I so agree. Had a person yesterday who didn't move when there were other empty seats.[/QUOTE
Agree!! I also had a person next to me yesterday morning on the 905 that wouldn't move until I finally had to get ready to get off at my stop! I know it is better than having to drive in, but over the last year, the rudeness of some riders and other annoyances has noticebly gotten worse:
1. Cell Phone users that have the phone stuck to their ear getting on the bus, and converse/laugh the entire trip; do not care to hear what you did last night. 2. Getting pushed against the window by a heavy duty or just plain rudeness with elbows in your side. 3. Early morning (5:15/5:25 a.m.) paper readers with both overhead lights on. 4. Seats that give you no leg room; i.e. cramped for 2 hours or more commute. 5. Bus drivers that drive too fast, constantly jerk the bus by continuously breaking too quickly.
I don't have a problem with attitudes with most of the bus drivers. There is one that when I would say good morning, or thank you, he would not respond. After a couple of times of trying, I stopped.