I know they aren't allowed to use Woodville between Poplar Hill and Bryantown Road (passing Dr. Mudd's house), but I'm not sure about Dr. Bowen. I wasn't aware of any restrictions on that road. :shrug:
I remember one idiot that used Woodville when we had an early release because of snow; he wrecked the bus at the bottom of the hill - the bus was a total loss and he was instantly unemployed.
I thought they werent allowed to use dr. bowen, I could be wrong, surely isnt the first time, I knew about the dr. mudd restriction, but I know they do still do it. I have passed many on popular hill making that quick right onto dr. mudd.
I remember Jimmy had an accident with a bus out fron ot DOT and I felt so bad for him, he was shakking like crazy. The bus stopped and a cab tried to go around and make a wide right and jimmy had started to pull off and hit the cab in the side back part. he was so upset.
I liked andys driving and he was really really nice, but he pushed his religous views a bit too much, I am surprised people never compalined about him for that. I havent ridden since 2003 I really dont think I could deal with the people now, it was bad them, but I imagaine it is worse. The seats are really too close together. I hated it when it rained or it was extremly hot, people always had a weird odor both times.