Kamala Harris Actions and Reactions


Beloved Misanthrope
She was onto something....



PREMO Member
"The Girl Everyone Hates": Kamala Has No Supporters

Republicans hate Kamala, but so do leftists. She came out of the San Francisco socialite circuit, hooked up with Willie Brown, and then made the leap to the Senate. Her background as a prosecutor is at odds with an era when leftists hate anything to do with the criminal justice system and her activist credentials are non-existent.

Black people don't have Kamala's back. Nor does the Left. Nor does the Biden administration. Two out of the three are undermining her.
Biden wants to keep her down so she's not a threat if he manages to run for another term. And there's a host of Democrat rivals waiting to bump her off before she can run for the top job.

Aside from a manufactured Twitter fan base, Kamala is all alone. And while some politicians might persevere in the face of all that, Kamala is too weak and untested. Dick Cheney could dig into the number two job, no matter how much he was hated. Biden disregarded how much of a joke he was and persisted until he ended up in the White House. There are plenty of other examples from Truman to Nixon of unloved second bananas who were unfit for the job, persisting in the position they lucked into, until they got the brass ring.

But Kamala doesn't know how to endure. She's used to getting people to like her, and she turns surly and confused when they don't.


Well-Known Member
"The Girl Everyone Hates": Kamala Has No Supporters

Republicans hate Kamala, but so do leftists. She came out of the San Francisco socialite circuit, hooked up with Willie Brown, and then made the leap to the Senate. Her background as a prosecutor is at odds with an era when leftists hate anything to do with the criminal justice system and her activist credentials are non-existent.

Black people don't have Kamala's back. Nor does the Left. Nor does the Biden administration. Two out of the three are undermining her.
Biden wants to keep her down so she's not a threat if he manages to run for another term. And there's a host of Democrat rivals waiting to bump her off before she can run for the top job.

Aside from a manufactured Twitter fan base, Kamala is all alone. And while some politicians might persevere in the face of all that, Kamala is too weak and untested. Dick Cheney could dig into the number two job, no matter how much he was hated. Biden disregarded how much of a joke he was and persisted until he ended up in the White House. There are plenty of other examples from Truman to Nixon of unloved second bananas who were unfit for the job, persisting in the position they lucked into, until they got the brass ring.

But Kamala doesn't know how to endure. She's used to getting people to like her, and she turns surly and confused when they don't.
Sounds exactly like Joe*.


PREMO Member
Who Can Be Surprised that Kamala's In Over Her Head?

Word has leaked that the White House is having buyer's remorse about having picked her for the V.P. spot. My question is, why is everyone surprised?

Let's look at the facts. What criteria does a presidential candidate use to pick a running mate?

  1. The candidate should foremost be someone who has the presidential candidate's, the party's, and hopefully the country's confidence as to whether he can step into the president's position should it be necessary.
  2. A candidate should have most of the same values and political positions as the president.
  3. A V.P. pick should bring voters to the ticket.
  4. Often the state the candidate for V.P. is from is a great consideration as well.

Did Harris meet any of these usual requirements? The action, or inaction, that Harris took with the only assignment President Biden had delegated to her seems to answer whether she can accept responsibility. Her inaction speaks for itself — as does her avoidance when questioned about it.
Whether she shares Biden's values is questionable. During the debates, she accused Joe of being a racist. She also said she believed the woman who accused him of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Whereas Joe Biden was campaigning as a moderate, which is questionable, it is no secret that Senator Harris has the Senate's most liberal voting record — even to the left of Bernie Sanders. It can be checked at hotair.com.

Could Harris have brought any voters to the ticket? Unlikely. She pulled out of the presidential primaries before there was even a vote because she was polling so low. And there was no need to put a candidate from California, the bluest of states, on the national ticket. The state has gone to the Democrat candidate every election since 1984. The entire state is controlled by the Democrat party.


PREMO Member
‘People Feel Treated Like S***’: Kamala Harris Runs ‘Abusive’ Office, Biden Team Concerned, Report Says

The morale of the vice president’s team is apparently sagging and the office has had to handle several high-level departures less than six months into the term. The vice president’s plans are often only known to her and a close group of staff and advisers, and senior members of the office often do not communicate important details down the chain, or shift blame when something goes wrong, according to 22 former staff members, administration officials, and associates of the vice president interviewed by Politico.

