New Balance is made in vietnam as well... That isnt the point though...
As for thinking bush masterminded some massive 9-11 coverup, i never said or alluded to this i honestly think the signs where there and it could have been prevented but we all know hindsight is 20/20... I dont think any decent person would allow that even to happen, including bush... I dont think bush has masterminded any coverups, or had any evil plans... I feel its the people behind him: cheney, rumsfeld, wulfwitz, ashcroft.... He is just a puppet, hell how many people have managed to choke on a pretzel? As for new enemies, we havent made any but we have lost support from the international community as well as creditbility... The UN, Europe, Middle East, many muslims in general (now we openly support israel over palestine and we have ##### owned 2 sovergn muslim nations and redone their governments) have lost sight of many good things that this nation does do, and instead view he vast ammount of negative things we do. Instead of watching late night commedy they just watch our president, the "most powerful man in the world" make an ass of himself when he opens his mouth, rapeing the english language more than i do as im posting on the internet.