what that it is like. Oh, and I do know about radar specialists. I have been inside WADS (formerly NWADS) at McChord AFB. I have seen them sitting behind the screens and tracking aircraft over the western defense sector. Hey, if you want to know what I did, join the Air Force, make it through C/PR training, and you will get an idea. You people are the ones with visions of agents and spies.

Right on. I think that covers that. SO YOU PEOPLE JUST BETTER BACK OFF. I got your back AH2000!!!!! :howdy:


Active Member
Like I said

Yeah, for Hollywood. So now you want to make my career a joke? You know, some people volunteer for the military because its the right thing to do. I joined because my family has a long and proud military history. My Great-Great Grandfather, My Great-Grandfather, Grandfather, and Dad all served. As a matter of fact you unpatriotic scum, my father was instrumental in the E6-A program here at Pax. He also assisted with the logistical support with the 767 AWACS project. He did three rotations in Nam, and was a distinguished officer. I don't care what kind of service a person did or does in the military. From a cook to a general. I may disagree with political views, but I will stand side by side with the most conservative republican and the most liberal democrat when it comes to honoring someones military service. I don't even care that the others that were in the military are ragging on me. So what? Sounds like pencil pushers to me. We are all vets, and I respect them all for their career, even a radar specialist. I don't care if people disagree with me or not, but to spit on my military career, you are spitting on every vet and current service member. I hope you are ashamed. And my backdoor is exit only
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I respect your military career AH2000!!!!! I'm sorry folks but I'm not interested in any body's backdoor. It's not my thang, but it could by someone elses and I have no problem with that. If Jesus was here he would be disgusted with you for spitting on our vets.


I respect all American vets, retirees,..enlisted and officer,....any branch...for their HONORABLE service.....


b*tch rocket
Aimhigh2000 said:
I believe the Pentagon would be thrilled for some of you that were on classified missions to publicly disclose those missions on an open chat forum.
I'm sure they would. The only one chest beating about their "missions" on here is you. :lol: