Justices hear 'Bong Hits 4 Jesus' case

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
CNN said:
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A high school principal was acting reasonably and in accord with the school's anti-drug mission when she suspended a student for displaying a "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" banner, her lawyer told the Supreme Court Monday.

"The message here is, in fact, critical," the lawyer, former independent counsel Kenneth Starr, said during a lively argument about whether the principal violated the constitutional rights of the student.


CNN said:
"I would never do it, but at the same time, it's free speech," said Chaim Frenkel, 17, of Silver Spring, Maryland. Frenkel was one of 13 seniors and their teacher from the Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy who arrived at the court at 4:30 a.m.

Natasha Braithwaite, 20, a junior at Columbia Union College in Takoma Park, Maryland, got in line at 7 a.m. with a definite opinion about the case. "In every possible way, his First Amendment rights were violated," Braithwaite said.


It's not free speech, it's acting like an idiot and the kid should be suspended.


Look my ass glows!
I don't believe he was promoting drugs or making a religious statement. He was seeking his 15 seconds of fame which has now been extended due to his taking it to the Supreme Court and the media is hyping it.

If he were someone who felt that using marijuana to achieve spiritual awareness was part of his religion then I would take this seriously but why bother getting all upset over some dumb kid who thought he was being funny? :smack:


Look my ass glows!
Bong hits and more-

I'd like to take credit for the following but, I gotta give props to a very witty and smart friend of mine! :yay:

Bong hits for Jesus
Hookah hits for Mohammed
Mob hits for Italians
Hymens for Hymies
Joints for Jehovah
Nuggies for Negroes
TP for buttheads
Manpons for he-men
Cho choos for chaa chaas
Hash pipes for Hindus
Titillation’s for Tibetans
Dorks for democracy
Rashes for republicans
Amphetamines for Azerbaijanis
Thai sticks for Eskimos
Peanuts for putzes

I mean WTF?

Oh we got a real Supreme Court don’t we?!?!
Why don’t they take up the case of why we are sending young men to be target practice for Al-Qaeda?

We can call it:
Casualties for Halliburton
Body counts for the Carlyle group
Blood stains for corporate profits
Body bags for British Petroleum

God help us if that supreme court justice freak who goes hunting with Dick Cheney gets his Uncle Tom friend on the bench and our new Aryan supreme court chairman to put Band-Aids on the mouths of heretics

Wouldn’t we all we be happier if we couldn’t tell a joke at someone else’s expense? Lets outlaw political incorrectness. Lets go back to the good old days of nuclear attack drills when we all stuck our heads into our school lockers in case of nuclear war. That way our heads would be preserved while we roasted our nuts.

In the 1300's the German flagellates were burning-Jews-at-the-stake-for-Jesus to try and stop the plague. Then the Catholic Church came to their senses and saw that the Jews were dying at the same rate as everyone else so how could the Jews be the cause of the plague? After all even a scapegoat has to get something out of it.

At least back then they realized it. Now we are not so smart. Now we believe scapegoats don’t have to get anything at all out of it.


Methodically disorganized
forestal said:
Being an idiot is protected, as you constantly use me as an example for.
By the way, are the chains we used to hold you here holding up well?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The Post weighs in...


WHAT IS a bong hit 4 Jesus? We're not sure, and we doubt anyone really knows what the phrase means -- which is one reason the Supreme Court ought not to regard it as prohibited speech.

I wonder if I could be of help to the Post?

Let's say the sign read;

"Reading Bibles for Jesus"


"Shooting guns for Jesus"


"Making gay/minority/sexist jokes for Jesus"


"Supporting Karl Rove for Jesus"


"Abstinence for Jesus"


"Smoking cigarettes for Jesus"

I wonder if things would clear up for the Post and, all of sudden, they may well see disruption of the school environment, which this sign was rather clearly aimed at, as the real message?


Fubar said:
I'd like to take credit for the following but, I gotta give props to a very witty and smart friend of mine! :yay:

Bong hits for Jesus
Hookah hits for Mohammed
Mob hits for Italians
Hymens for Hymies
Joints for Jehovah
Nuggies for Negroes
TP for buttheads
Manpons for he-men
Cho choos for chaa chaas
Hash pipes for Hindus
Titillation’s for Tibetans
Dorks for democracy
Rashes for republicans
Amphetamines for Azerbaijanis
Thai sticks for Eskimos
Peanuts for putzes



I'm Rick James #####!
Saw a brief bit of this on the news. They said the kid was on his wn time and on his OWN property...

He posted this sign on the front lawn of his own house and got suspended?


