Katrina victims to get $2,000 dollar debit cards


I bowl overhand
Kizzy said:
Debit cards where there are no stores open or ATM machines, imagine that?

I think that would be the point.. if there are 50,000 people in an area with $2,000 cards.. that's $100,000,000 dollars waiting to be spent.. I'm sure Wal_Mart, K-Mart and others would JUMP at the chance of having a captured market like that.. and take the load off of the government from having to deliver food and water.. DAMN that's a lot of money, and I don't THINK I confuzzled too many zeroes.. May have to rent out a truck and a bluetooth card reader myself..


Larry Gude said:
Largest group in prison? Caucasians. By far.
Where did you get that statistic :confused:
Can you please PM me with that info.
I find that very odd , and interesting?


curiouser and curiouser
gumbo said:
Where did you get that statistic :confused:
Can you please PM me with that info.
I find that very odd , and interesting?
This is from 98, but I'm sure the statistics haven't drastically changed. You have to remember that not all states will have blacks as a majority in prisons, and that will affect the US average. My dad worked as a Corrections Officer after he retired from the Navy, and worked in 2 prisons: One in Sussex County, VA (the same prison where John Allen Mohammed was being held on death row), and one in Northeast Tennessee. The majority of the prison population in Sussex was black, and the majority in Tennessee was white. It all depends on the region you're in. African Americans are a minority in the US as a whole, so it stands to reason that they'd be a minority in our prison system as well.
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New Member
MMDad said:
The word you are looking for is "whose". Who's is a contraction of "who is". The question "Who is post are you reading??" makes no sense.

You are an idiot, Qdip.

That is almost as bad as seeing the word "your" misused over and over again in her postings, when it should be "you're". As in seeing her post "your next!" ad nauseum.

Oh, by the way, I like your avatar :smile: Bert has always been my favorite Sesame St. character.


I bowl overhand
450,000 white people in prison, 580,000 African American, 203,000 Hispanic little over 20,000 nANtive American nationwide, federal and State prison population as of 2000..