Kids with guns...


New Member
<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY id=collapseobj_usercp_reputation><TR><TD class=alt2 noWrap>02-19-2007 10:34 AM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%">From dumbasses like you.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Yeah, thats it :duh: I got guns layin all over the place :dork:


New Member
dems4me said:
That and gum control.

I'm down with gum control. I should be able to chew gum anywhere I damn well please. It doesn't hurt anyone. :shrug: :wink:

I really don't think Anger Management would be a bad idea in schools. I think the techniques they learn would help them all the days of their lives. :shrug:


I grew up here in St. Marys county and bought a gun from a kid when I was in 11th grade at Chopticon......guns are everywhere and kids will steal just about anything that they think they can turn into money.

By the way, I paid $25 for the pistol


New Member
Gun control failed miserably in Maryland and DC. If you realize it our society and the liberal media has tried to make guns out to be a bad thing. But the fact of the matter is, they save lives, and reduce the crime rate in every other state that allows its citizens to carry them licensed or unlicensed.
Perhaps they should teach firearms safety in school. Perhaps they should run a summercamp that allows the kids to shoot guns at targets and trap shooting rather than each other, teach kids responsibility rather than not teach them at all, or allow gangsta rappers to teach them about what to do with a gun. Perhaps if everyone who wanted to carry a gun could, people would stop getting robbed and raped and whatnot in this state. The criminals would have to migrate back to DC. :wench:


Pandora said:
Maybe Anger Management should be taught in the 6th grade. :shrug:

And respect for human life, respect for the weapons themselves, as well as gun control.

And by gun control, I mean you use two hands, and don't hold it sideways like Snoop Doggydogg.


New Member
I believe its clear here what the real issue is. The parents didn't raise the kids, and BET & Rap City did. This is the result. Hell I wonder if you can sue? Maybe the irresponsible parent(s) can sue along with mayor bloomberg all the gun stores in america! And all the people who've been in high speed wrecks can sue ford and chevy for manufacturing corvettes and mustangs.

I understand that is probably what happened here... the kid saw this and that occour on tv but believes he can do it as well. Children weren't shooting each other in the face in the 1960's. They learned it somewhere. The problem is, parents don't teach their kids. They don't supervise. Its like the whole columbine thing.... How do you not know that there is a bomb factory and ammunition depot in your sons bedroom? Are you sure there isn't a meth lab in the closet? Those are the things that really bother me.... the fact that people don't even know whats really going on in their own houses. The ones who are in denial and fail to admit they have some sort of problem.

I pray for the day the legalize concealed carry in Maryland. I hope they pass the castle doctrine law as well. I think that people are going to find really fast (the criminals) that you will have a new found respect for the law abiding citizens, and if you commit crimes, you could be shot. I think if the little hoodlums continue to run the streets and continue their little terror campaign I refuse to be a victim and won't hesitate to end their crime spree as well. :wench:


protectmd said:
Are you sure there isn't a meth lab in the closet?

This is a bad example.

Meth labs STINK... anyone in a 1/2 - 3/4 mile radius can tell if there's a meth lab around.

Other than that, beauty post.


I'm the Boss of Me
I'd say that guns take more lives then they save, and their benefit towards preventing crime is minor.

Have you ever wondered how other countries have been able to have lower crime rates than ours WITHOUT public access to firearms?

I'm not for banning all firearms possession in public hands, but there have to be some common sense laws.

Giving the public broad permission to carry concealed weapons is absolute insanity.

protectmd said:
Gun control failed miserably in Maryland and DC. If you realize it our society and the liberal media has tried to make guns out to be a bad thing. But the fact of the matter is, they save lives, and reduce the crime rate in every other state that allows its citizens to carry them licensed or unlicensed.
Perhaps they should teach firearms safety in school. Perhaps they should run a summercamp that allows the kids to shoot guns at targets and trap shooting rather than each other, teach kids responsibility rather than not teach them at all, or allow gangsta rappers to teach them about what to do with a gun. Perhaps if everyone who wanted to carry a gun could, people would stop getting robbed and raped and whatnot in this state. The criminals would have to migrate back to DC. :wench:
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forestal said:
I'd say that guns take more lives then they save, and their benefit towards preventing crime is minor.