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Lugnut said:
Saw a brief bit of this on the news. They said the kid was on his wn time and on his OWN property...

He posted this sign on the front lawn of his own house and got suspended?
If that part is true, than I agree he has a case. What you do on your own time and at your own house is not the schools jurisdiction, the police now probably should have had some say in the matter.


New Member
This case may be started by somewhat of an "idiot" however, the fact that its made it all the way to the supreme court is pretty impressive. Depending on how they rule, and i've read some of the comments on the case will decide alot of things.

Do you believe that your local school system should have a say in what your child says, does, reads, his/her political views? In 1 way, this could be considered a practical joke that got completely outta hand. The act of smoking marijuana is a misdemeanor/felony, however the ideology to make it legal is a political agenda. Do you believe schools should have a say so in what your child can and cannot promote? If the kid was wearing a what would jesus do, or what would muhammed do teeshirt would they suspend him? Bong hits for jesus, a very interesting comment it is, they could not be only violating his freedom of speech rights but the fact that they are doing it in public. Is the school protesting religion here? (In the rastasafarian religion they promote marijuana usage). Did the banner cause a disruption to the point where the police could have charged him with inciting a riot?

I don't want the board of education telling anyones kids what they can and cannot wear to the mall, or furthermore injecting someones personal opinion, religion and political views on how kids should be taught, into students in this nation... If I wear a bong hits for GW Bush shirt around, I don't think administrators should have the authority to say anything about it, especially if im not in a classroom enviroment.

Not to mention the whole thing is going to prove that schools, educators, and people today lack common sense. The only way to teach these people and force them to change is through lawsuits which is sad, its all they understand. I've even heard of schools suspending kids for wearing a "billabong" shirt to school, its a surfing company. I don't think that it promotes drug usage, nor does a shirt like that disrupt school activities to the point where the teachers cannot teach. And when a little girl gets suspended for a butterknife that she uses to cut an apple because she has braces at lunch? What is that? Common sense? Forestals idea of an educational enviroment that makes sense? If you think a kid getting suspended for nailclippers is normal, something needs to be done about the system.

Its bad enough that schools have to teach the crap in the books, (the edited version of american history), its bad enough that the schools promote their version of the american constitution, and values. Its pretty clear now their scope of power has definately gone too far.

SMIB Sucks

What the?!?!?
protectmd said:
Do you believe that your local school system should have a say in what your child says, does, reads, his/her political views?

No, I don't have a problem with it if the child is on school property. But in this situation, the school let out early so they could watch the torch go by and this kid displayed his sign on on a street corner no where near the school. It just so happened that the principal was across the street and ran over an ripped it down. This kid was on his own time in a public place (not a school) and using his freedom of speech. Maybe it was in poor taste, (I thought it was damn funny) but totally in his right to do so. This is such a bunch of crap and that is why the kid won at US Court of Appeals. Freedom of speech and that's it. You don't have to agree with his sign though....

SMIB Sucks

What the?!?!?
This is just like someone holding up a sign that says Impeach Bush. At a rally for the Republican party. Some people will be against it, but it's perfectly fine for someone to hold up the sign. FREEDOM OF SPEECH BIATCH!


New Member
But the real arguement here is the rights of a person in and out of school. As it stands, someone can wear an impeach bush teeshirt to school, and on the other side of the fence you could kick him out for making an "anti government" statement. The real arguement here is should kids be allowed to voice their opinions and political agenda's through peaceful means in school? If they get a permit to protest an unfair rule at the local homecoming game, would the kids get suspended for voicing their opinion? Would the kids get suspended for writing a newspaper and discussing the poor practices and unfair treatment that they may be recieving at their place of higher learning?

If a citizen or some random parent came along and ripped it down, I don't think the case would have gone anywhere. That amounts to destruction of property, and wouldn't have resulted in the students suspension. But the principal, someone who wields scholastic power and a symbol of authority did it. On top of that, the principal abused that power by suspending the student. And the board of education was not bright upholding that poor decision, I think they realize now how serious this is...

Another reason its serious not only on the 1A violation of the students civil rights, but the fact that does this mean in the future, if a kid gets a speeding ticket he is going to get suspended from school as well? Does this mean if the kid is walking around the mall wearing a bong hits for jesus teeshirt that the principal will suspend him next schoolday for doing so? Just how much power do school administrators have? Are we truely on the verge of communism here where people are told how to think, how to vote, and what political policies they will and will not support, failure to do so may lead to your arrest, suspension, expulsion, detainment, and public humiliation? Just something to think about.


It pains me, but I have to side with the liberals on this one. Huge freedom of speech injustice!