LaBron to Cleveland...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So the Wizards lost Ariza but they signed Pierce with their mid level exemption. It would have been nice if they'd been able to keep Ariza and then use their MLE to add an extra piece. Oh well. Ariza was important because they were too close to the cap to sign a comparable player from another team, they could only afford him because he was their own free agent. Anyway, their cap space is pretty much gone now so they're left trying to resign a few of their own (most importantly Booker I think) or, possibly but unlikely, some kind of sign and trade.

Hopefully Pierce will have a bit of a resurgence playing with the young stars in Washington. He doesn't need to be the Pierce of old, he just needs to fill the void left by Ariza's departure and the Wizards should be among the top 3 in the East - with Chicago and Cleveland I think.

This is bad news. I saw Ariza as one of those pieces you GOTTA have. A longer guy who can defend other long guys, while being able to get his shot off in a half court set.

Sorry to hear this!
This is bad news. I saw Ariza as one of those pieces you GOTTA have. A longer guy who can defend other long guys, while being able to get his shot off in a half court set.

Sorry to hear this!

Yeah, I think he was a key piece as well. He was probably their best defensive player and he was certainly their most versatile. He could guard down to shooting guards and up to power forwards. He was the guy that usually defended the other team's biggest offensive threat. When they played the Heat, Ariza was the main one asked to try to slow down Lebron. And when they beat the Heat with Lebron (who had just told the reporters who were criticizing his effort to watch what he did in the next game) in the lineup, it was in no small part thanks to Trevor. The Wizards were a good defensive team last year, and most of the guys bought into the defensive effort message, but Ariza was their heart and ignitor on that end of the floor. And he spotted up on the baseline behind the arc with the best of them.

Anyway, at least it turns out that they got an $8+ million trade exception from the Ariza deal. So they can potentially use that for a sign and trade deal to pick up another piece. It looks like they're trying to get DeJuan Blair from Dallas, don't know if they'd use Ariza's trade exception or one of the smaller ones they already had. Blair's a nice addition, but he doesn't replace Ariza - he doesn't give them that defense back. And Pierce doesn't give them that defense either. I'm hopeful they'll pull something else out of their hat, but I can't think of what it might be.


mama to two
I heard on the news last night that James is getting $40 million for a 2 year contract for going back to Cleveland. :faint:
I heard on the news last night that James is getting $40 million for a 2 year contract for going back to Cleveland. :faint:

He could have gotten more staying in Miami. But he makes so much in endorsements, and he's made so much money already, I don't see where a few million here or there should make much difference.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Florida doesn't have a state income tax. Even if the pay is the same, staying in Miami would have put more $$$ in his pocket.

Then there is an argument to be made about living in Ohio vs. living in South Beach.
Florida doesn't have a state income tax. Even if the pay is the same, staying in Miami would have put more $$$ in his pocket.

Then there is an argument to be made about living in Ohio vs. living in South Beach.

No doubt. But like I said, he's making enough money (from salary and otherwise) that a few millions here or there probably aren't important as other considerations - e.g. wanting to bring a championship to Cleveland and being a local hero of epic proportions, getting to play with Irving and maybe Wiggins. And just doing a two-year deal, he leaves himself the ability to get another monster contract (for even more max money if he stays in Cleveland) before he starts getting into the downside of his career.


Hopefully Pierce will have a bit of a resurgence playing with the young stars in Washington. He doesn't need to be the Pierce of old, he just needs to fill the void left by Ariza's departure and the Wizards should be among the top 3 in the East - with Chicago and Cleveland I think.

What about the Pacers? I'll wait until after free agency before picking a top 3. IMO the Wizards are 4th-5th as of today. You seem to be assuming the Pacers stick to their late season form (although they beat the Wizards in the playoffs...) and don't resign Stephenson, the Heat don't do anything else in free agency (not a guarantee), and then both Wall & Beal make big leaps forward. It's all possible, sure, but I wouldn't take that to Vegas.
What about the Pacers? I'll wait until after free agency before picking a top 3. IMO the Wizards are 4th-5th as of today. You seem to be assuming the Pacers stick to their late season form (although they beat the Wizards in the playoffs...) and don't resign Stephenson, the Heat don't do anything else in free agency (not a guarantee), and then both Wall & Beal make big leaps forward. It's all possible, sure, but I wouldn't take that to Vegas.

