Keller Commuter Buses


All Up In Your Grill
I've been riding Joe's bus (4:55 am) - people are real quite and most sleep all the way in. We do have a couple paper readers but they always sit together. I usually get to my desk by 6:25 am, take an long lunch and still leave by 4 at the latest.

Joe is one of the best! Him and that million dollar smile. :huggy:

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, you know him!!!! Yep that would be him, he fit the name perfectly. I called on him so many times. I usually dont hate, but I really really really hated him when he drove the last run. I loved it when Jimmy ran it. Do you know Ron last name is long and different -- I wondered if he still drove. I used to ride with him in the evenings he started his pick up i thin around 4 -- I always caught him at 415 at 21st and L -- He was a good driver!

Jimmy is great. Super guy.

Ron - did he drive the 907?


Active Member
I never understood how people could ride those buses.

Personally after 9-11 I'll never be in DC without a car again.


New Member
I rode those buses for almost a year back in 2001. Never again. I took a job in Maryland late that year and DRIVE to work with FREE parking. I took a cut in pay but it was worth every penny in not having to sit on those buses for up to 2 hours one way. I was involved in one accident and one breakdown in that short time. I agree that some of the drivers were great and some of them needed another occupation.

I am not sure if overcrowding is still an issue but those poor souls at the S.W. stops sometimes would not get picked up because the buses were already full when we got to them.


New Member
Joe is one of the best! Him and that million dollar smile. :huggy:

Jimmy is great. Super guy.

Ron - did he drive the 907?

Yep, he was a 907 guy, he still driving.

I used to ride the bus when I am guessing they were starting out. We would pick up at safeway, the park and ride, and out front of ms. whintys (sp) store. I rode from 97 until 2003. Jimmy is nice, some people were mean to him because he was a "slow" driver, but he really cared about his job.

For life in me, i cant think of the other guys name that drove "fast" but got us there. he was very religous and lived in laplata off of washington avenue. do you know who i am talking about?


All Up In Your Grill
Yep, he was a 907 guy, he still driving.

I used to ride the bus when I am guessing they were starting out. We would pick up at safeway, the park and ride, and out front of ms. whintys (sp) store. I rode from 97 until 2003. Jimmy is nice, some people were mean to him because he was a "slow" driver, but he really cared about his job.

For life in me, i cant think of the other guys name that drove "fast" but got us there. he was very religous and lived in laplata off of washington avenue. do you know who i am talking about?

Andy. :rolleyes:

And if it's the same Ron - he's gone. He's been gone for about 2 years. He was a good driver, but got very nasty towards riders. VERY nasty.


Active Member
All I care about is that they get me to work and I don't have to do the driving and deal with all the other crazy people behind the wheel. You couldn't pay me enough to do the job of those drivers.


New Member
Andy. :rolleyes:

And if it's the same Ron - he's gone. He's been gone for about 2 years. He was a good driver, but got very nasty towards riders. VERY nasty.

Yep, andy was his name. I liked him too.

Ron could be mean, I just was always one of the first people on his bus so his bad side never made it to me and he got us home usually in an hour and half sometimes quicker.

I know some drivers do drive very very crazy when they are going back to the bus lot, I hate passing them on horsehead road becuse they dont realize that the road is two lanes, they just seem to take up the WHOLE road and are kind enough at the last minute to move over.

Are the drivers allowed to drive on Dr. Bowen/Woodville, I know at one time they couldnt, but I have seen more and more coming back from calvert and using dr. bowen.


All Up In Your Grill
Yep, andy was his name. I liked him too.

Ron could be mean, I just was always one of the first people on his bus so his bad side never made it to me and he got us home usually in an hour and half sometimes quicker.

I know some drivers do drive very very crazy when they are going back to the bus lot, I hate passing them on horsehead road becuse they dont realize that the road is two lanes, they just seem to take up the WHOLE road and are kind enough at the last minute to move over.

Are the drivers allowed to drive on Dr. Bowen/Woodville, I know at one time they couldnt, but I have seen more and more coming back from calvert and using dr. bowen.

