Just wondering....


New Member
Has anybody had the question, "Hot enough for ya?" or the statement, "It's not so much the heat as the humidity!" thrown at you? If so, where and how hard did you kick 'em ??? :burning:


The Original Lilly
Originally posted by tater
"It's not so much the heat as the humidity

Oh you are obviously not from Southern MD! We like a little water in our air down here! Cleanses the lungs!


New Member
Re: Re: Just wondering....

Originally posted by Lilly

Oh you are obviously not from Southern MD! We like a little water in our air down here! Cleanses the lungs!

Nope, I'm from Southwestern Missouri (where the men are steel and the goats are scared) :wink: ....... Anyhow, it wasn't a hit on the temperature OR the humidity.........just on the same tired ass saying by every other person you run into :biggrin:


The Original Lilly
I knew what you meant Tater - that was my response when I hear the same tired ass saying again and again.


yeah yeah
Originally posted by BchBns

I think he put those up b/c we don't have the video feed yet of my beagles (both males) doing it! :lmao:

Cari, you shouldn't be surprised ... he did state above he was from "misery" :rolleyes: :biggrin:



New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
tater! You evil, evil man! take those fornicating smilies off of this god fearing bulletin board. Repent while you still have time!

I have to go pray now.

Sorry, Sister Cariblue. Oh My !!! Is THAT what they are doing?? :blushing:

I could've sworn it was just an innocent massage.... My bad :eek:
Last edited:


Beloved Misanthrope
Leave the "fornicating smilies" on there. That may be how we're getting all the new ones! :lmao:


New Member
Originally posted by Kyle955
Leave the "fornicating smilies" on there. That may be how we're getting all the new ones! :lmao:

A buddy of mine just sent me LOTS. "Oopie Doopie, we havum fun now" :biggrin: (Guess what that was off of):question:


Beloved Misanthrope
Originally posted by cariblue
Kyle, you're just as bad. You have a rotten soul and it will be your demise....
Wouldn't be the first time I've been told that! :biggrin:


Beloved Misanthrope
Re: Kyle

Originally posted by Sharon
Love the new avatar! Whatcha packin'?
Shhhhhhh! Uncle Sam mah't be lis'nin. :biggrin:



* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
:lmao: @ Bch Bns!
Girl, you know I'm married, this is the best I can do. Luckily my hubbie doesn't scan the board! :lol:


Re: Re: Just wondering....

Originally posted by Lilly

Oh you are obviously not from Southern MD! We like a little water in our air down here! Cleanses the lungs!

Yeah something like that! Gotta love it!


aka Mrs. Giant
Re: Re: Cool

Originally posted by Kyle955
*softly whispers* Red dot... shhhhh!:biggrin:

Uhoh - I think I just fell out of love with jetmonkey and Kyle's my new heart throb:biggrin:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by tater

Sorry, Sister Cariblue. Oh My !!! Is THAT what they are doing?? :blushing:

I could've sworn it was just an innocent massage.... My bad :eek:

"Daddy, what are those two smilies doing?"

"Uh, er, one's sick and the other one is pushing her to the hospital."


aka Mrs. Giant
Re: Re: Re: Re: Cool

Originally posted by Kyle955

Oh no - I am melting over here - Kyle can I follow you around like a puppy and worship the ground you walk on......:notworthy