HELLO your in a thread about the MORMON founder, where assumptions are made based on the interpretation of a Non-Mormon.
There was a thread yesterday about
What Is Mormonism? A Baptist Answer(Baptists were also one of the biggest religious critics to Kennedy)
You can deny it but there is a feeling of unease, as well as an increase of Mormon "information", about Romney and the chance that he maybe the Republican Nominee.
Hmmm...actually there are no assumptions when comparing Mormon theology to fundamental New Testament teachings. Even an Atheist could tell that there is a difference when analyzing both teachings from an "objective" Atheistic point of view. The only premise is that the Atheist would have to be learned enough in both teachings in order to conclude that Mormonism cannot be considered a "Christian" religion just because Joseph Smith claimed he was granted the "Divine" privilege to "restore "Christ's true church on earth."
Some of the points in contrast between Mormonism and New Testament (NT)theology include the following:
-Mormonism teaches that the birth of Jesus was through sexual relations between the physical being,"God" and Mary.
NT: Jesus was conceived by the Divine Intervention of the Holy Spirit. If God, through His word could speak the worlds into existence and create man from dust, then God could cause Mary to conceive the Christ-Child, not through physical relations but by His Spoken Will.
-Mormonism teaches that Jesus is the "spirit-brother" of Satan.
NT: No such reference in the Holy Bible. By contrast, Jesus is the embodiment of God in human form while Satan is a created angelic being with free-will who rebelled against God.
-Mormonism teaches that a Mormon male can become exalted to become a "god" and inherit a planet that he will be able to populate with his multiple wives.
NT and Old Testament: There is only One God and no other(s). Satan's pride drove him to believe he could overthrow God and become "as the Most High".
There are no marriages in heaven and no continued population through sexual relations.
- Mormonism teaches that there are three (3) levels of heaven, the most faithful being able to be end up in the third and highest heaven.
NT: There is only One Heaven that will be the eternal destiny of those who have been saved by faith - not in "religion" or "religious works" but in God's Plan of Salvation through Y'shua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah).
God Did For Mankind What Abraham Was Going To Do For God.