Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


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Kamala's First 'Interview' Was the Dumpster Fire You Expected It Would Be

CNN anchor Dana Bash actually asked some decent questions, but what really struck me about the interview was that Kamala Harris, more often than not, avoided answering most of the questions, and Bash didn't seem to be concerned with getting an actual answer.

You knew things were going to be bad when Harris really struggled to give a coherent answer to the cliché question about what she would do on "on day one."

And when Bash asked Kamala why it took so long to do something about the border, Kamala's answer was just a long mess of poorly connected talking points.

Before Harris's interview with CNN, we learned it would only be 18 minutes long—hardly impressive. It's unclear how long Harris and vice presidential candidate Tim Walz actually spoke with Bash, but it was probably at least an hour. The fact that CNN whittled it down to just 18 minutes suggests they didn’t have much content they were willing to air. Of course, if you caught the preview clip that CNN released, you probably figured that out already and knew it would be a train wreck.

“Generally speaking, how should voters look at some of the changes that you have made, that you have explained some of, here in your policy?” Bash asked. “Is it because you have more experience now and you have learned more about the information? Is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary? And should they feel comfortable and confident that what you're saying now is going to be your policy moving forward?”

It's bad enough that it was a softball question, but worse yet, Bash provided Harris with a number of potential answers. However, the worst part was actually Kamala’s answer, which not only didn’t answer the question but featured her signature word salad.

“Dana, I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is, my values have not changed,” Kamala claimed. [Emphasis added]. “You mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed, and I have worked on it, that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter, to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time.”

Kamala continued, “We did that with the Inflation Reduction Act. We have set goals for the United States of America and, by extension, the globe around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as an example. That value has not changed.” [Emphasis added]

“My value around what we need to do to secure our border, that value has not changed. I spent two terms as the attorney general of California prosecuting transnational criminal organizations, violations of American laws regarding the passage, illegal passage, of guns, drugs, and human beings across our border. My values have not changed.” [Emphasis added]

Dana Bash: “Generally speaking, how should voters look at some of the changes that you've made that you've explained some of here in your policy? Is it because you have more experience now when you've learned more about the information? Is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary? And should they feel comfortable and confident that what you're saying now is going to be your policy moving forward?”

Kamala Harris: “Dana, I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed. You've mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed — and I've worked on it — that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time. we did that with the Inflation Reduction Act. We have set goals for the United States of America And by extension, the globe around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as an example. That value has not changed. My value around what we need to do to secure our border. That value has not changed. I spent two terms as the attorney general of California prosecuting transnational criminal organizations, violations of American laws regarding the passage — illegal passage of guns, drugs, and humans beings across our border. My values have not changed.”



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Harris Backtracks on 2020 Commitments in First Interview as Dem Candidate — but Can’t Explain Why

CNN’s Dana Bash first asked Harris about fracking, which the vice president came out in favor of banning during her ill-fated 2020 presidential primary campaign.

“You know, and I made that clear on the debate stage in 2020 that I would not ban fracking as president, I did not ban fracking as vice president,” Harris said. “I will not ban fracking.”

Bash noted that Harris said there was “no question” that she would outlaw the practice during a 2019 town hall and asked the vice president to elaborate.

“In 2020, I made very clear where I stand,” Harris replied. “We are in 2024, and I have not changed that position, nor will I going forward. I kept my word and I will keep my word.”

Bash continued to press Harris on her change of heart on fracking, and Harris shifted the topic of conversation to the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act.

“Well, let’s be clear: My values have not changed,” she said. “I believe it is very important that we take seriously what we must do to guard against what is a clear crisis in terms of the climate. And to do that, we can do what we have accomplished thus far: The Inflation Reduction Act, what we have done to invest, by my calculation, over probably a billion dollars over the next ten years investing in a clean economy. That tells me, from my experience as vice president, we can do it without banning fracking.”