If the Heat add more meaningful pieces, I'll reassess. Deng was a good pick up for them, I think he's more underrated than overrated. But I don't think Wade is an elite player anymore. I'd still take him on the Wizards, no doubt; but he's no where near the player he used to be. Maybe that's about health issues, but I think he goes downhill from here (his stats could pick up with Lebron gone, but that's not what I'm referring to). Bosh is a good player as well, but they need substantially more than those three.

I don't think the Pacers are as good as they played early last year. George is their best player, but he's not good enough to be the best player on a great team. Hibbert is a mediocre center at best, at least from what I saw of him last year. Stephenson can be a game changer, he gives you so many different things, but even with him I think they slide this year. Beyond those guys they have a bunch of so-so to good pieces that - to me - just don't add up to enough to match the firepower that Cleveland and Chicago can bring this year. At this point I guess I'd put the Wizards third, but I'm worried about them as well - especially after losing Ariza.

But you're right, there are others that might step up and lead the East. I'm just hoping Cleveland doesn't find a way to bring in Love and then sign either Ray Allen or Mike Miller (to a smallish contract, looking to win another championship). If they could do that, they'd be near impossible to defend.
I was just about to post to lament the loss of Trevor Booker to Utah - all of a sudden the Wizards will be missing on opening day 3 of their 7 biggest contributors from last season (depending on Martell Webster's recovery timetable). Booker was a good player for them last year - he stepped up when someone had to in the face of injuries and he gave them great energy and hustle off the bench. And I think he has more upside.

But then... it's being reported that the Wizards have done a sign and trade for Kris Humphries. That kind of takes the sting out of losing Booker. I'd still like to see them add one more meaningful piece, preferably someone that helps them defensively. If they don't, with having lost Ariza and Booker, they're really going to need Porter to take a major step forward and be ready to contribute. He has the defensive skills to fill the hole left by Ariza's departure, but going into the season I'd rather they didn't have to count on him to do so.


If the Heat add more meaningful pieces, I'll reassess. Deng was a good pick up for them, I think he's more underrated than overrated. But I don't think Wade is an elite player anymore. I'd still take him on the Wizards, no doubt; but he's no where near the player he used to be. Maybe that's about health issues, but I think he goes downhill from here (his stats could pick up with Lebron gone, but that's not what I'm referring to). Bosh is a good player as well, but they need substantially more than those three.

I don't think the Pacers are as good as they played early last year. George is their best player, but he's not good enough to be the best player on a great team. Hibbert is a mediocre center at best, at least from what I saw of him last year. Stephenson can be a game changer, he gives you so many different things, but even with him I think they slide this year. Beyond those guys they have a bunch of so-so to good pieces that - to me - just don't add up to enough to match the firepower that Cleveland and Chicago can bring this year. At this point I guess I'd put the Wizards third, but I'm worried about them as well - especially after losing Ariza.

But you're right, there are others that might step up and lead the East. I'm just hoping Cleveland doesn't find a way to bring in Love and then sign either Ray Allen or Mike Miller (to a smallish contract, looking to win another championship). If they could do that, they'd be near impossible to defend.

Wade shot 54% last year in the regular season and 50% in the playoffs, INCLUDING his awful Finals performance. He's like Ginobili from the year before...bad Finals, but otherwise still a good player. He's lost a step, but I think he figures it out this year now that he actually has a chance to play his game. So many of them were catering to Lebron. Chalmers will be more of a PG this year (as will Cole) and have a chance to do more. They've been a little underrated. McRoberts is solid and if Granger's injury issues subside, he's a bargain. They still have a few more roster spots to fill so we'll see if they do anything.

George is around top 15. Elite defender and he has great ball skills but they don't always show. When he's ON, he can definitely lead an elite team, but he's not always on. Stephenson I always thought was one of the problems for that team, but that's just me. I think without him they can be a better TEAM. Hibbert had a bad 2nd half of the season but before that he was the glue of the defense and the reason they were the best team in the East. If he gets back to where he was early last season, the Pacers are tough to beat. Hill is average and West, the heart of the team, is pretty solid. But they have no bench and I don't know enough about the guys they picked up.

I'd be surprised if the Cavs could afford Love, but who knows. They'd also have to give up a key piece like Wiggins and they really don't want to. Miller is probably going elsewhere and I'd be a little surprised if Allen went to Cleveland given all the unknowns. If he's chasing a title there's not enough of a guarantee in Cleveland to make it worth his while. If I were him I'd probably find a contender in the Western Conference (SA/OKC/HOU/LAC/POR/GS), go to Indiana/Chicago, or maybe even stick with Miami if he likes it there (doubtful this happens though).

