Joint pain


New Member
Fever, headaches, mucous membrane (mouth, nose, 'down there') sores?

The skin lumps on your legs still there? Tender to the touch and/or reddened?

Well the dr ran more tests and I came back way over the range for a positive EBV (Eppstein Barr virus) there are 3 tests for it and 2 of the 3 all were >8 with the normal positive range being >1. There was another test for an autoimmune thing that was 10 times higher than the normal positive range. So I have an answer to the problem but am not sure how to feel about it. There's no pill to give me to make it better and I'll always have it. I'm a little sad that I've felt like crap for so long and now I find out I'll just continue to feel like crap with no magic cure aargh :cds:


Well-Known Member
Well the dr ran more tests and I came back way over the range for a positive EBV (Eppstein Barr virus) there are 3 tests for it and 2 of the 3 all were >8 with the normal positive range being >1. There was another test for an autoimmune thing that was 10 times higher than the normal positive range. So I have an answer to the problem but am not sure how to feel about it. There's no pill to give me to make it better and I'll always have it. I'm a little sad that I've felt like crap for so long and now I find out I'll just continue to feel like crap with no magic cure aargh :cds:

There should be some relief in knowing what's causing it. Surely they have some meds that can help with the symptoms and make you feel better. Good luck to you. It will all work out!


Adopt me please !
People can get mucous membrane ulcers if they have an allergy to something they take (meds)/eat, etc.

Fever, headaches, mucous membrane (mouth, nose, 'down there') sores?

The skin lumps on your legs still there? Tender to the touch and/or reddened?


New Member
it is wise to get tested for Lyme, my husband's Lyme came back again 10 years. H:whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle:e had some real joint pain come back and I told him to get to his primary and just get a month worth of doxycycline. If it goes away while you on that then that is what it was!

I'm going back the 9th to see what they're going to do, I'll ask for a western blot test


it is wise to get tested for Lyme, my husband's Lyme came back again 10 years. H:whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle:e had some real joint pain come back and I told him to get to his primary and just get a month worth of doxycycline. If it goes away while you on that then that is what it was!

A months worth of doxy won't cure all Lyme cases.


Lovin' being Texican
Well the dr ran more tests and I came back way over the range for a positive EBV (Eppstein Barr virus) there are 3 tests for it and 2 of the 3 all were >8 with the normal positive range being >1. There was another test for an autoimmune thing that was 10 times higher than the normal positive range. So I have an answer to the problem but am not sure how to feel about it. There's no pill to give me to make it better and I'll always have it. I'm a little sad that I've felt like crap for so long and now I find out I'll just continue to feel like crap with no magic cure aargh :cds:

So, your doctor is entertaining a diagnosis of "Yuppy Flu?" I hope not.