

Well-Known Member
My wife isn't a big fan of it - and I suppose it can be an acquired taste. Some years back, at Giant, they had this prepared, seasoned leg of lamb in some kind of mesh bag you cooked it in - and I don't know how it was prepared, the kids couldn't get enough of it. Sadly, they have never had it on the shelf since, and every attempt I have made cooking lamb from a recipe I found online - has resulted in lamb served a traditional way

And just not - as tasty.

Any ideas? I swear, I'm about to try just roasting it over an open flame. I like it, but I can't find a way that anyone else will.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When I was in high school dating my future husband I was invited over to his house for dinner. When I walked in I was about knocked over by this horrid stench - like someone was cooking rancid sweat socks sprinkled with dead mouse. Urk. Turned out it was lamb leg with *urk* mint jelly.

Excuse me....I'm getting pre-barf mouth water at the memory.....

Nobody liked this disgusting meal, MIL only made it because the lamb leg was cheap and she thought it sounded ritzy. But FIL was more than a bit of a tyrant and insisted everyone eat. I was off the hook because I was a guest and also I told them I was a vegetarian. The sides might have been tasty except for the smell of that lamb, which I couldn't get out of my nose for a week. Future husband said he was ready to run away from home because the whole house stank of lamb, and I don't think she ever really got the smell out of the carpet.

Why do people not only eat lamb, but are rude enough to try and serve it to guests who haven't been warned???


Well-Known Member
Why do people not only eat lamb, but are rude enough to try and serve it to guests who haven't been warned???
Because - they're Greek - or - Lebanese - and somehow take it as an affront? Kind of like refusing wine in some European families - or refusing a shot of vodka at a Russian household?


Well-Known Member
If you have the book " Joy of Cooking" try the (game marinade) on lamb. It is damn tasty and worth the work involved. I use it when I am making gyros. I've never had anyone complain and I've taken it to many Super Bowl parties and have never had any leftovers to carry home.


Well-Known Member
Growing up, we probably had leg of lamb at least once a month for Sunday dinner. I always liked it and never knew anyone that had an aversion to it until the last 5-10 years...


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I can honestly say I have never seen mutton in any grocery store or butcher shop.


Well-Known Member
I have had lamb a few times, I think only one time did I like it (braised in wine if I remember correctly). Oddly enough, I have had mutton several times as well and liked it every time. I think maybe because mutton is so "off" they do a lot of extra preparation to remove the smell/taste and then smother it with a strong sauce.


Well-Known Member
mmm...rack of lamb in a French restaurant in St. Augustine FL. Best meal I've ever had in my life. Thirty some odd years I'm still talking about it.


the poor dad
When I was in high school dating my future husband I was invited over to his house for dinner. When I walked in I was about knocked over by this horrid stench - like someone was cooking rancid sweat socks sprinkled with dead mouse. Urk. Turned out it was lamb leg with *urk* mint jelly.

Excuse me....I'm getting pre-barf mouth water at the memory.....

Nobody liked this disgusting meal, MIL only made it because the lamb leg was cheap and she thought it sounded ritzy. But FIL was more than a bit of a tyrant and insisted everyone eat. I was off the hook because I was a guest and also I told them I was a vegetarian. The sides might have been tasty except for the smell of that lamb, which I couldn't get out of my nose for a week. Future husband said he was ready to run away from home because the whole house stank of lamb, and I don't think she ever really got the smell out of the carpet.

Why do people not only eat lamb, but are rude enough to try and serve it to guests who haven't been warned???
I love lamb, but just reading this post made me wanna barf!


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I can honestly say I have never seen mutton in any grocery store or butcher shop.
I’ve only seen mutton in grocery stores in Kentucky, everywhere else is strictly lamb. Lamb can be a little strong but mutton is in a class by itself.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I forgot, the reason you always find mutton in Kentucky is it’s the main ingredient in burgoo, which is the Kentucky state dish.