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I was just about to post to lament the loss of Trevor Booker to Utah - all of a sudden the Wizards will be missing on opening day 3 of their 7 biggest contributors from last season (depending on Martell Webster's recovery timetable). Booker was a good player for them last year - he stepped up when someone had to in the face of injuries and he gave them great energy and hustle off the bench. And I think he has more upside.

But then... it's being reported that the Wizards have done a sign and trade for Kris Humphries. That kind of takes the sting out of losing Booker. I'd still like to see them add one more meaningful piece, preferably someone that helps them defensively. If they don't, with having lost Ariza and Booker, they're really going to need Porter to take a major step forward and be ready to contribute. He has the defensive skills to fill the hole left by Ariza's departure, but going into the season I'd rather they didn't have to count on him to do so.

What the heck is going on in DC????? A team that was a couple of plays from playing Miami for the finals, a team many think they matched up really well with, is now tearing itself apart??? Wasn't Booker one of the muscle guys in the playoffs that made some key defensive plays????? I was impressed with their balance and now it looks like the Wizards of Arenas; All guard, no slash and no muscle...

What is going on???


I was just about to post to lament the loss of Trevor Booker to Utah - all of a sudden the Wizards will be missing on opening day 3 of their 7 biggest contributors from last season (depending on Martell Webster's recovery timetable). Booker was a good player for them last year - he stepped up when someone had to in the face of injuries and he gave them great energy and hustle off the bench. And I think he has more upside.

But then... it's being reported that the Wizards have done a sign and trade for Kris Humphries. That kind of takes the sting out of losing Booker. I'd still like to see them add one more meaningful piece, preferably someone that helps them defensively. If they don't, with having lost Ariza and Booker, they're really going to need Porter to take a major step forward and be ready to contribute. He has the defensive skills to fill the hole left by Ariza's departure, but going into the season I'd rather they didn't have to count on him to do so.

Pierce is a solid defender. He may not be as good as Ariza, but you won't miss much there. Maybe he's getting old and losing a step, but you get a better offensive player so maybe it'll make up for it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If the Heat add more meaningful pieces, I'll reassess. Deng was a good pick up for them, I think he's more underrated than overrated. But I don't think Wade is an elite player anymore. I'd still take him on the Wizards, no doubt; but he's no where near the player he used to be. Maybe that's about health issues, but I think he goes downhill from here (his stats could pick up with Lebron gone, but that's not what I'm referring to). Bosh is a good player as well, but they need substantially more than those three.

I don't think the Pacers are as good as they played early last year. George is their best player, but he's not good enough to be the best player on a great team. Hibbert is a mediocre center at best, at least from what I saw of him last year. Stephenson can be a game changer, he gives you so many different things, but even with him I think they slide this year. Beyond those guys they have a bunch of so-so to good pieces that - to me - just don't add up to enough to match the firepower that Cleveland and Chicago can bring this year. At this point I guess I'd put the Wizards third, but I'm worried about them as well - especially after losing Ariza.

But you're right, there are others that might step up and lead the East. I'm just hoping Cleveland doesn't find a way to bring in Love and then sign either Ray Allen or Mike Miller (to a smallish contract, looking to win another championship). If they could do that, they'd be near impossible to defend.

Can Wades minutes pick up enough for his stats to pick up and still have much left for the playoffs??

I think the Pacers WERE that good early on because they did it with defense. They were stifling at times and that is when their playoffs turned for the better to beat DC and then fell off against the Heat who impressed the HECK out of me with THEIR D.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Pierce is a solid defender. He may not be as good as Ariza, but you won't miss much there. Maybe he's getting old and losing a step, but you get a better offensive player so maybe it'll make up for it.

You really think so??? I'm not a full time fan but, it stuns me that Pierce is the answer to 'what now?' when they lost Ariza, a guy I think is on the verge of being a really, really good player.


You really think so??? I'm not a full time fan but, it stuns me that Pierce is the answer to 'what now?' when they lost Ariza, a guy I think is on the verge of being a really, really good player.

I don't know enough about Ariza to compare, but Pierce has been the primary defender against Lebron when his past teams played. Results were fair. I know Pierce is getting old, but at the same time, Ariza only did it for one year and he's already 29. Is he really worth a huge payday? It's a risky move for Houston. Pierce's PER was higher last year even with the surprisingly low point total.

