Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


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Kamala Harris Makes DESPERATE Campaign MOVE As Trump Gets MAJOR BOOST From Her Worst Nightmare!​

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Another episode of The Five that I couldn't watch thanks to Jessica. The Judge was moderating the panel's discussion on Kamala's upcoming interview on CNN Thursday night. Jessica said that Kamala will use the opportunity to remind Blacks about how Black Unemployment was the lowest in history under Biden/Harris, and how Biden/Harris gave record amounts of money to support HBCUs. Greg let her have it saying everything she just said happened under Trump. (I think the Judge intentionally goes to Jessica before going to Greg.) At that point it devolved into "No it didn't" "Yes it did" and I went outside to mow grass.


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Black Liberals MELT DOWN Over Charlamagne Demanding Kamala Harris STOP HIDING And ANSWER QUESTIONS!​



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I couldn't watch thanks to Jessica.

I cannot stand this lying ......

most of the time NO ONE EVER CALLS HER ON HER LIES ...

I'm on the internet several times a day, and I know that fuking cow is lying her ass off ....

Greg should BE ABLE to keep the hell up ... Its His FREAKING Job


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You Simply Cannot Make Up How the Harris Campaign Went About Finding a Media Interview for Kamala

Vice President Kamala Harris is the 2024 Democratic nominee. It’s time to do the one thing her campaign has avoided: interviews with the media. It’s part of public life. It’s undoubtedly part of being president of the United States. It’s the medium from which presidents, both past and present, have used the bully pulpit. Okay, maybe not so much in the present since Joe Biden slurs everything and has zero presence behind the seal. Yet, Harris’ team knows her record—it won’t be an easy task. Ms. Harris is now a full-blown supporter of the border wall, which marks another occasion in which the California liberal has tried to steal a policy initiative from Donald J. Trump, the first being ‘no tax on tips.’ The word salads is not some nervous incident—that’s her when she doesn’t have a teleprompter.

Politico reports the internal discussions within the Harris campaign of trying to find someone the vice president can talk to make things more comical. They’ve been asking around, seeking counsel regarding who wouldn’t bring up matters like why she’s done a 180-degree turn on everything that was once on her YouGov page. The publication added that they’re keeping Tim Walz in his stable because the campaign essentially doesn’t know what their agenda is or what their policies are (via Playbook) [emphasis mine]:

Harris campaign staff have been asking reporters who they think she should talk to. Behind the scenes, TV producers from big name anchors have been calling the campaign to pitch their talent as the person she has to do it with.

Harris has had a light schedule since accepting the nomination Thursday in Chicago, and several sources said she has been using the time not just to prepare for her Sept. 10 debate with Trump, but to map out a media strategy for the next few weeks.
Here are some of the questions rattling around about the decision …
— Who should you send your pitch to? One source of intrigue concerns who in Harris world will actually make this decision. BRIAN FALLON, the campaign’s senior adviser for communications, is generally considered the key person. But the interview has to be coordinated with Harris’s official office, where the communications director is KIRSTEN ALLEN. We hear there are some tensions.
Another source with knowledge of the process said that STEPHANIE CUTTER, senior adviser for message and strategy, will have an outsized role, as well. Campaign chair JEN O’MALLEY DILLON and senior advisor DAVID PLOUFFE represent another camp. And MAYA HARRIS and TONY WEST, Harris’s sister and brother-in-law, will weigh in with their own views. The political operatives on this list all have long-term relationships with TV networks and their major talent. But unlike Biden, Harris herself doesn’t have the same deep history with the journalists now wooing her.
— What’s the goal? There has been considerable debate in Harris world about the purpose and timing of the interview. The main narrative in the political press is that Harris needs to do a lengthy serious interview with a brand-name news anchor who will push her on issues.
Harris herself has expressed disagreement with that view, we’re told by two people, telling some Democrats she doesn’t need a big showy interview. In October, Harris did a sitdown with BILL WHITAKER on “60 Minutes” and talked foreign policy. Some of the exchanges were testy and some Harris aides came away unhappy with the experience.
Former Harris comms adviser ASHLEY ETIENNE told Playbook she thought Harris should have three goals for the interview.
“The first goal would be to peel back some layers on the vice president and show some new dimensions to her,” Etienne said. “There are questions about her worldview and ethos and who she is as a leader.” The convention, she noted, dealt mostly with her bio so any interview should aim to add depth in other areas.
The second goal would be policy. “To be honest, a big audience for this is the inside-the-beltway crowd that really cares about this,” Etienne said. “So she should substantively draw some distinctions with Biden on some policy issues.”
“Third, show her visually as commander-in-chief,” she said. “I would want her to do some in her office at the White House, show her on the road, and also take you inside her home” at the Naval Observatory.
Her pick? Sit down with GAYLE KING on CBS.
[...]— What about Tim? One of the issues that Harris world is currently working to address is how to deploy running mate TIM WALZ in the media. The danger in sending him out to do big solo interviews is that he might not have a full command of where Harris is on every issue. As someone pointed out to us last night, Harris talks about the “opportunity economy,” but if Walz were asked to define it, would he know how?



