John McCain was not tortured


I'm the Boss of Me
He was not tortured, if you believe the Bush Administration definition of torture.....

In all the discussion of John McCain's recently recovered memory of a religious epiphany in Vietnam, one thing has been missing. The torture that was deployed against McCain emerges in all the various accounts. It involved sleep deprivation, the withholding of medical treatment, stress positions, long-time standing, and beating. Sound familiar?
According to the Bush administration's definition of torture, McCain was therefore not tortured.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
He was not tortured, if you believe the Bush Administration definition of torture.....

In all the discussion of John McCain's recently recovered memory of a religious epiphany in Vietnam, one thing has been missing. The torture that was deployed against McCain emerges in all the various accounts. It involved sleep deprivation, the withholding of medical treatment, stress positions, long-time standing, and beating. Sound familiar?
According to the Bush administration's definition of torture, McCain was therefore not tortured.

You are a complete waste of air. Please go kill yourself right now and we will all pray you haven't managed to pass on your genes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Forestal, when you do this you do more harm than good for the Democrats. I'm just telling you.....


New Member
I am no Bush fan and that's one area Mccain seems to differ - Mccain has said he would consider things torture that Bush does not. Maybe we should subject Bush to water boarding and see if he likes it??


I'm the Boss of Me
yeh, I give McCain credit for standing up to Bush on torture. Having experienced it first hand, could we expect any different?

I'll be celebrating in January no matter who wins: McCain will still be a much better president than Bush.

I am no Bush fan and that's one area Mccain seems to differ - Mccain has said he would consider things torture that Bush does not. Maybe we should subject Bush to water boarding and see if he likes it??


Lem Putt
I am no Bush fan and that's one area Mccain seems to differ - Mccain has said he would consider things torture that Bush does not. Maybe we should subject Bush to water boarding and see if he likes it??

JFC, quit being such a putz. There are at least a dozen people on these forums who have been waterboarded. It's not fun, but if I had to choose between having my fingernails pulled out or being waterboarded, guess which one I'd choose?


New Member


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New Member
Hello, my point was that if anyone is qualified to decide what torture is or is not, its Mccain and not Bush. If Mccain says we have crossed the line, then he would know.

Why defend Bush on this?

And what was that comment about Boot Camp? I am not military, never wanted to and never tried, but I do have BS in engineering and an MS in engineering, so don't talk to me about exams.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I assume...

He was not tortured, if you believe the Bush Administration definition of torture.....

In all the discussion of John McCain's recently recovered memory of a religious epiphany in Vietnam, one thing has been missing. The torture that was deployed against McCain emerges in all the various accounts. It involved sleep deprivation, the withholding of medical treatment, stress positions, long-time standing, and beating. Sound familiar?
According to the Bush administration's definition of torture, McCain was therefore not tortured.'ve never heard McCain give a speech? Sounds tortured to me.


New Member
I am not the one with crap coming out my mouth...

But if you need a lesson how to use TP, go ask your mommy.