New Member
This_person said:Wouldn't those issues be best left to the parents? When getting to how to handle emotional aspects of anything, peer pressure, etc., it's my personal belief that those issues should not be blanket taught by the school. The science of human reproduction, the science of puberty and thus what to expect - well sure. But, how (or even whether) to handle STD's and the emotional feels of puberty sound like parental issues. If the schools covered all aspects of the controversies associated with sex, that'd take a full school year going full time on nothing else. I think what most people assume is that the school would only teach one side of a controversy - thus enforcing only one idea that may not be the same as the parents (teaching to accept something their parents would like to teach them to only tolerate). Schools should teach facts, not weigh in on controversies, in my opinion.
Just a FYI...Your karma was grey so I am glad you told me what color it was supposed to be