Katrina victims to get $2,000 dollar debit cards


Oh - my bad - I should have known we were talking about the cards any more, and this thread has devolved into a "everyone's a racist" fuster-cluck with guess who stuck in the middle.

Me, I'm going to go do something more productive - like sticking my tongue into a running fan. It's less painful, and accomplishes more.

Big Momma

I'll be your butterball
Qpid said:
let me get my E-BULLET PROOF VEST :lmao:

go sit your ass down somewhere and stay in the cut, lookin like a meatball with lil feet :lmao:

so is you sayin that because I'm black you need a bullet proof vest? That be pretty racist if you ask me. Boy I could slap you nekkid and steal your clothes. Don't think I wouldn't. Call me a meatball again, I eat little meatballs like you for my mid morning snacks after I be done watching my shows. Don't start something you can't be finishing.


But wait, there's more...
Toxick said:
These people need more. They've been through a TRAUMA, and this $2,000 handout is a slap in the face.

Bush might as well spit in every single one of their faces.

What about:

1) The insurance money they'll get (if they were smart enough to have it)?
2) The WIC/Welfare/ICard/Hand-out they get monthly that was probably made available on the first of the month, as usual, for those who received it?

What expenses do they have right now (yesterday, today, tomorrow) while they're sackin' out in Camp Astrodome gettin' 3 hots and a cot? :confused: I don't remember Uncle Sam saying they'd REBUILD these folks lives; rather, HELP rebuild their lives. $2K is HELP. :shrug:


New Member
Big Momma said:
so is you sayin that because I'm black you need a bullet proof vest? That be pretty racist if you ask me. Boy I could slap you nekkid and steal your clothes. Don't think I wouldn't. Call me a meatball again, I eat little meatballs like you for my mid morning snacks after I be done watching my shows. Don't start something you can't be finishing.


u suck at jonin' :rolleyes:

go sit on vrail or sumthin and catch a tan. :lmao:

im outta here :peace:


Qpid said:
WHERE IS YOUR :sarcasm:


Well, I've long held to the philosophy that if sarcasm is done properly, it doesn't need a label.

Unfortunately, I tend toward the dryer side, and oftentimes people think I'm serious (most of my red kr4m4 is due to sarcasm that went over heads). So I'll plaster a :sarcasm: sticker on there if I don't think it's obvious - and I leave it off if I think the message is clear.

Hopefully noone really thinks I believe the above pile of malarky.

Big Momma

I'll be your butterball
Qpid said:

u suck at jonin' :rolleyes:

go sit on vrail or sumthin and catch a tan. :lmao:

im outta here :peace:

bout dam time. Sorry to the rest of you white folks for the dissin I had to lay out on po' white bread over here. I mean no disrespects for the rest of you's. Y'all have been real nice to me. :huggy: And had I known that by me tellin white bread where to go woulda made him leave, I woulda been out here a lots sooner. :diva:


But wait, there's more...
I don't recall Andrew's displaced victims getting $2k debit cards. :confused: Why, oh why, wouldn't CLINTON offer them something like that ... unless his administration was racist against us crackers? :shrug:


Football addict
vraiblonde said:
Yeah, now New Orleans' problem has become Houston's problem. Way to go. :rolleyes:

I'm just glad Maryland is so far north that we aren't being flooded with these indigents. (And save your red karma - I am unrepentent)
But you are, not as much but you are. We're getting about 5-10 new students from the NO colleges. The state is paying for their books, dorming, and what not.


I bowl overhand
crabcake said:
I don't recall Andrew's displaced victims getting $2k debit cards. :confused: Why, oh why, wouldn't CLINTON offer them something like that ... unless his administration was racist against us crackers? :shrug:
I think the debit cards were thought up as a result of Andrew.. One of hte shortcomings from that disaster relief.. It's cheaper for them to buy their own supplies and food, then to have the Gov't truck in truck after truck of food and water for months.. Then when you have 50 - 100K of people each with 2,000 in spending money in one area, the commercial entities will get involved, and take care of busineess, and the gov't can back off, and save billions of dollars. Gov't at that point just has to oversee operations, make sure Wal-marts not charging $5 for a bottle of water etc...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
The state is paying for their books, dorming, and what not.
Okay, I have to ask - WHY??? If their Mommy and Dad can afford Tulane, they can certainly afford St. Mary's College. If they can afford community college in NOLA, they can afford it in SoMD. What's up with that???


Football addict
vraiblonde said:
Okay, I have to ask - WHY??? If their Mommy and Dad can afford Tulane, they can certainly afford St. Mary's College. If they can afford community college in NOLA, they can afford it in SoMD. What's up with that???
I'm just the messenger.:biggrin:


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
Okay, I have to ask - WHY??? If their Mommy and Dad can afford Tulane, they can certainly afford St. Mary's College. If they can afford community college in NOLA, they can afford it in SoMD. What's up with that???
Mommy and Daddy already paid all that money for Tulane.. how can we expect them to afford to buy TWO college tuitions in one year, with little or no warning? Now if Tulane Refunds the tuition, I would assume the gov't will get their share refunded to them too, OR the portion they are paying up here will revert to loans..


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
Mommy and Daddy already paid all that money for Tulane..
Good point.

I started thinking, dang, if my daughter had gone to Tulane like I wanted her to instead of NYU, she'd have been hurricaned.

Then I remembered...no, she wouldn't. :lmao:



Lem Putt
Qpid said:
The gov'ts job is to take care of its people.

Once they leave the dome how are they to begin their lives if they have no money?

The 2k will at least give them a head start....

okay so lets say they didnt get 2k...you'd still be bytchin about your tax dollars going to help them out.

either way just say you dont wanna help the black folks...get it out your system now...i dont know why you people are such cowards.

Nice punctuation Qdip. It reinforces the fact that you are smarter than everyone else on this board.

You claim you aren't black, but then you use the word black. Isn't that racist?


itsbob said:
Mommy and Daddy already paid all that money for Tulane.. how can we expect them to afford to buy TWO college tuitions in one year, with little or no warning? Now if Tulane Refunds the tuition, I would assume the gov't will get their share refunded to them too, OR the portion they are paying up here will revert to loans..

Under normal circumstances within the first week of class you can get a full refund, less the next week and so on. Since a hurricane is not normal circumstances I figure they will all get refunds for the semester.


Lem Putt
Qpid said:
Who's post are you reading?? :confused: IWhere did I say GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING??

Im not second guessing what you yourself have done...go brag to someone else about that shyt. :lalala:

If you donated out of the kindness of your heart you wouldn't even bother to bring up what you did...cuz no one asked your ass. :shutup:

The word you are looking for is "whose". Who's is a contraction of "who is". The question "Who is post are you reading??" makes no sense.

You are an idiot, Qdip.


Lem Putt
Qpid said:
There goes those ASSUMPTIONS again!!!

People are assuming these people grew up in poverty, didnt work, were on welfare and now have lost everything and are going to remain in the same status they were before Katrina.

A disaster like this (similiar to 9/11) woke alot of people up on how important life really is, you cannot take it for granted. There are programs out there already in place to help these people GET JOBS & EDUCATE THEM....

2k is a huge start!!!

I had a great suggestion...make those people work to rebuild their destroyed homes....

nahhhhhhhhhhhh they are black, they are lazy and just want handouts :sarcasm:

lets give the jobs to:


fawk outta here :burning:

Idiot Qdip, learn english. I count five glaring errors here. You are an idiot.