Keller Commuter Buses


Happy Camper
Yeah....especially when they cut the cars off getting off of Suitland Parkway onto 4..or when they are going out 11th Street and cut off the cars that have been waiting their turn in line...or when they run the red light..or..

I hate passing them on horsehead road becuse they dont realize that the road is two lanes, they just seem to take up the WHOLE road and are kind enough at the last minute to move over.

You forgot riding up the shoulder to bypass everyone else who is waiting in traffic like they are suppose to.:burning:

Another place they are famous for doing the above is Rt. 5 at Mattawomen Beantown by the Dash-in at the yield onto to Mattawomen, cars are backed up to near Renner Rd waiting to get onto Mattawomen and they go all the way up front and then butt in. :buttkick:

:yeahthat: to everyone above! I have thought about riding the bus a few times, but just couldn't justify putting my life in danger every morning and afternoon! Also, had heard the horror stories of busses coming to the bus stops already full in the p.m. and having to wait for the next one, or the next one... Right now, I have free parking and it doesn't cost me much more in gas to drive than it would for the bus.


Brown-Eyed Girl
I so agree. Had a person yesterday who didn't move when there were other empty seats.[/QUOTE

Agree!! I also had a person next to me yesterday morning on the 905 that wouldn't move until I finally had to get ready to get off at my stop! I know it is better than having to drive in, but over the last year, the rudeness of some riders and other annoyances has noticebly gotten worse:

1. Cell Phone users that have the phone stuck to their ear getting on the bus, and converse/laugh the entire trip; do not care to hear what you did last night. 2. Getting pushed against the window by a heavy duty or just plain rudeness with elbows in your side. 3. Early morning (5:15/5:25 a.m.) paper readers with both overhead lights on. 4. Seats that give you no leg room; i.e. cramped for 2 hours or more commute. 5. Bus drivers that drive too fast, constantly jerk the bus by continuously breaking too quickly.

I don't have a problem with attitudes with most of the bus drivers. There is one that when I would say good morning, or thank you, he would not respond. After a couple of times of trying, I stopped.

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
Grey Hound

With respect to all your commutor bus ride stories, they pale to stories from Grey Hound Bus riders. e.i. Try sharing your seat with a live chicken.....


Well-Known Member
Yeah....especially when they cut the cars off getting off of Suitland Parkway onto 4..or when they are going out 11th Street and cut off the cars that have been waiting their turn in line...or when they run the red light..or..

:yay: :yay:


New Member
IMHO other drivers should be more considerate of these commuter buses. Butting in?....nah, they should have the right of way..move to the front of the line......would you prefer 40 more cares trying to get in front of you?...thats the alternative