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Fact Check: Harris Misleadingly Claims Biden Added 800,000 Manufacturing Jobs

“We created over 800,000 new manufacturing jobs. I’ll say that that’s good work,” Harris said in her interview with CNN on Thursday.

Verdict: Harris’s statement is misleading.​

U.S. manufacturers increased their payrolls by around 742,000 workers between January 2021 when Biden took office and October 2022 but most of those were not “new” manufacturing jobs as Harris claimed. They were factories re-filling jobs that had been created under President Trump.

What’s more, only 20,000 jobs have been added since October 2022, indicating a year and a half of stagnant manufacturing job growth. If anyone was seeing a manufacturing job boom early on in the Biden administration, that has long since fizzled out.

A better comparison is between manufacturing employment just prior to the pandemic and now. This shows that only 170,000 new manufacturing jobs have been added under Biden-Harris, an average monthly gain of just around 4,000.

Recent government figures show that manufacturing employment is shrinking, and the manufacturing sector has been contracting.


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Kamala Harris Gives Disqualifying Answer When Asked About Defense of 'Biden's Capacity to Serve'

In my view, this was about as disqualifying of an answer as it gets. I mean the whole freakin' reason she's where she is now is because an overwhelming majority of Democrat leaders/movers and shakers on Capitol Hill (not to mention the mega-donors, Hollywood elitists, and the Obamas) were terrified over what Biden's debate performance revealed to America about his frailty, his lack of coherency, and his mental acuity.

Of course, Kamala Harris is not just going to come right out and say Joe Biden is unfit to serve another four years in office - especially considering she was the beneficiary of his announcement and endorsement. But to sit there and pretend like Biden has been a model of strength, leadership, and intestinal fortitude since Day One? Seriously - does anyone outside of Jill Biden even believe that anymore?

There are a lot of reasons why Kamala Harris does not deserve to be president, but perhaps the most important one is her unwillingness to level with the American people about Joe Biden's health. She could have done it in a way that showed respect to her boss but that still got the point across and didn't make her look like a complete shill and tool.


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Host Blake Burman asked, “[F]racking, big issue in western Pennsylvania for a lot of folks there, when Kamala Harris was then the attorney general in California, she sued the Obama-Biden administration to try to stop fracking off the coast of California. Does she believe now that her actions then were a mistake?”

Fulks responded, “Look, I think that the Vice President has stated where she stands on fracking now…I think that the important thing for our campaign is to make sure that the reason that Republicans are bringing it up and the reason why Donald Trump is trying to use this as an issue is to cover up the fact that he would give tax breaks to big oil and gas at the expense of the middle class. And, at the end of the day, when it comes down to it, the Vice President has routinely said for herself that she represents the people. And so, when it comes to her values, she stood in that courtroom every single day and said, Kamala Harris, for the people. And so, when it comes down to it, she is going to make sure that, whatever policies are happening, that middle-class families and working families in this country are not being ripped off by big oil and gas. And I think that that stands in stark contrast to Donald Trump, but to your point about her feeling as if she made a mistake with her position, I don’t think so. I think that the Vice President has always kept to her values, and that’s what she’s going to continue to do as President of the United States.”



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“There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking,” Harris said on the debate stage. “And starting with what we can do on day one around public lands. There has to be legislation. Yes. This is something I’ve taken in California. I have a history of working on this issue … We just have to acknowledge that the residual impact of fracking is enormous in terms of the impact on the health and safety of communities.”

When confronted by Dana Bash with her past statements, Harris said that she never pledged to ban fracking.

“I made that clear on the debate stage in 2020,” she said. “That I would not ban fracking. As vice president, I did not ban fracking. As president, I will not ban fracking.”

Dana Bash then read Kamala’s past statements about a fracking ban, asking why she changed her mind.

“It changed in that campaign?” Bash asked.

CNN Fact-Checker Daniel Dale: Harris Was Not Accurate on Fracking Comments

CNN’s Daniel Dale said Thursday on “Newsnight” that Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris’ answer on fracking during her interview with anchor Dana Bash was inaccurate.