Yeah, well... You say a lot of things. Very few of which stand up to logic, fact or anything barely within the realm of sanity.

Guns are inanimate objects without will or reason. They don't take any lives whatsoever, any more than cars drive or pencils write. Guns are a tool. A simple mindless means to an end without desire, prejudice or conscience. They don't DO anything except exist.

forestal said:
Have you ever wondered how other coutries have been able to have lower crime rates than ours WITHOUT public access to firearms?

I don't wonder that.
Mainly because it's not true.

See also: Australia, England.

forestal said:
Giving the public broad permission to carry concealed weapons is absolute insanity.

That's a nice borad sweeping statement you have there.

Would you care to back it up with anything more than fingerpointing, conjecture and blatant appeal to emotion?


New Member
I believe in the Right to Bear Arms, as well as the right to arm bears. I think everyone should have a gun. Not because we WANT one, but because we NEED one. Who knows when jolly old England may decide to try and take her colonies back again. We have to be ready to organize a militia at a moments notice. One if by land, two if by sea! I think every child who matriculates into the public school system should be required to wear a side arm. That child would NOT have been shot in the face if he had been packing heat. Guns protect us from all of society's ills.... cancer, secondhand smoke, erectile dysfunction, agrophobia, homophobia... hell, homos in general!


24/7 Single Dad
forestal said:
Giving the public broad permission to carry concealed weapons is absolute insanity.
:killingme :killingme
Every place, every time it's done, the crime rate drops.

Did you know that in MD if someone breaks into your house you would go to jail if you shot them unless they're armed and you can prove they are threatning your life? The proper response is to run away and let somebody else handle it.
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protectmd said:
Gun control failed miserably in Maryland and DC. If you realize it our society and the liberal media has tried to make guns out to be a bad thing. But the fact of the matter is, they save lives, and reduce the crime rate in every other state that allows its citizens to carry them licensed or unlicensed.
Perhaps they should teach firearms safety in school. Perhaps they should run a summercamp that allows the kids to shoot guns at targets and trap shooting rather than each other, teach kids responsibility rather than not teach them at all, or allow gangsta rappers to teach them about what to do with a gun. Perhaps if everyone who wanted to carry a gun could, people would stop getting robbed and raped and whatnot in this state. The criminals would have to migrate back to DC. :wench:
:yeahthat: Good post. :yay:


New Member
This post is geared towards a couple of the things that were said posted above...

A. Common sense laws.
This state has no gun common sense laws. Case and point. Did you see that home invasion incident where those idiots in Fort Washington broke into that home, the animal who broke in shot the grandmother, and when he came to the upstairs he was leveled off? The DA's office of PG county was considering filing charges against the son for shooting the criminal who shot the criminal? That could be you, or any one else in this forum, defends yourself against a violent criminal/animal of society and now you have to worry about the state bringing charges against you for defending yourself?

The MSP ballistic fingerprinting program is a waste of tax money. How many people has it convicted since it was implemented?

The states where CCW permits are shall issued, the crime is lower, its a proven fact. There are laws that regulate that in those states as well... common sense types such as: you cannot take a gun onto school property, into a courthouse regardless of your permit to carry unless your a cop or something. You cannot take a gun onto federal property or federal buildings. You cannot take a concealed weapon into an establishment that is a bar. Amusement parks are off limits, however at Kings Dominion you may check your gun at the park enterance with Virginia State Police/park security. Simons Malls of America do not allow firearms on their premises, and you have to leave the gun locked in your car. Walmarts corporate policy is that guns are welcome in their store.

There are laws out there that regulate the posession and carrying in these states that allow you to open/concealed carry. Thats the fact of the matter, its not the wild west, its the complete opposite.

