To people like yourself, it may not matter WHO is on the ticket or running the show and it only matters that you will continue to see your monthly checks from Uncle Sugar but, to most people, they actually care that their candidate is capable of running a country and NOT being the laughing stock of the entire civilized world and their party won't pull a bait-n-switch AFTER they have donated.
If you were concerned with being the laughing stock of the world you wouldn't have voted for Trump who was laughed at every where he went. Many times to his face. Like when he addressed the UN.
Biden's decision is being hailed as selfless and patriotic worldwide.
As i told you before i don't receive any government benefits and probably pay in much more than i will ever use.
But keep foaming at the mouth.
What about the bait and switch of "Lock her up"
"The Mexico paid for Border wall?"
Seems you don't mind being lied to as long its an orange conman doing it
It's funny how triggered Kamala makes you. I can tell you are scared Trump is going to lose bigly.