Joseph Smith, Founder of Mormon Religion


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Religion Topic for a better understanding of how Mormonism began through the "revelations" experienced by Joseph Smith.

Excerpts From Mormon Teachings:

“…filled with an overwhelming desire to know which church he should join, Joseph Smith ventured out to the woods near his house and knelt down to pray. Joseph Smith related his experience in Joseph Smith History 1:17. He said, "When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other – 'This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!'" (JS-H 1:17)

“Upon seeing the two Personages, Joseph Smith settled on asking the question in which he originally came to know the answer to: which church he should join. Jesus Christ answered, saying "that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong." (JS-H 1:19)

On the twenty-first of April in 1823, Joseph Smith knelt to pray in his bedroom. He desired to know where he stood with God. Suddenly, an angel appeared to him. This event is recorded in Joseph Smith History 1:33-34. It reads, "[The angel] called me by name, and said unto me that he was a messenger sent from the presence of God to me, and that his name was Moroni; that God had a work for me to do… He said there was a book deposited, written upon gold plates, giving an account of the former inhabitants of this continent, and the source from whence they sprang. He also said that the fulness of the everlasting Gospel was contained in it, as delivered by the Savior to the ancient inhabitants."

The angel Moroni, as he called himself, informed the boy Joseph that when he did receive the gold plates that he could not in any way show them to any person, otherwise, Moroni said he would be destroyed. The Hill Cumorah is where the angel Moroni showed him where the plates were located. The following four years were spent conversing with angel Moroni, whom instructed and taught Joseph Smith. During this time, Joseph also met and married Emma Hale.

On the September 22, 1827, Joseph Smith went to the place on Hill Cumorah where the gold plates were deposited and, as commanded by Moroni, retrieved them. Later, in the year 1829, a convert named Oliver Cowdery arrived. He and Joseph Smith began the process of translating the gold plates, which was done only and through the gift and power of God.

Shortly into the process of translating the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery pondered on the idea of baptism. They decided to retreat to woods to pray for an answer. John the Baptist (cousin to Jesus Christ) appeared to them. He then laid his hands upon the heads of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and ordained upon them the Aaronic Priesthood; "which holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins..." (JS-H 1:69) Following the ordinations, John the Baptist commanded Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to baptize each other.

Weeks later, Peter, James, and John conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. Now the fullness of the gospel could be restored, the Church of Jesus Christ could be organized to 'roll forth,' and all the ordinances necessary for the salvation of God's children could be performed—including bestowing the gift of the Holy Ghost.

The translated plates became known as the Book of Mormon. A select few were given the opportunity to view the gold plates and witnessed of them. The testimonies of the three and eight witnesses can be found in the opening of the Book of Mormon.

Source: The Prophet Joseph Smith


Well-Known Member
And, here's what they believe:

Mormon Religion The Mormon religion teaches that Jesus is the Christ and Savior of the world just as other Christian religions do. Based on the definition of "Christian" from the a Christian is a person who "professes belief in Jesus Christ" and "manifests the qualities or spirit of Jesus". Thus a true Christian is one that believes in and acts like Christ. "Faithful members of the Church, called Saints or Latter-day Saints, qualify clearly in both characteristics. In our belief and our action, we demonstrate that 'Jesus Christ himself [is] the chief corner stone' of our faith."1

Christ asked His followers to pattern their lives after His. Thus true followers of Christ must be “doers of the word, and not hearers only.”2 The Mormon religion teaches its members to become like Christ through love and service. Which is a big reason that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not have paid clergy but relies on the service of its members.

The Mormon religion focuses on families. Believing that this basic unit of society is also the basic unit of eternity. It is within families that people learn how to love and be loved as well as other basic Christian values such as hard work, service, honesty, faith, and prayer. Within the walls of Mormon temples and through special priesthood sealing powers families can be bound together for time and all eternity.

