Joseph Smith, Founder of Mormon Religion


New Member
I don't think he mentioned being superior, or being on a throne, or in any other way describing anything but his understanding of the religions. By patronizing him in such a way, I believe you're being disrespectful to his thoughts and opinions.

I think that just by saying that everyone else is wrong he's implying that his interpretation is superior.


Well-Known Member
No, I think what is disrespectful and hateful is picking out individual religions and telling them they're wrong because you don't pray or intepret the playbook like we do..

Personally I think ALL of you are wrong, but I'm not picking anyone out of the pack to ostracize and heap loads of hate on.

Seems kind of infantile..

"Our God is better than your God!"

"Our Jesus can kick your Jesus' butt!!"

Sounds like a battlefield rallying cry.....
I am speaking for someone else here, and I probably shouldn't. I know my posts have never said anything like what you're saying above. If Star's point is that his God is better than someone else's specific God, and he's not stating it as his opinion, than I would agree that speaking like that is ALSO disrespectful, just like attacking his beliefs is disrespectful.

However, not having read all of his posts, I make the assumption he's saying "this is what I think. Of course I think I'm right", without being disrespectful to others.


New Member
This is more of what I was describing as disrespectful - Star is merely pointing out that, in his opinion, the teaching of the different religions talk about the same person, but ascribe different attributes to the same person. And, Star believes one way, and the other religions believe other ways, ways he disagrees with.

I don't think he mentioned being superior, or being on a throne, or in any other way describing anything but his understanding of the religions. By patronizing him in such a way, I believe you're being disrespectful to his thoughts and opinions.

Thank you for understanding. I appreciate your comments.


Well-Known Member
I think that just by saying that everyone else is wrong he's implying that his interpretation is superior.
I guess this is a tightrope. Again, like I said above, I can only speak to my attitude on discussions like this - of course I think my opinion, my stance is right (which, by definition, means something other than it would be wrong), but that doesn't mean I feel mine is superior. You certainly have the right to your opinion, I and suspect you believe where we disagree that I'm wrong and you're right - otherwise you wouldn't actually believe what you believe :lol:. But, I trust that you respect my right to believe my way, as I respect your right to believe yours.

I specifically try not to belittle your belief, because I hope you hold your beliefs as dearly as I hold mine. Intelligent adults can discuss things without being disrespectful.

I like Ford trucks, and have my reasons. Others like Chevies and have their reasons. I'll buy Fords, they'll buy Chevies, and we can all live together just fine, and discuss our differences.

The only time I personally think our differences should be a problem for anyone is when one's beliefs hurt someone else. Like, when someone says "convert or die". Or, someone says "you can't start an optional afterschool prayer group".

Am I making sense?


Well-Known Member
You should be a mediator of some sort =)

I'm not sure my wife would agree! :killingme

I just think we can discuss these things, and maybe even effect someone else's thinking. If we let it drop to attacking each other, nobody wins, because we're only looking for the next thing to attack, not the overall message.