How much extra do you pay for that service? That's better than the under carriage wash.
Do they have a detailing service?How much extra do you pay for that service? That's better than the under carriage wash.
How much extra do you pay for that service? That's better than the under carriage wash.
Totally agree with the growth situation and the need for more police. Indian Head a Town with no Town Police! CCSO does make a fair amount of traffic stops and responses within the La Plata Town limits to include backing up La Plata Officers. CCSO must work all major crimes for La Plata since they don't have the capabilities as CCSO does. Sad part is La Plata Police Officers don't have the full benefits and retirement package as CCSO. Desolve the Town police, save the residents some money and bring the La Plata Officers into CCSO where they can earn and really deserve the same benefits as the CCSO Police Officers do. BTW What happened to the Assistant Chief Chris Becker?Once all of the facts are out, a better picture will be presented. You may see a lot of CCSO cars in LaPlata doesn't mean their on patrol. Their headquarters and several offices are scattered throughout the town. Im sure both departments are having problems hiring new officers its a nationwide problem. Studies have been made from outsider's that say the the town of Laplata is several officers below what they should have right now for the size of the town, and with the new huge housing development coming to LaPlata its going to be like a small St. Charles (unfortunately). Going to be huge as far as the land its going to be built on from Charles St. through to Radio Station Rd. and all along Rosewick Rd, Wont be very long with St. Charles building along St. Charles Pkwy toward Radio Station Rd and the new development along Rosewick Rd. they will all come together. You wont know where Waldorf stops, and White Plains begins and then where LaPlata starts. St. Charles Pkwy use to be a nice quiet shortcut from LaPlata to Mattawomen Beantown Rd (205) to 301 to avoid 301 traffic through Waldorf's business area. Not so much anymore.
Assistant Chief retired again or left for another department on the Eastern Shore where he moved I believe.Totally agree with the growth situation and the need for more police. Indian Head a Town with no Town Police! CCSO does make a fair amount of traffic stops and responses within the La Plata Town limits to include backing up La Plata Officers. CCSO must work all major crimes for La Plata since they don't have the capabilities as CCSO does. Sad part is La Plata Police Officers don't have the full benefits and retirement package as CCSO. Desolve the Town police, save the residents some money and bring the La Plata Officers into CCSO where they can earn and really deserve the same benefits as the CCSO Police Officers do. BTW What happened to the Assistant Chief Chris Becker?
Let's give the Chief a chance to investigate the matter and the truth should come out. Maybe we'll hear the young ladies side of the story too. The police wear body cams, the car wash should have security cameras and a citizen took some video, so there's lots of evidence out there. My guess is the cops did nothing wrong.If the current city police have the time to do this then they are not needed.
How exactly can you justify them making a tik tock video while spraying them with soap?Let's give the Chief a chance to investigate the matter and the truth should come out. Maybe we'll hear the young ladies side of the story too. The police wear body cams, the car wash should have security cameras and a citizen took some video, so there's lots of evidence out there. My guess is the cops did nothing wrong.
The truth will come out and I bet the the officers will be cleared of any wrong doing.Let's give the Chief a chance to investigate the matter and the truth should come out. Maybe we'll hear the young ladies side of the story too. The police wear body cams, the car wash should have security cameras and a citizen took some video, so there's lots of evidence out there. My guess is the cops did nothing wrong.
Here's a town that just disbanded the entire police department.
After racist text, Vincent council reportedly moves to fire police chief, disband department - TittlePress
Just days after city officials confirmed a text message containing a racist joke was sent by a Vincent…
The City of Vincents website lists only three people in its police department: Srygley, Goss, and Lee Carden.
Funny, the question was, "What do yall call a pregnant slave?" It didn't specify color or race. And as history has proven, more White European and those from the Caucasus region, over history, have been enslaved more so than Africans.So they fired 3 people and immediately contracted with the Sheriff's department. Sounds to me like they used this as an excuse to cut costs, i'm sure it's cheaper to contract with the larger Sheriff's department than to run an entire police department that consists of only 3 officers.
Was there ever any more information released on what happened at the car wash?