Kerry's daughter on Haiti


Well-Known Member

Now I honestly don't understand what the hell is going on.

Everyone complained that Bush "rushed" to war in Iraq (which I plainly DON'T see, if you count 13 years of putting up with Saddam's crap, or 3 years of Bush's administration - if you subscribe to the idea that he planned it from day 1 - whatever) and that he didn't go through the UN and acted unilaterally.

NOW they complain that he DIDN'T send troops in immediately and act unilaterally to prop up a leader who was being violently overthrown by a popular uprising. (Democratically elected might be pushing it, since Aristide selected his OWN successor and took the reigns back in a very low voter turnout election fraught with corruption).

Apparently, he's guilty of not going in fast enough.

Ok, can someone explain it to me?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Haiti has been a mess since forever and now it's all of a sudden George Bush's fault. :rolleyes: Moronicas.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Haiti has been a mess since forever and now it's all of a sudden George Bush's fault. :rolleyes: Moronicas.
:yeahthat: Definitely. It amazes me how stupid these people can get. Simply amazing.:rolleyes: