July sucks



Originally posted by Ken King
In case any of you wizards hadn’t noticed when the weather gets warmer the clothing gets skimpier. It’s been that way for years and will probably always be.

WE can only hope. :yay:

Lost Soul

New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
Those that call them sluts based solely on what they wear seem to be the ones on the slide down the evolutionary ladder. In case any of you wizards hadn’t noticed when the weather gets warmer the clothing gets skimpier. It’s been that way for years and will probably always be.

One of the best reasons to enjoy the summer:clap:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Lost Soul
One of the best reasons to enjoy the summer:clap:
You bet, I'm still looking for that "Club-Med" carwash where it is female operated and they are topless.


professional daydreamer
Originally posted by Ken King
Those that call them sluts based solely on what they wear seem to be the ones on the slide down the evolutionary ladder. In case any of you wizards hadn’t noticed when the weather gets warmer the clothing gets skimpier. It’s been that way for years and will probably always be.

I think we just have a bunch of prudes out there that would prefer everyone else wore a burka so they would feel more attractive.


Insert Lame Innuendo Here
Originally posted by mAlice
I think we just have a bunch of prudes out there that would prefer everyone else wore a burka so they would feel more attractive.

Yup... that's it.

Because as apparently most of you guys know, a person can't look "attractive" unless they're wearing the most minimal outfit possible without getting arrested.

Being attractive in clothes that actually cover things up? You mean like, a girl in a skirt that actually covers her ass (the top AND bottom)? And doesn't have her saggies hanging out the top?

No, that could NEVER be attractive at all.


New Member
Originally posted by Kody
Whats on the mind of a strappin young playboy of Solomons Island

1) Its too damn hot to work

2) Girls are getting sluttier every summer.......can't find a decent one anywhere

3) Drugs are getting more expensive.................and I need more of'm to deal w/ this stupid town

4) I'm losing way too much wieght....and i'm always hungry

5) Ex-girlfriends always jockin my D............but i hate all the head games they play

6) I know everyone in this County...............i can't walk around unnoticed anywhere it seems

7) Too many ppl believe too many lies about me

8) That bouncer @ Harbor Sounds is an a-hole

9) what the hells fake about my ID

10) Everyone that works at Fastop is a punk....especially the guy that looks like he has crushed potato chips for fingernails

11) i'm only 20 but i feel 45

12) my friends suck.............none of them are reliable

13) I can't afford gasoline & cigarettes.......so its one or the other

14) st. marys has all the stores and restaurants......we have a mcDonalds

16) theres so much pressure on my generation

17) my heads always full of stress and confusion and I don't think anybody cares

i'm done ranting for now

Hey :loser: Wanna ride my bus? I have an empty seat for you! :shortbus:


Originally posted by Kody
Whats on the mind of a strappin young playboy of Solomons Island

1) Its too damn hot to work........so go around neked....I do!

2) Girls are getting sluttier every summer.......can't find a decent one anywhere........Dude...hook me up, i'm allways lookin for the next victim

3) Drugs are getting more expensive.................and I need more of'm to deal w/ this stupid town.......can't help ya there...military won't let me

4) I'm losing way too much wieght....and i'm always hungry..........hang out behind dunkin doughnuts and wait for the day-olds

5) Ex-girlfriends always jockin my D............but i hate all the head games they play...........please refer to #2

6) I know everyone in this County...............i can't walk around unnoticed anywhere it seems...........boy you get around don't ya

7) Too many ppl believe too many lies about me.............same here.......but they are not lies

8) That bouncer @ Harbor Sounds is an a-hole...........did he smell like one? did he have a crack down the middle of his face ?

9) what the hells fake about my ID............i could sell ya a government id

10) Everyone that works at Fastop is a punk....especially the guy that looks like he has crushed potato chips for fingernails.............i'm at a loss for words on this one

11) i'm only 20 but i feel 45.........dude! u think that sux????try being 33 and looking 23! All the chicks my age think i'm too young for em

12) my friends suck.............none of them are reliable.................then they are not friends then are they?

13) I can't afford gasoline & cigarettes.......so its one or the other................make methane out of chicken poop......and roll your own

14) st. marys has all the stores and restaurants......we have a mcDonalds..............if your whineing about this.....then why are you losing weight?

16) theres so much pressure on my generation..............so don't let em down

17) my heads always full of stress and confusion and I don't think anybody cares ..............somebody somewhere cares.........maybe mommie.........give her a call, i'm sure she would love to hear from ya

i'm done ranting for now
.................some day you will look back and laugh......


Originally posted by Gallntfox
And where does one go to find these "girls that are getting sluttier every summer. " Hell...I don't even care about EVERY Summer...I'd just settle one for THIS SUMMER.
Here and here

:lol: :bubble: