Keep up the Great work Dwyer!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
christy217 said:
Regardless of anyone's opinion, everyone has a right to one that's one thing that is so great about this country, Dork, and this person, I am not offended by what you said, you're entitled to your opinion, as I am mine!

God Bless and Have a great weekend to all!

You might want to leave God out of it. According to the Bible, God is not in agreement with your sexual choice.
Leviticus 18:22-23

22'You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.

23'Also you shall not have intercourse with any animal to be defiled with it, nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it; it is a perversion.


Well-Known Member
Oh ...about 6 years ago

I opened the can of worms on here regarding elements of this topic...
And just 6 years later: it becomes "hate speech" to condemn an abnormal behavior in the classroom.

Viewing the political climate that is coming: laws will soon follow preventing that kind of "hate speech" and soon: forced curriculum like California and Wisconsin where they prohibited children from discussing or showing materials from a class on Homo behavior.--We must get it away from the parents because they will try to enforce their morality on "our" students.

Yes, there is decline,
yes it is apparent in just 6 years,
And Man alone can't stop it.
It takes courage Mr Dwyer...thank you.

Now is the time to go on the offensive and demand medical testing for gays and then release the statistics-That is science in action.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
You might want to leave God out of it. According to the Bible, God is not in agreement with your sexual choice.

I'll pray for you tonight too, since you're passing judgement on me, and last I checked that was a sin as well, since you're off preaching to others as you often do on this board. Do us all a favor, crawl up my A$$ and fight for air, Amen!


New Member
forestal said:
The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks...

It is all she/he talks about on the boards. I went through all his posts. He has nothing else to say other than wondering when the Super Wal Mart is opening.


Highlander's MPD
Geek said:
It is all she/he talks about on the boards. I went through all his posts. He has nothing else to say other than wondering when the Super Wal Mart is opening.

Oh, NO. Do you think they'll hire gay people at the Wal-Mart? :poke:


Well-Known Member

As you may know, Christ came to people that were hurting. And he also made it clear that following Him would not be easy. He brought redemption to those in need like the woman caught in adultery...but the instruction was clear: "go and sin no more..."

If you believe in prayer...good.
If you believe in salvation through Christ ...better.
If you follow His direction to go and sin no more: best.
(faith without works is...dead.-James)

Your understanding of judgement is not well grounded...the verse immediately following the one you referenced is a call to...judge.

As 2nd A will likely respond: the true judgement comes from above...and those ignorant of the law will still face eternal Accept a rebuke by a believer and realize the fault (matt 18) or..scoff and face a seperation from God....and continued misery.

If you are not a believer...who are you praying too?????


Highlander's MPD
Dork said:
Oh, NO. Do you think they'll hire gay people at the Wal-Mart? :poke:


I also own two 4WD SUVs, think animals should be eaten, don't care much about saving trees or whales but think abortion is wrong, even when birth defects such as down's syndrome or homosexuality are discovered prior to birth. I hated Clinton. I don't care for liberals. I guess I could go on. Let me know what else about me you don't like. :razz:


New Member
Dork said:

I also own two 4WD SUVs, think animals should be eaten, don't care much about saving trees or whales but think abortion is wrong, even when birth defects such as down's syndrome or homosexuality are discovered prior to birth. I hated Clinton. I don't care for liberals. I guess I could go on. Let me know what else about me you don't like. :razz:

I am not crazy about your avatar.


Highlander's MPD
Geek said:
I am not crazy about your avatar.

Hey, there's something we can agree on. I'm not crazy about my avator either. Maybe we're on our way to being friends after all. What do you think? :love:


I bowl overhand
Geek said:
Do not forget that Jesus Christ said not one word about homosexuality. He was more intrested in Love and preaching to the minorities in His society.

Excellent reading :yay:
ANd what about Sodom and Gomorrah?? What is sodomy exactly?? In the biblical sense? Why did GOd destroy the city? Turn people to pillars or salt? Saying he or the bible doesn't mention it is just an omission of fact for your own satisfaction.


New Member
Dork said:
Hey, there's something we can agree on. I'm not crazy about my avator either. Maybe we're on our way to being friends after all. What do you think? :love:

:poorbaby: We shall see.
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dia look

New Member
2ndAmendment said:
You might want to leave God out of it. According to the Bible, God is not in agreement with your sexual choice.

according to the bible we aren't supposed to eat pork or work on Saturday. I don't know about you, but I tend to do both.


New Member
Personally I don't see anything wrong with mentioning homosexualality as part of the sex education curriculum, much as one would mention masturbation or oral sex. I believe many straight people might have homo-erotic thoughts and fantasies. These thoughts don't make them gay. Suggesting that these thoughts and fantasies are normal might quell any concerns that young people (especially where homosexuality is considered a sin in the home) might actually help. For those who believe themselves to be gay it would be comfort for them to know they dont have 4 eyes and horns growing out of their head.
Personally, I would like to see all sex education focus on safe sex and feelings of love and less on the mechanics of how to make a baby. I think most teenagers have that covered already.
As for the gay marriage ban....I've written my state senator any number of times (Roy Dyson, co-sponsor of the bill, single man.....never married :whistle: ) and havent recieved one reply. I can understand how straight people might think gay marriage would devalue the meaning of the word "marriage". Ive asked him how do gay couples get around issues such as health insurance benefits (when the word "spouse" is needed to include a partner in the plan and how retirement benefits wouldnt be transferrable to a partner as they would a "spouse".
The silence is deafening! :lalala:


Dork said:

Thanks Dwyer for doing what is right! The moral majority appreciates your stance and respect you for not cowering down to the liberal lefty loudmouth minority. It's refreshing and gives us hope that there is a cure!

On an aside from this topic, look at the picture of Dwyer in the article, if you were to shave his head wouldn't he be the spitting image of Homer Simpson?


New Member
Pushrod said:
On an aside from this topic, look at the picture of Dwyer in the article, if you were to shave his head wouldn't he be the spitting image of Homer Simpson?

Leave it as is and draw a little Hitler moustache on him :popcorn: