Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I wonder what Raggedy Karine is gonna do for a living now that Joes on his way out the door?

What non-government entities need a dedicated liar for their staff?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
I think it's important to see that EVEN AFTER JOE'S *disastrous* clusterfck of a debate appearance - better than 45% of the country STILL WANTED TO VOTE FOR HIM.

Let that sink in - for all the world to see, Biden was a stuttering lost demented old man who barely made one clear sentence. And they were going to vote for him anyway.

Even his "friends" were deserting a sinking ship - and the Dems STILL WANTED HIM TO WIN in November.


Well-Known Member
I think it's important to see that EVEN AFTER JOE'S *disastrous* clusterfck of a debate appearance - better than 45% of the country STILL WANTED TO VOTE FOR HIM.

Let that sink in - for all the world to see, Biden was a stuttering lost demented old man who barely made one clear sentence. And they were going to vote for him anyway.

Even his "friends" were deserting a sinking ship - and the Dems STILL WANTED HIM TO WIN in November.
There is something wrong with people like that. There must be a medical term for such an illness.
A term besides TDS.


Well-Known Member
I think it's important to see that EVEN AFTER JOE'S *disastrous* clusterfck of a debate appearance - better than 45% of the country STILL WANTED TO VOTE FOR HIM.

Let that sink in - for all the world to see, Biden was a stuttering lost demented old man who barely made one clear sentence. And they were going to vote for him anyway.

Even his "friends" were deserting a sinking ship - and the Dems STILL WANTED HIM TO WIN in November.

People will vote for Alsobrooks even though 71% of MD voters don't know who she is.


Well-Known Member
People will vote for Alsobrooks even though 71% of MD voters don't know who she is.
See, and I won’t vote in the local elections because I have no idea who these people are. I think it’s crazy to vote for someone when you honestly don’t know anything about them.


Just sneakin' around....
What concerns me is the lack of Republican kick-back to the lies, falsehoods, etc... and the "moderator's" interference, both last night and in the media today. Not sure why Trump was so reserved, but It would have made a lot of points if he had turned to the mods and lambasted them for trying to participate in the debate and not doing their job of moderating. Why he didn't say something?

I'm getting a bad feeling about the election.


Well-Known Member

You will notice the pushback on TRUMP when the issue of Kamala and Brown is brought up, because Trump for a long time was well-known for cheating on his wives, although he continues to claim the Daniels thing never happened.

Still - two things are relevant. Trump didn't cheat because he wanted to advance his career. Not so much an excuse, but we keep hearing about Kamala's solid credentials when it appears she didn't get anywhere without the patronage of an older man she was --- seeing.

But secondly, this goes back to what I've said for thirty or more years - you don't get to belittle someone's morality UNTIL you have the moral high ground. If your candidate smoked dope - you don't get to get all pissy when THEIR candidate smoked dope. If your candidate has shown questionable sexual morality - you don't have any case to point at someone else's. "Caesar' wife must be above suspicion" as the saying goes.

FWIW - this is also why I don't get into the morality stakes regarding Kamala and Willie Brown. Sure, it's a bit vulgar and it points to the fact that she almost certainly didn't rise to prominence because of intelligence or skill.


PREMO Member
and it points to the fact that she almost certainly didn't rise to prominence because of intelligence or skill.

Well not any skills in the job she was being appointed for

Still - two things are relevant. Trump didn't cheat because he wanted to advance his career. Not so much an excuse, but we keep hearing about Kamala's solid credentials when it appears she didn't get anywhere without the patronage of an older man she was --- seeing.

Yeah great both are cheaters .... like couch casting however, one is cheating for funsies the other to advance a career

and men CANNOT screw their way ahead only WOMEN Are able to trade on their gender for advancement


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure that it matters that if they sent her the questions in advance, no one on the left seemed to care when the democrat party chair said they sent them to Hillary.

More to the point, it's not like they asked any questions that couldn't have been anticipated. There was nothing out of left field that either candidate shouldn't have been able to answer (even the gotchas, they should have been prepared for).

Besides, these guys don't govern without their team of supporters they should be able to debate with their support team. Let them act like medieval nobility and nominate a champion to debate on their behalf. Or even a whole team, they could huddle up before answering each question like a school quiz bowl.