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Kamala Claims She ‘Took on’ For-profit College; Left Students in Lurch

CLAIM: Kamala Harris “took on one of our country’s largest for-profit colleges that scammed students.”

VERDICT: MOSTLY FALSE. Harris rejected a deal to save the college, and thousands of students had their education interrupted.​

Vice President Kamala Harris has a rather thin record of achievement. One of the few accomplishments she is trying to point to is her involvement in the closure of Corinthian College, a for-profit institution that Democrats had targeted.

She claimed in an Instagram post:

As Attorney General of California, I took on one of our country’s largest for-profit colleges that scammed students. Donald Trump ran a for-profit college that scammed students.
And as Attorney General, I held Wall Street banks accountable for fraud. Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of fraud.
As a prosecutor, I specialized in cases of sexual abuse. Donald Trump was found liable for committing sexual abuse.
I will put my record against his every day of the week.

Harris’s reference to Trump’s criminal and civil cases omits the likelihood that these verdicts will be overturned. Both are viewed by Republicans as gross miscarriages of justice by partisan prosecutors or plaintiffs; biased judges; and left-wing juries.

The fact that Harris is endorsing these verdicts as some kind of standard of justice, and as if Trump actually deserved to lose these cases, will worry those concerned about the decline of the rule of law in America under Democrat rule.

On the issue of for-profit colleges, Harris is also hiding the truth.

Democrats, at both the state and federal levels, have pursued for-profit colleges, claiming that they “scam” students. It is true that some students are promised degrees that they fail to attain, then struggle to pay their debts. But that is true of non-profit colleges as well, who resent the competition — and who call on a phalanx of elite graduates in Congress, who can be relied upon to protect their monopoly on degrees.


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Kamala Harris Has Agreed to a Joint Interview on CNN (Bringing Her Dad to Her Job Interview)

This is so weird.

Kamala Harris has been running for president for more than a month at this point but she has yet to give a single media interview. Instead her campaign has been coasting on a) relief it's not Biden, b) carefully orchestrated events, and c) brat/joy vibes.

As Ed pointed out earlier, the media pressure on the Harris camp to actually put the candidate out there has been ramping finally after weeks of them settling for nothing. She had, after all, promised to give an interview before the end of August. She only had until Saturday to keep that promise.

Even CNN, in the article announcing the interview, points out that Harris has a track record of failure in this department.

Previous major interviews have presented a challenge for Harris. During a 2021 sit-down with NBC’s Lester Holt, Harris responded with annoyance when asked why she had not visited the US-Mexico border as part of her assignment to investigate root causes of migration from Central and South America.
“At some point, you know, we are going to the border,” Harris said in the interview. “We’ve been to the border. So, this whole, this whole, this whole thing about the border. We’ve been to the border. We’ve been to the border.”
Holt responded: “You haven’t been to the border.”

Over at NY Magazine, Jonathan Chait argues that this strategy for managing a big interview is the wrong one. Instead of putting all the eggs in one basket, he thinks Harris should do lots of interviews so the importance of each one is lessened.

Harris had a poor interview with Lester Holt, in which she failed to provide a convincing answer for why she hadn’t visited the border (it was not her job). That interview had an inordinate impact on her public persona because there was little else to shape it.
The correct takeaway from this experience shouldn’t be that Harris needs to avoid interviews. It’s that a dearth of interviews creates a situation in which a single interview has an extreme effect on her public image...
The opposite approach would be to flood the zone with interviews. Not all of them have to be brand-name national reporters. Local news stations have real journalists who ask questions their audiences care about. But, yes, getting Harris out into the news several times a week is actually a much safer strategy.

He's probably right but then again, this is similar to the argument people were making about Joe Biden just a few months ago. If you're worried about his age, just watch him go! Except people were watching and what they saw was concerning to them. Similarly, the idea of getting Harris out there several times a week or more is great until she face-plants two days in a row. There's every reason to think it will happen and her people know that.

Once again the Democrats are doing their best to hide the candidate from the voters. It didn't work out with their first pick in this race but given that we only have 10 weeks until the election, they might just pull it off with their 2nd pick. They will unless the media takes a real interest in vetting her as an actual candidate instead of as a marketing brand.