Football addict
2ndAmendment said:
Where did I state this movie was fact? I merely stated it was a documentary in which you could not admit yourself, until now that is.
Yes, I believe I already know what 'documentary' means or did you miss the definition I submitted? It is a documentary to the point where it shows actual news footage and interviews. I do not think it is a documentary in the fact that it spews Moore's idealology. In the face of news footage and interviews it is factual and objective.Main Entry: 1doc·u·men·ta·ry
Pronunciation: "dä-ky&-'men-t&-rE, -'men-trE
Function: adjective
1 : being or consisting of documents : contained or certified in writing <DOCUMENTARY evidence>
2 : of, relating to, or employing documentation in literature or art; broadly : FACTUAL, OBJECTIVE
- doc·u·men·tar·i·ly /-m&n-'ter-&-lE, -"men-/ adverb
The key words here are FACTUAL, OBJECTIVE which this piece of fiction certainly was not.
I'm always up for a challenge. I know when to admit I am wrong, do you? I suppose not after this mild threat.You do NOT want to mess with me little boy; you will not win