Check this (Washington Post argument why Pierce is better for the Wiz):

Edit: just started reading that article I posted (found it when looking up their PER and thought I'd share) and they're saying exactly what I am. :lol:
What the heck is going on in DC????? A team that was a couple of plays from playing Miami for the finals, a team many think they matched up really well with, is now tearing itself apart??? Wasn't Booker one of the muscle guys in the playoffs that made some key defensive plays????? I was impressed with their balance and now it looks like the Wizards of Arenas; All guard, no slash and no muscle...

What is going on???

Booker is kinda undersized, he plays bigger than he is. I think adding Humphries will losing him is at worst a wash for Washington and probably a bit of a gain. Humphries is probably more versatile and a better offensive player. I think we're okay in the front court if Nene stays healthy, but that's a big if. They'll probably resign Gooden for extra depth and as insurance in case Nene is hurt. I don't know what it was - maybe just extra motivate after being out of basketball - but Gooden played surprisingly well for the Wizards after they signed him late last year. I'm more worried about their depth at the 2-3 spot. Wall, Beal, and Miller are a good start for guards, but past that they don't have much. I don't think Glen Rice's son is ready to be a meaningful contributor and I'm not sure about Temple either. Webster would be their depth at 2 and 3, but who knows how well he'll recover from back surgery.

The Ariza loss worries more than the Booker loss. They're gonna need Porter to be ready to be ready to step up, he's the natural answer for the swing defender that they're short of now.

As for what the Wizards are doing, I don't think it's been a bad offseason for them. They're trying to have the pieces to be a good team, and maybe compete for the East, over the next two years while retaining flexibility going into the 2016 offseason. I think they're hoping to have max contract cap space to try to attract a big time talent in free agency that year. In order for that to happen they not only have to have the cap space, but they need to prove over the next couple of seasons that they're a legit championship threat - or, at least, one piece away from being that.
Can Wades minutes pick up enough for his stats to pick up and still have much left for the playoffs??

I think the Pacers WERE that good early on because they did it with defense. They were stifling at times and that is when their playoffs turned for the better to beat DC and then fell off against the Heat who impressed the HECK out of me with THEIR D.

His minutes don't necessarily have to pick up much. With Lebron gone, he'll be the go to offensive option more often. Deng and Bosh and others will provide offensive as well, but any time you lose someone like Lebron... well, there's only one basketball and your offensive opportunities, if you have Wade's offensive skill set, have to increase as a result.
Pierce is a solid defender. He may not be as good as Ariza, but you won't miss much there. Maybe he's getting old and losing a step, but you get a better offensive player so maybe it'll make up for it.

I'm not saying Pierce is a bad defender, but he's not as quick as Ariza. And Ariza gave great defensive effort whenever he was on the court. He made a lot of plays with those long arms and his aggressive ball hawking, he jump started that team quite a few times. Pierce probably gives the Wizards a better mix of things than Ariza did, he may even be a net add over Ariza. But I don't think he'll be the defensive presence Ariza was, and that's what the Wizards need to replace somehow. They need that defensive heart and soul that inspires the others and motivates them to give max effort on the defensive end. The Wizards have offensive talent to spare at this point - all 5 starters will be legit offensive threats, and they'll each present different challenges for defenses. But they aren't going to be so good that they can afford to take long stretches off on defense, and that's what I'm concerned about in light of Ariza's departure. They were good last year when they worked hard on defense, and pretty much only then.
Mike Miller is reportedly taking less money to sign with Cleveland. The potential on that roster is starting to be scary. Yes, much of it is young and we don't know how well it will develop. But there's scary good possibilities there. Kyrie is already a force and Lebron is of course the best player in the league, becoming one of the best ever I think. Then you have Waiters who is good and has significant upside, and Wiggins whose unproven at this level but has great upside, and Thompson who's also good with significant upside. And I'm not ready to pronounce Bennett as a Kwame Brown-esque bust just yet. He certainly disappointed last year, but there's still lot of potential there. Then there are some nice veteran pieces to help steady the team while all that young potential is trying to develop, like Verejao and Haywood and Miller.

All of the young pieces on that team may not develop into great players, but they don't need all of them to in order to be a scary team in a couple of years. If just two more out of Wiggins, Waiters, Thompson and Bennett live up to their potential, this team is going to be hard to beat over the next 5 or 6 years - assuming Lebron stays past his current contract.


mama to two
He could have gotten more staying in Miami. But he makes so much in endorsements, and he's made so much money already, I don't see where a few million here or there should make much difference.

I don't keep up with sports as a rule, but what you are saying is James has millions upon millions upon millions of dollars. Is he a nice guy that doesn't get in trouble, and not one that will squander it all? Is he the type that will share with his family, and charities? Just wondering. TIA