Dale said, “The fact check bottom line is that she did not actually make clear at a 2020 debate that she had changed her previous support for a fracking ban. So let me take you through this kind of saga so here’s what she said at a CNN climate town hall in 2019 on the subject of a fracking ban.”

At a 2019 town hall an audience member asked, “Will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day in office, adding the United States, the list of countries have banned this devastating practice.”

Harris said, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking yes.”

Dale said, “That was quite clear so she ended her 2020 presidential run in December 2019. The only debate she participated in in 2020 was the general election debate with then-vice president Mike Pence. I went over the transcript of that debate tonight. Nowhere in there does she make clear that she had abandoned her previous support for a fracking ban. Rather, she repeated that Joe Biden, the head of the Democratic ticket at the time, would himself not ban fracking. Listen to what she actually said in a 2020.”


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Kamala Harris on CNN: ‘Bidenomics’ Is ‘Good Work’

“There’s more to do. But that’s good work,” Harris said about “Bidenomics,” as CNN’s Dana Bash referenced the economic policies under the Biden-Harris administration:

“You have been vice president for three and a half years. The steps that you’re talking about now, why haven’t you done them already?” Bash asked Harris.

“Well, first of all, we had to recover as an economy, and we have done that. I’m very proud of the work that we have done that has brought inflation down to less than three percent,” she said.

“And you maintain Bidenomics is a success,” Bash followed up.

Harris replied, noting that Bidenomics is “good work”:

I maintain that when we do the work of bringing down prescription medication for the American people, including capping the cost of the annual cost of prescription medication for seniors at $2,000 when we do what we did in the first year of being in office to extend the child tax credit so that we cut child poverty in America by over 50% when we do what we have done to invest in the American people, in bringing manufacturing back to the United States, so that we created over 800,000 new manufacturing jobs, bringing business back to America. What we have done to improve the supply chain so we’re not relying on foreign governments to supply American families with their basic needs. I’ll say that that’s good work. There’s more to do, but that’s good work.



PREMO Member

Kamala Harris on CNN: ‘Bidenomics’ Is ‘Good Work’

“There’s more to do. But that’s good work,” Harris said about “Bidenomics,” as CNN’s Dana Bash referenced the economic policies under the Biden-Harris administration:

“You have been vice president for three and a half years. The steps that you’re talking about now, why haven’t you done them already?” Bash asked Harris.

“Well, first of all, we had to recover as an economy, and we have done that. I’m very proud of the work that we have done that has brought inflation down to less than three percent,” she said.

“And you maintain Bidenomics is a success,” Bash followed up.

Harris replied, noting that Bidenomics is “good work”:

I maintain that when we do the work of bringing down prescription medication for the American people, including capping the cost of the annual cost of prescription medication for seniors at $2,000 when we do what we did in the first year of being in office to extend the child tax credit so that we cut child poverty in America by over 50% when we do what we have done to invest in the American people, in bringing manufacturing back to the United States, so that we created over 800,000 new manufacturing jobs, bringing business back to America. What we have done to improve the supply chain so we’re not relying on foreign governments to supply American families with their basic needs. I’ll say that that’s good work. There’s more to do, but that’s good work.


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Harris defends shifting from some liberal positions in first interview of presidential campaign

“I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed,” Harris said.

She went on to say: “I believe it is important to build consensus. It is important to find a common place of understanding where we can actually solve the problem.”

The interview with CNN’s Dana Bash came as voters are still trying to learn more about the Democratic ticket in an unusually compressed time frame. President Joe Biden ended his reelection bid just five weeks ago. The interview focused largely on policy, as Harris sought to show that she had adopted more moderate positions on issues that Republicans argue are extreme, while Walz defended past misstatements about his biography.


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3. Earned a Single Delegate​

What happened to saving democracy? Harris is in this position through a coup, according to the dictionary. That is, “a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics and especially the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group.”