Mormon religion teaches that, "The purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to help all of the children of God understand their potential and achieve their highest destiny… Our understanding of the nature and purpose of God the Eternal Father explains our destiny and our relationship in his eternal family. Our theology begins with heavenly parents. Our highest aspiration is to be like them… As earthly parents we participate in the gospel plan by providing mortal bodies for the spirit children of God. The fullness of eternal salvation is a family matter."3

The biggest thing that sets the Mormon religion apart from other Christian religions is their belief in the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon, as the cover states, is "another testament of Christ". The prophet Joseph Smith translated it from gold plates, which he received from the angel Moroni. The Book of Mormon contains a record of the inhabitants of the American continents and Christ's visit to them after his resurrection.

At the end of the Book of Mormon is a challenge for all those that read the Book of Mormon. It states, "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things." 4

If the Book of Mormon is a true book then the other aspects of the Mormon religion that many find hard to believe must be true as well. Namely that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. That he truly did see God the Father and His son Jesus Christ in a vision. That he was instrumental in restoring Christ's true church upon the earth today.

One must also believe that a prophet leads the Mormon Church today. But the Mormon religion does not want blind followers. The Church teaches men and women to pray and know for themselves whether: the Book of Mormon is true, Joseph Smith was a prophet, the Church is led by a prophet today, and the principles taught by the Church are true. Thus members of the Mormon religion must gain a testimony for themselves of the truthfulness of the restored gospel of Christ.


New Member
A question for Starman/ItalianScalion/Jeffcaudle/2a, for clarification

When YOU post, about a belief that is not YOURS, is YOUR interepretation of that belief any more valid than when I post about Christianity?


Hi Nucklesack,

The info I posted IS basic to the foundational tenets of what Mormons believe. It was posted as a comparative for others to see for themselves that Joseph Smith claimed that all religions are wrong and that "Jesus" has restored the "true church" through Smith's revelations.

Knowing this, you can counter fundamental New Testament Christianity all you wish, but you would still have to make a determination if Mormonism is in-fact in-line with New Testament teachings of Jesus, Salvation and the Eternal Life and also if it is the only "true religion" on earth restored through Smith, as Mormons believe.

Do you?

BTW: I studied with Mormon missionaries for a few weeks and accepted the Mormon challenge to "pray about their church." This was at a time when I was searching for truth about God and was almost convinced that the LDS Church was the "true church" as they claim.


New Member
This made for a great episode of South Park.:yay:

the ones about the catholic church and the scientologist were Buttfunny too.

but on this topic, i dont believe a word of it, but i dont believe anybody elses claims about having spoken to god or angels either.

however, i think that if you believe that some at some point have conversed with god, then you CANNOT dismiss this contact out of hand. :whistle:


I bowl overhand
Christ asked His followers to pattern their lives after His. Thus true followers of Christ must be “doers of the word, and not hearers only.”2 The Mormon religion teaches its members to become like Christ through love and service. Which is a big reason that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not have paid clergy but relies on the service of its members.

WOW, their clergy doesn't do it for the money???

The church or the local members don't pay their priests a salary??

Who would think that possible, to lead people in prayer and reflection without getting ANY money for it!!


New Member
If my understanding of the Mormon religion is correct, they believe a total apostacy occurred immediately following the death of the last apostle, who would have been John. If that apostacy had not been "total", JS would have been told to where to find the "faithful remnant", with whom he could rebuild and evangelize. This would then mean that the church Jesus Christ established lasted fewer than 100 years on earth, at the most. The church established by Joseph Smith is already closing in on 200 years old, and with that we must conclude that prophet Joseph Smith was able to accomplish what the Son of God Himself could not. Pure blasphemy!


I bowl overhand
If my understanding of the Mormon religion is correct, they believe a total apostacy occurred immediately following the death of the last apostle, who would have been John. If that apostacy had not been "total", JS would have been told to where to find the "faithful remnant", with whom he could rebuild and evangelize. This would then mean that the church Jesus Christ established lasted fewer than 100 years on earth, at the most. The church established by Joseph Smith is already closing in on 200 years old, and with that we must conclude that prophet Joseph Smith was able to accomplish what the Son of God Himself could not. Pure blasphemy!

Their fiction doesn't agree with your fiction??

You should burn their churches.. and run them off.. to someplace desolate.. like UTAH!!


Well-Known Member
WOW, their clergy doesn't do it for the money???

