Tonio said:
My question is, how can anyone know which books of the Bible were divinely inspired and which weren't?
All the 66 books of the canon are the Word of God; the apocrypha are not. You have free will to accept that or not; I am not trying to be confrontational here. God created each of us with free will.
I am going to digress here a bit. Did you see "Almighty Bruce" with Jim Carey (Bruce) and Morgan Freeman (God)? There is a point in the movie where (this is paraphrased) Bruce asks how you make someone love you when there is free will. Morgan Freeman answers now you see my problem.
God loves us unconditionally like a father. Like a good father, He does not give us everything we want and He corrects us and provides guidance, the Bible, and support, other believers. He gives us what we need (not want). His desire for us is to fellowship with Him personally. Try this. Find a place where you can be alone with no distractions. Spend some time just being quiet. Pray for God to give you faith and listen. I think you will be amazed at the peace you will find and the insight to yourself and to God that will be revealed. You may "hear" an inner voice; you will know if it is Him or yourself. Try it.
As believers, we are to pray without ceasing. That is hard. It means pray about everything, every decision, every choice. Read the Bible to learn God's way. Pray to do things God's way. The Bible is a good book besides being The Good Book. A bit dry and slow some places, but it is a history book as well as a guide book, and a book of future events. It has the histories of men that were chosen by God and their failings, sins, and their return to God. The Bible has wars and the histories of great loves. Every time you read it (I mean cover to cover), you will read something you didn't see before even in the exact same Bible you have been reading. That is because you are in a different place in your life and you need something different and God provides it. You get a deeper understanding. But it takes faith to read the Bible. Most people can't even get past the first chapter of Genesis. Without faith, the Bible seems like nonsense. But there is something strange about reading the Bible without faith. If you try and keep trying and keep seeking, you will get the faith to understand and read.
God bless your quest.