Even openly carrying a firearm is regulated. Many of the restrictions change from state to state, and they fall under the same laws and rules as concealed handgun carriers. (In Virginia it is legal to open carry a holstered handgun without a permit, as well as West Virginia, Kentucky, Arizona, and various other states. You do not have to have a permit to do this)
You cannot brandish a firearm without proper reasoning to do so in these states. There are many laws that regulate the discharge of firearms in public area's, etc. If you have a restraining order against you/peace order, you must turn your firearms into the police dept. until that order expires.

The states that do allow these sorts of things, its not one big free for all. The people who do take advantage of their right to openly carry, right to concealed carry are law abiding citizens who are educated on the laws. Everyone goes through some sort of background check in the US to purchase and legally own a firearm. A common sense law would start punishing criminals, not the law abiding gun owners. A common sense law would be one that allows citizens to protect themselves, not protect the criminals because the state fears lawsuits from criminals who are suing to get money. A common sense law is one that does justice to the people in society and focus's on making voters safer by allowing them to protect themselves and their families and others against violent crime, not enables them to inform 911 so that the police may investigate after the fact.

Lawmakers have been fooling the public. They make you think that if they ban a "scary looking gun" that they are doing the public a justice. The fact of the matter is, that guns are scary to criminals, and thats the way it should be. The sooner our lawmakers stop making Maryland "The free state" for criminals and creating a society of victims then things will change here. They think that if they ban a certain type of bullet they are making a community safer. The fact of the matter is, that guns are here to stay in america. And no matter how much stuff you ban or whatever, the criminals will always have the upper hand because they do not recognize federal state, and local laws. They will do as they wish regardless, and if you were to ask a rapist whether he would rather rape in Maryland or Virginia, im sure he would choose Maryland. He doesn't have to fear being shot by his would be victim here. Criminals do not fear laws, consequences or repercussions in the state of Maryland because there are none. Maryland is built on the policy that coddles to criminals, punishes victims and promotes the rights of convicted felons.


When I stated everyone should carry a gun, I was implying that the current situation wasn't working and that law abiding citizens should be allowed to carry a firearm for the order of self defense of themselves and other citizens.

When I brought up the fact that the kid next door may have a meth lab in his house I was implying to the fact that many parents nowadays really don't have any clue as to what is going on in the kids room. There could be anything from a meth lab, pipe bomb lab, marijuana greenhouse etc going on in there. Many parents aren't able to recognize the smell of a meth lab, PCP, crack, marijuana odor etc... some may have seen or smelled the crap and not even known.
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forestal said:
I'd say that guns take more lives then they save, and their benefit towards preventing crime is minor.

Have you ever wondered how other coutries have been able to have lower crime rates than ours WITHOUT public access to firearms?

I'm not for banning all firearms possession in public hands, but there have to be some common sense laws.

Giving the public broad permission to carry concealed weapons is absolute insanity.
Where did you get your brain? Did they hand it to you from a jar marked "toxic waste?" Education of our children with firearms is a key factor and will be a key factor in detering crime. Gun control is absolute BS. The criminal will still get, and have guns to hand to our children to use, with "their" education and "their" methods to apply. Maybe if we educate our children in the proper use of firearms with a little more attention to the "do not kill" philosophy, we might end up with a little less crime in our society.
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Super Genius
Vince said:
Where did you get your brain? Did they hand it to you from a jar marked "toxic waste?"
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Igor, would you mind telling me whose brain I did put in?
Igor: And you won't be angry?
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: I will NOT be angry.
Igor: Abby someone.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Abby someone. Abby who?
Igor: Abby Normal.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Abby Normal?
Igor: I'm almost sure that was the name.


jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Igor, would you mind telling me whose brain I did put in?
Igor: And you won't be angry?
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: I will NOT be angry.
Igor: Abby someone.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Abby someone. Abby who?
Igor: Abby Normal.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Abby Normal?
Igor: I'm almost sure that was the name.


:lmao: I love, love, LOVE that movie. :yay:

BTW - great post, Vince! :clap: