How does she get ANY traction as a candidate?
She's really done NOTHING to merit the position - has shown repeatedly she has NO IDEA how to do what is typically a ceremonial job which John Nance Garner (VP under FDR during the 30s) described as "not worth a bucket of warm piss". That's right. It's a pitifully simple job, mostly waiting for the POTUS to die - and she can't do it.
When she ran for the job - she had to leave before a single primary happened. Even Joe Sestak got more votes. WHO, you say? Exactly.
This is the morass of the Democratic Party. They find themselves either running a loser like Biden - running a bigger loser like Kamala - or skipping over a black woman - somehow - and enraging part of their base.
And it has zero to do with skill, experience, knowledge or accomplishments. It's ALL optics.
She's really done NOTHING to merit the position - has shown repeatedly she has NO IDEA how to do what is typically a ceremonial job which John Nance Garner (VP under FDR during the 30s) described as "not worth a bucket of warm piss". That's right. It's a pitifully simple job, mostly waiting for the POTUS to die - and she can't do it.
When she ran for the job - she had to leave before a single primary happened. Even Joe Sestak got more votes. WHO, you say? Exactly.
This is the morass of the Democratic Party. They find themselves either running a loser like Biden - running a bigger loser like Kamala - or skipping over a black woman - somehow - and enraging part of their base.
And it has zero to do with skill, experience, knowledge or accomplishments. It's ALL optics.