Democrats cared about disenfranchised voters until they decided to disenfranchise every Democrat voter in the 2024 primary elections.

The running Biden-Harris administration strategy has been to lie to the American people with a straight face, steady eye contact, and an authoritative voice, until the parasite media picks up its talking points.

The current lie is that Biden willingly and heroically stepped away from a second term for the good of the country, and Zero-Vote Harris is the rightful candidate.

Smart Americans could see in January that Biden didn’t have a second term in him, but is it really possible none of the Democrat leadership could? By all appearances, Harris and her handlers interfered with the primary outcome. They ran a candidate who could not go the distance and kicked him out when no other candidates could get in on the race — and no voter could derail Harris.

But Democrat voters are not vigorously protesting, so a new precedent has been set. They can do this in the future more easily.

6. Cared for an Infant, Toddler, or Elementary School Child​

You don’t have to be a parent to be president, but because Harris has never been in the daily trenches of parenthood, she cannot fathom the struggles, sacrifices, and rewards of parenting.

Her stepson was 19 and her stepdaughter was 15 when she married her husband, Doug Emhoff. Some life truths are revealed only through the blessing of parenting. So when Harris passionately advocates for abortion or aligns herself with the National Education Association, one of her mega-donors, and its platform of providing minors with school libraries filled with sexualized books, know that she has no lived experience when it comes to the day-to-day protection of children.

7. Offered a Digestible Policy Platform​

If you haven’t heard Harris’ life story, you can read about it at her official campaign website. Just click past all the donation options. You won’t find any policy platform on the site.

This gives her the room to sway on policy messaging, based on what is most politically useful today. It makes her look like a weak woman who is not sure who she is, or what she intends to do. But chances are, at 59, she knows exactly who she is and what she intends to do to the United States.

She just doesn’t want to discuss it with you.


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Kamala Harris Blames Donald Trump for the Border Crisis

It was a rehearsed answer, for sure. First of all, CNN's Dana Bash made it very clear that Kamala Harris was never "border czar" and was in charge of root causes of immigration from Central America. That aside, what about the border? Harris, who's been vice president for three-and-a-half years, blamed Donald Trump, which is what Democrats did at the time that the bipartisan Schumer-Lankford border security bill failed to pass. First, it wasn't a border security bill — it was primarily a Ukraine aid package, with a few bucks tacked on for the border.

At the time — in early 2024, when the Biden-Harris administration decided they had to address the border crisis, Rep. Matt Gaetz called the Schumer-Lankford bill "a nightmare." It still would let in more than a million immigrants a year. "It rolls out the red carpet for 5,000 illegals EVERY DAY, forever," Gaetz said. It was a bad bill, and it didn't need Trump pulling the strings to kill it in the House.

Question: Why did you wait three years to take any action on the border?

Answer: "A bill was crafted [three years after Kamala got into office] which we supported, which I supported. Donald Trump, got word of this bill that would have contributed to securing our border. and because he believes that it would not have helped him politically he told his folks in Congress, don‘t put it forward."



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Is Project 2025 like the One Ring in "The Lord of the Rings"? Does having a copy grant one "unprecedented power"? Vice presidential running mate Tim Walz just warned us yesterday that Project 2025 "gives Donald Trump the unchecked power to restrict our freedoms." We have a system of checks and balances to keep any branch of the government from gaining unchecked power. Is Project 2025 going to overrule the Constitution?

Kamala Harris was back with the fear tactics Thursday, saying "Trump's" Project 2025 — which he had no part in writing and he's disavowed repeatedly — would give Donald Trump unprecedented power to ban abortion nationwide. Trump has said he wouldn't pursue a national abortion ban, and pro-lifers are seriously thinking of staying home because of Trump's pro-choice shift.

Oh, and Trump could cancel student loan relief — which the Supreme Court just did Wednesday — again. And it would eliminate the Department of Education. We're OK with that.



