Large groundhog holes in pasture and barn


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
Hey 1/2Qh :whistle: Good shot :banana: I am proud of you :huggy:

Thats appendix to you missy! :killingmeWoooo Hooo Thanks Paso....I called my hubby at work and he did not believe it! I'll send you the other pic...looks like the little booger iswearing one of those arrow head bands!:killingme


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
Yes actually he probably could. He is a damn good shot! He wins all kinds of trophy's when he goes skeet shooting. He can even use a long bow. GROUND HOGGY'S BEWARE! :lmao:

Awesome! Then you can have confidence when he rids the property of those pests! Good Luck! It is a pain!


New Member
Such wonderful, compassionate people.
No wonder we are called The Pest Species.

Woodchucks were here long before you and your horses were and will be here long after you are gone!!

Get rid of the food source and they will leave to find food.
Take rocks, cement pieces, fill in holes.
Reason they live there is that it is an easy place to dig tunnels..and they dig a lot of them.

But you may be too late,...they hibernate starting this time of year and dont come out until spring.

Best time to get them is in late summer when babies do not need momma...then trap them out, fill in ALL the holes and you just might get rid of them.

If you really want to find a humane solution, PM me and I will help.

Otherwise, happy hunting.:howdy:

I filled holes in here with horse poop..jammed it full..ran the suckers away and they never came back..

Got any agent orange?:killingme

:roflmao: I like to chase them out of the hole and then watch them explode when the 12 gauge hits them.


Does my butt look big?
Thats appendix to you missy! :killingmeWoooo Hooo Thanks Paso....I called my hubby at work and he did not believe it! I'll send you the other pic...looks like the little booger iswearing one of those arrow head bands!:killingme

1/2Qh = Appendixqh :popcorn: One time I saw a Nake...I pulled out my pocket knife and said watch this..I threw it and it stuck right in the snake..I felt so bad..who the hell would have thought I would have hit the damn thing..

Misty is due in still need milk???? It would be for you not me..I do not have any babies due after this..


New Member
Build a fire in one of the holes....they will come out the other end and then shoot them

Great idea - smoke them out then kill them! I like it.

I wonder if it will work if they're already hibernating?

If they are for sure in the holes, then I could fill them with a pile of horse poop and trap the ghogs inside. With three horses there's plenty of poop around to fill in the holes !
Then cap them off with a bit of dry mix to close them in and even the hole out with some dirt so the grass will grow on it. Lovely tomb

However if they come out and we kill them and someone want to have a free dinner, let me know and we'll give you first dibs on the dead groundhog ... if we succeed in killing them, that is.


New Member
my dad used to get some kind of nasty smoke type bomb, block up one hole, dump the bomb in the other, block that up too and the little buggers would suffocate in there and be done.

shotgun = washing ghog off the lettuce all summer:dead: effective, but dirty.

hey does splattered gh work like other animals, usually dont like the smell of death and the others will vacate??

Giddy up!

New Member
Ground hogs are spotted more in the late afternoon, evening. I have shot a few myself, they use to invade Greenwell very badly and are dangerous to hikers as well as horses because there tunnels are so close to the surface and so deep. I would shoot them in a heart beat...not worth my horse having a broken leg. There are a few people in the county that you can hire that will come out and exterminate them for you.


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
1/2Qh = Appendixqh :popcorn: One time I saw a Nake...I pulled out my pocket knife and said watch this..I threw it and it stuck right in the snake..I felt so bad..who the hell would have thought I would have hit the damn thing..

Misty is due in still need milk???? It would be for you not me..I do not have any babies due after this..

:rolling: AHAHAHAHA! IF that were me I would never get the knife back....I hate NAKES!!!!!!


New Member
Help - I need advice on what to do about these holes! There are 4 of them near the edge of a pasture I want to fence in.

What has worked for you?

We have tried to kill (shoot) the darn critters, but they are too wiley to be out when we're home or they sense us (or the gun) and duck back in their holes. DH *almost* got one, thinks he may have winged it, but it's inconclusive - we haven't seen the hog by that hole since but there are new holes elsewhere on the farm.

So back to the filed holes - we could fence around them.....but what's to say the hogs don't later dig a nearby hole inside the fence?

We could, as a neighbor suggested, pour some dry mix down the holes and fill them with dirt. Again, that may not trap the critters inside, so they may just dig their way out or if we don't get lucky and entomb them while they're inside, they'll just dig new holes.

Also have some holes behind our house and two in one of our barns. But what works in one place should work in the others.

Get a good "Jack Russell Terrier" to maintain your farm free of rodents, groundhogs, squirrels, and an occasional bird.:love: These are what these dogs do natural.


Active Member
Thanks, it was about 10 was hysterical. An IRS agent had just left the house, we were battling a HUGE groundhog problem, and this sucker ran across the back yard. BAD Timing for MR groundhog! Didn't have time to open the safe, so grabed hubbies recurve and let er rip! I owed him a new set of arrows! We shot several, as holes were cropping up all over the pastures. Also got rid of shrubs and brushes near the fields so they don't have a place to hide. Haven't seen a groundhog for over a year now!:yahoo:

Your a girl? Are you hot?
Perhaps I could pursuade you into a little hunting action? :dye:

Your husband must really love you....letting you touch his recurve and all!:flowers:


New Member
Your a girl? Are you hot?
Perhaps I could pursuade you into a little hunting action? :dye:

Your husband must really love you....letting you touch his recurve and all!:flowers:

Sorry fella, her husband REALLY loves her!:killingme From what I hear she has him wrapped around her "young and cute" finger! He buys her all kinds of stuff, horses, fancy truck, large trailer... she most really be good! So Bibpops92, sorry all the good ones are gone!:lmao:


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
Sorry fella, her husband REALLY loves her!:killingme From what I hear she has him wrapped around her "young and cute" finger! He buys her all kinds of stuff, horses, fancy truck, large trailer... she most really be good! So Bibpops92, sorry all the good ones are gone!:lmao:

Oh My, leave the forums for a few minutes and this thing takes off!!! Paso and App, :flowers: you called me YOUNG!!!!!!!!! and CUTE! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!:yahoo: :buddies: Next time one of the kids call me old...I'll know the truth!:whistle: