Kamala Harris - Presidential Candidate


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Harris Campaign Spokesman Tells CNN ‘We Don’t Have Time’ to Talk About What Happened Over the Last Few Years (VIDEO)

The Kamala Harris campaign spokesman Ian Sams appeared on CNN this week and made excuses for why they are not talking about Kamala’s record from the last few years.

This gives away their whole game. Democrats and the Harris people want voters to forget the fact that Harris has been part of the Biden administration and is directly responsible for what has transpired over the last three and a half years.

That’s why they keep pushing the whole ‘new way forward’ nonsense. It’s a feeble attempt to erase recent history so that Harris isn’t held accountable by voters.



PREMO Member

Kamala Wanted To Give Drug Dealers Three Arrests Before Charging Them—Cops Shut Her Down

“This proposal asks us not to arrest, but instead detain and release observed narcotics sales suspects pursuant to Penal Code Section 849(b) P.C. When the same suspect is arrested the third time for narcotics sales, your office would then charge all three counts,” wrote Heather Fong, who served as police chief until 2009.

The revelation comes as Harris attempts to campaign as a tough-on-crime, law-and-order prosecutor, touting her past record and describing herself as someone who “took on perpetrators of all kinds — predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain.”

But back in 2005, the police chief warned Harris that her proposed policy would allow narcotics sellers to immediately be released back onto the streets without consequences, encourage dealers to come to San Francisco, potentially increase violent crime in the city, and result in a double standard, “as adults would be released while juveniles would be booked.”

“Additionally, narcotics dealers who sell drugs near a school would be released after only a brief detention,” Fong continued, noting, “Undoubtedly, this would send the wrong message to observant children who unfortunately witness drug dealing activity on a regular basis.”

The chief also warned that the public would not view a “detain and release” program favorably, since neither the community nor the police department are sympathetic to drug dealers who “exploit for profit the weakness of others.” She also noted that it would be bad for officer morale and “counter to what every officer is taught.”


PREMO Member

Harris Spox: She Supports Increasing Capital Gains Tax by Less than Biden ‘To Better Incentivize’ Investment

Sams said, “[Y]ou have to help people afford to start a business. It costs, on average, 40,000 bucks for someone to start a small business. But the tax deduction is only 5,000 bucks. She wants to tenfold expand that to $50,000 to help those people afford to start a small business. And when it comes to capital gains and the tax code, I think that she understands that we can make sure that those at the top, the billionaires and the wealthy pay their fair share with a billionaire minimum tax, with raising the corporate tax rate, with quadrupling taxes on stock buybacks, things that really make sure that those at the top are paying their fair share while also saying, look, I know that there are some folks out there who want to jack up long-term capital gains to 40, 45%, understand the impulse, but we still need to incentivize investing in start-ups.”

He added, “[W]hen it comes to something like the capital gains tax rate, she thinks that 39.6% is too high and that we can come down a little lower to 28% to better incentivize the kind of investment in entrepreneurs that we want to see in this country to help achieve some of the broader economic goals.”


PREMO Member

Kamala Harris Aide Claims She Doesn’t Want to Ban Plastic Straws

So that’s nine issues she’s flipped flopped on.

An anonymous Kamala Harris aide told Axios she no longer wants to ban plastic straws.

Why are anonymous aides telling the media she’s changing her positions?

Why can’t Harris say it herself?

Both are rhetorical questions!! We all know why.

In 2019, Harris said we should ban plastic straws and improve paper straws.

Another change:

Axios asked Harris’ current campaign if she still supports that idea.

  • “She doesn’t support banning plastic straws,” a campaign official told Axios.
  • “She cast the tie-breaking vote on the most consequential legislation to combat climate change and create clean energy jobs in history, and as President, she is going to be focused on expanding on that progress.”
  • “She joked even then about how crappy paper straws are and the need to come up with better eco-friendly alternatives,” the official said.



PREMO Member
🔥 In related news on Thursday, Politico (EU edition) ran a curious story headlined, “Putin: Kamala Harris laughs ‘infectiously,’ we want her to win.” The sub-headline added, “Russian leader again claims he’s rooting for the Democrats in U.S. election.” Claims? I guess they don’t believe him.

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CLIP: Russia Today interviews President Putin, who endorsed Kamala Harris (1:09).

President Putin said Kamala’s laughter was what captured him. “She laughs so expressively and infectiously. That means she is doing well,” the Russian leader wryly explained. He further explained that, if Kamala does well, then maybe she’ll lift the economic sanctions that both Presidents Trump and Biden imposed.

But Putin further explained his support for Candidate Plan B is nothing new. “We previously said Biden was our preferred candidate. So now we will do as he said, we will support Ms. Harris,” he explained. Russia Today’s studio audience seemed pleased with the president’s endorsement.

Or at least amused by it. It’s hard to tell with Russians. Inscrutable.

You just can’t win with Democrats nowadays. Putin can endorse them all he wants, but if Russia Today hires a few influencers (exactly what the U.S. always does, here and abroad), well then, it’s war. Again.



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Kamala Harris FREAKS OUT After Confronted On Debating Trump At Anti GOP Store During STAGED Event!​

a lovely feminist Cry Fest

Ramp Guy

Active Member
Please Kamala, explain how this new technology works in that special way you have.

It's sad that Sky News seems to be able to out report the US media.

Gosh, any chance that the US alphabet media would ever report her comments?

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