“People are thrown under the bus from the very top, there are short fuses and it’s an abusive environment,” said one person with direct knowledge of how the vice president’s office is run. “It’s not a healthy environment and people often feel mistreated. It’s not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel treated like s***.”


PREMO Member
Obviously, Harris’ relationship with Biden’s team is already damaged or this article would never have been written. Her selection as a running mate was supposed to be a glowing achievement. Yet Politico is taking the first woman vice president to the woodshed and making her sound like a basket case. The closing paragraph basically says that she needs people to tell her how great she is, how wonderfully things are going, and make everything smooth sailing—or she falls apart. Not exaclty leader-of-the-free-world material.

Why are some in the adminstration torpedoing the successor to President Biden so brutally? Her border trip and associated media trips were a disaster. Harris did not attend the G-7, even as a learning opportunity to increase her foreign policy knowledge. Now, reports are surfacing that Jill Biden Ed.D. will attend diplomatic meetings at the Tokyo Olympics in her husband’s place, not Harris. Was the Politco his piece designed to make America more willing accept a declining President Biden rather than risk the disater that is Kamala Harris.

Of course, personal animus cannot be ruled out. Harris is very close to the Obamas, with their endorsement of her career going back years. Former President Obama receive rare criticism in the media when he referred to Harris as the best-looking attorney general in the country. He also vigorously endorsed her as Biden’s running mate and throughout the campaign:

In a statement, the two-term Democratic president said he and former First Lady Michelle Obama “couldn’t be more thrilled” about Kamala Harris being named as Biden’s running mate.
President Obama added that he thinks Biden “nailed this” decision.
“By choosing Senator Kamala Harris as America’s next vice president, he’s underscored his own judgment and character,” Obama, 59, said. “Reality shows us that these attributes are not optional in a president. They’re requirements of the job. And now Joe has an ideal partner to help him tackle the very real challenges America faces right now and in the years ahead.”



PREMO Member
One Thing You Can Photocopy About Kamala Harris After Her Trash Take on Rural Americans

Kamala Harris sucks. She sucks so bad that she might find herself with lower likability ratings than Hillary Clinton. That's saying something. The more Harris is in the spotlight, the worse she does as bad press seems to bubble up all around her. She's a cardboard cutout propped up by the liberal media. We've known this for eons, but it's now to the point where she's a politician who must stay out of the sunlight entirely to avoid lethal political burns.

She's the embodiment of everything that the Democratic Party has become—elitist, condescending, and blissfully ignorant about issues they feel aren't important. They can be wrong—and the truth is they often are. The echo chamber keeps their moral superiority complex well-nurtured. If they're inside the dome, they can be idiots. It's the only explanation for her take on voter ID, Kinko's, and rural Americans (via NY Post):

Vice President Kamala Harris was criticized Saturday for suggesting that rural Americans wouldn’t be able to comply with new voter-ID laws because they lack photocopying equipment.
Harris was asked on BET-TV about whether she believes there is room for compromise with Republicans on measures requiring voters to include a copy of identification with their ballots.
“I don’t think that we should underestimate what that could mean, because, in some people’s mind, that means, well, you’re going to have to Xerox or photocopy your ID to send it in to prove that you are who you are,” the Democrat told host Soledad O’Brien in an interview aired Friday night.
“There are a whole lot of people, especially people who live in rural communities, who don’t — there’s no Kinko’s, there’s no Office Max near them,” Harris continued.


Just sneakin' around....
“There are a whole lot of people, especially people who live in rural communities, who don’t — there’s no Kinko’s, there’s no Office Max near them,” Harris continued.
No CVS, Walgreens, corner store? No one with a frikin' cell phone? Does she believe that just because you live rural means you're a complete bumpkin wearing coveralls with no shirt and barefeet cooking over a campfire with a still in the background?


Well-Known Member
There may be people without printers or any way to copy a document, BUT there is no one who doesn't have a friend or relative without one that would ne happy to make a copy for them.