The church or the local members don't pay their priests a salary??

Who would think that possible, to lead people in prayer and reflection without getting ANY money for it!!
What do you get out of being so sarcastic and cynical? In what way does this please you?


Well-Known Member
They could be original in their protests, this is all coming about because Romney (a Mormon) is running and doing decent.
The same kind of, they dont believe the fiction correctly, stories came out when Kennedy (John) was running.
Personally, the only people I've heard make any kind of a stink about this is the media, assuming it would be a problem for "the conservatives". Nobody I know has a problem with it. It's a made up worry to make a front running conservative have a problem.


New Member
They could be original in their protests, this is all coming about because Romney (a Mormon) is running and doing decent.
The same kind of, they dont believe the fiction correctly, stories came out when Kennedy (John) was running.

well thats becasue EVERYONE knows that catholics are more of a belief based cult than a christian sect. I mean praying to saints????
just because they claim to be christians doens't make it so.....

there actions show what their.... i can't even finish its so freaking funny!!!!


Well-Known Member
HELLO your in a thread about the MORMON founder, where assumptions are made based on the interpretation of a Non-Mormon.

There was a thread yesterday about What Is Mormonism? A Baptist Answer(Baptists were also one of the biggest religious critics to Kennedy)

You can deny it but there is a feeling of unease, as well as an increase of Mormon "information", about Romney and the chance that he maybe the Republican Nominee.
But, the source of the (dis)information is not coming from the bulk of conservative and/or religious people, it's coming from people out to hurt either the religion, Romney, or both.

It'd be interesting to go back and see who actually had a problem with JFK's religion. Obviously it was less than it would have seemed, since he almost won the election (Nixon being kind enough not to stand and whine about dishonest voting in Chicago, unlike Gore regarding Florida). I think the same would be true now - a few people who either hate Mormons, or hate conservatives, or both, will make a HUGE stink regarding Romney's religion. Smoke and mirrors if you can't find any substance to fight.


New Member
Their fiction doesn't agree with your fiction??

You should burn their churches.. and run them off.. to someplace desolate.. like UTAH!!

My statement is based on Joseph Smith and other Christians accepting the same basic paradigm, which is that Jesus Christ is not fiction, but the Savior of mankind sent by God the Father.
If you do not accept this paradigm then I would not bother to converse with you on the subject.
If you want to use this forum to challenge Christianity, start a thread. I'm sure you'll have plenty of takers.


New Member
HELLO your in a thread about the MORMON founder, where assumptions are made based on the interpretation of a Non-Mormon.

There was a thread yesterday about What Is Mormonism? A Baptist Answer(Baptists were also one of the biggest religious critics to Kennedy)

You can deny it but there is a feeling of unease, as well as an increase of Mormon "information", about Romney and the chance that he maybe the Republican Nominee.

So, help me to understand you. Are you saying that faith is fiction?


Well-Known Member
WOW, their clergy doesn't do it for the money???

The church or the local members don't pay their priests a salary??

Who would think that possible, to lead people in prayer and reflection without getting ANY money for it!!
I find it cynical and sarcastic that you think clergy do their job for the money, that it's impossible to think people would help others religiously for no pay.

The majority do it for no pay through prayer groups and study/discussion groups - voluntarily and through sheer desire. A few do it as a career, and need to be housed and fed - they get little more than that.

It's not a surprising concept, and that you treat it as one is what I find sarcastic and cynical.


I bowl overhand
My statement is based on Joseph Smith and other Christians accepting the same basic paradigm, which is that Jesus Christ is not fiction, but the Savior of mankind sent by God the Father.
If you do not accept this paradigm then I would not bother to converse with you on the subject.
If you want to use this forum to challenge Christianity, start a thread. I'm sure you'll have plenty of takers.

ANd I asked if was possible to pray and lead people without getting paid for it.. To me it gives it more meaning..

In the mormon church, "priestcraft" or getting paid to do the Lords work is forbidden! This includes prayer, proselytizing, baptism, leading a local church, giving blessing etc.. etc..

I don't believe in organized religion at all, but this part of the Mormon religion makes a LOT of sense..