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ABC: Joe Biden says there’s no constitutional authority to ban assault weapons via executive order. Do you agree?

Kamala: “Instead of saying no we can't, let’s say yes we can!”

Biden: “Lets be constitutional. We’ve got a Constitution."

Kamala: *laughs*



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Did You Miss These Two Things About Kamala Harris' Disastrous Interview on CNN?

The California liberal wants to turn the page on the past decade. Sorry, Kamala, you’re the incumbent. What does that even mean? And why are you treating voters with such contempt—they’re not that stupid. Harris is the vice president of the United States. She’s already in the White House:

Harris is still trying to gaslight voters into thinking Bidenomics is working and blames Trump's "mismanagement" of the pandemic for Americans' current struggles.

CNN's Dana Bash: "One of your campaign themes is 'We're not going back.' But I wonder what you say to voters who do want to go back when it comes to the economy."

Harris: "When Joe Biden and I came into office, during the height of a pandemic [...] the economy had crashed, in large part all of that because of mismanagement by Donald Trump of that crisis."


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🔥🔥 The cackling chickens are coming home to roost! Only one day after I suggested Kamala’s unearned gains tax would fluster the Democrat donor class, the New York Times ran a back-walking story this morning headlined, “Donors Quietly Push Harris to Drop Tax on Ultrawealthy.” Well! But they’re not pushing that quietly, apparently, since the story made the top of the Times’ website. As Rush Limbaugh would have said: see? I told you so.


The article included some accidental hilarity. Kamala insider and billionaire Mark Cuban told reporters, “From what I’ve been told, everything is on the table, nothing’s been decided yet.” Haha, if no policies have been decided on yet, and everything is on the table, then what platform are Democrats voting for?

Who cares! Wheeeeeeee

Cuban also basically called Kamala an emotionally-based professional flip-flopper with no ideas of her own: “The key is she focuses on her values and is not an ideologue about any particular program,” he lamely explained.

The CEO of cloud storage startup Box.com, who’s already given Kamala’s campaign $30,000, told the Times he and other tech CEO’s are living in a cloud-cuckoo-like state of denial. “There’s optimism that this can’t possibly be real,” Mr. Levie hopefully suggested. Another optimistic CEO of an international investment company, Charles Myers, is hanging on to a firewall of belief that, even if it can possibly be real, then even a Democrat-controlled Congress would never pass the new tax. Probably.

Welp, at least they are optimistic about something. Practically joyful.



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When then Senator Kamala Harris called for Donald Trump to be banned from Twitter, even Jake Tapper was horrified:

Jake Tapper: "You wrote to Twitter and the CEO Jack Dorsey and asked him to take away the president's Twitter handle.

How is that not a violation of free speech? The president has the same rights that you have, that I have, how would that not be a slippery slope where they have to ban half of the people on Twitter?"

Kamala Harris: "A corporation has obligations. Their Terms of Use dictate who receives the privilege of speaking on that platform, and who does not. And Donald Trump has clearly violated the Terms of Use, and there should be a consequence for that.

Revoke someone's privilege, because they have not lived up to the advantages of the privilege."

Dictator on Day 1 Kamala Harris would end the 1st amendment, because she sees it as a 'privilege' instead of a right.

When then Senator Kamala Harris called for Donald Trump to be banned from Twitter, even Chris Hayes was horrified:

Chris Hayes: "You've had an exchange with Senator Warren about Twitter and Trump violating the Terms of Service, why does that matter?

There is not a part of you civically, constitutionally that is concerned about the precedent of a private company taking a platform away from the president of the United States, or some other elected official?"

Kamala Harris: "Free speech does not condone or protect threats to safety of other human beings. That is what we are talking about, because this can go into some abstract law school debate."

Dictator on Day 1 Kamala Harris believes that protecting your free speech is 'some abstract law school debate'. Back when they weren't trying to prop her up, Commie Kamala Harris was too radical for Chris Hayes and Jake Tapper. I wonder if they're going to keep that same energy?