I know they aren't allowed to use Woodville between Poplar Hill and Bryantown Road (passing Dr. Mudd's house), but I'm not sure about Dr. Bowen. I wasn't aware of any restrictions on that road. :shrug:

I remember one idiot that used Woodville when we had an early release because of snow; he wrecked the bus at the bottom of the hill - the bus was a total loss and he was instantly unemployed. :lol:


New Member
I know they aren't allowed to use Woodville between Poplar Hill and Bryantown Road (passing Dr. Mudd's house), but I'm not sure about Dr. Bowen. I wasn't aware of any restrictions on that road. :shrug:

I remember one idiot that used Woodville when we had an early release because of snow; he wrecked the bus at the bottom of the hill - the bus was a total loss and he was instantly unemployed. :lol:

I thought they werent allowed to use dr. bowen, I could be wrong, surely isnt the first time, I knew about the dr. mudd restriction, but I know they do still do it. I have passed many on popular hill making that quick right onto dr. mudd.

I remember Jimmy had an accident with a bus out fron ot DOT and I felt so bad for him, he was shakking like crazy. The bus stopped and a cab tried to go around and make a wide right and jimmy had started to pull off and hit the cab in the side back part. he was so upset.

I liked andys driving and he was really really nice, but he pushed his religous views a bit too much, I am surprised people never compalined about him for that. I havent ridden since 2003 I really dont think I could deal with the people now, it was bad them, but I imagaine it is worse. The seats are really too close together. I hated it when it rained or it was extremly hot, people always had a weird odor both times.


New Member
Were you on the one that was involved in the MVA by Sheehy Ford? Sorry about that. :blushing:

I wasnt involved with that one, it just happened this morning. No major damage or injuries that I know of.

But what I heard after the accident occured this morning, is that the bus driver was busy talking on his "CB" radio. I believe this because I have seen/heard this driver on more then one occasion talk to other drivers about where they were going for lunch or other discussions that could have waited until all the passengers were off and the bus was parked.


All Up In Your Grill
I wasnt involved with that one, it just happened this morning. No major damage or injuries that I know of.

But what I heard after the accident occured this morning, is that the bus driver was busy talking on his "CB" radio. I believe this because I have seen/heard this driver on more then one occasion talk to other drivers about where they were going for lunch or other discussions that could have waited until all the passengers were off and the bus was parked.

I was driving into work this morning and passed an accident involving a bus and 2 vehicles as you as you go down the hill from Sheehy towards Wilson Powell. :lol:

And most of the time, when a bus is on the side of the road, busses that are coming upon the impaired bus will radio to the driver and offer to take passengers on their bus. If the police are involved and clear the passengers, they are allowed to disembark one bus and board the other. That's just to save you from having to sit there for long periods of time, missing work, etc. when you don't have to.

MadMax said:
I liked andys driving and he was really really nice, but he pushed his religous views a bit too much, I am surprised people never compalined about him for that. I havent ridden since 2003 I really dont think I could deal with the people now, it was bad them, but I imagaine it is worse. The seats are really too close together. I hated it when it rained or it was extremly hot, people always had a weird odor both times.

Andy got a LOT of complaints about his preaching. :lol:
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Active Member
Yeah....especially when they cut the cars off getting off of Suitland Parkway onto 4..or when they are going out 11th Street and cut off the cars that have been waiting their turn in line...or when they run the red light..or..

You forgot riding up the shoulder to bypass everyone else who is waiting in traffic like they are suppose to.:burning:


I report those buses on a regular basis using the "How's my driving" sticker information. But I doubt it gets anywhere passed the operator who's "recording" my complaint.


Well-Known Member
Yeah....especially when they cut the cars off getting off of Suitland Parkway onto 4..or when they are going out 11th Street and cut off the cars that have been waiting their turn in line...or when they run the red light..or..

Another place they are famous for doing the above is Rt. 5 at Mattawomen Beantown by the Dash-in at the yield onto to Mattawomen, cars are backed up to near Renner Rd waiting to get onto Mattawomen and they go all the way up front and then butt in. :buttkick:


Supper's Ready
I was right behind Keller #634 this morning. Although I've seen them wrecklessly change lanes before (especially at Suitland), today went smoothly. Nice, easy commute this morning.


:yeahthat: Also, there's nothing more annoying than being on a packed bus wedged into the window and after the first stop and half the bus becomes empty and the person next to you doesn't move to one of the open seats! Like I'm enjoying sitting next to you so much - NOT.

I so agree. Had a person yesterday who didn't move when there were other empty seats.