Large groundhog holes in pasture and barn


Active Member
Sorry fella, her husband REALLY loves her!:killingme From what I hear she has him wrapped around her "young and cute" finger! He buys her all kinds of stuff, horses, fancy truck, large trailer... she most really be good! So Bibpops92, sorry all the good ones are gone!:lmao:

Lucky guy!

Would it help if I said I was rich......:whistle: and like a bear?


Gasoline down holes, match BOOM!!!

So yeah, that is how my best friend back home took care of her groundhog holes in the pasture.


New Member
Lucky guy!

Would it help if I said I was rich......:whistle: and like a bear?

Well keep trying Bigpops92 and add all the bait you got... who knows you might get a nibble from the 1/2 QH hottie!:yahoo:
But I can not give you anymore advice for now, for I have to go give the garage man a better JOB!


New Member
Cover all holes except one with big heavy bag of dirt - still in bag. Throw ground hog bomb into open hole and immediately lay bag of dirt on top of last hole. Several days later - open the bags of dirt to bury the dead ground hogs. If you trap them, they just come to my yard or other part of yours. Don't feel guilty. You need to keep your horses safe - not to mention your tractor and bushhog! ;-) Take care


Horsey Girl
Get a good "Jack Russell Terrier" to maintain your farm free of rodents, groundhogs, squirrels, and an occasional bird.:love: These are what these dogs do natural.


but Jack's are better when they hunt in pairs.. one will run by real fast and disorient the groundhog.. the other comes in for the kill.. 2 are better than one because groundhogs can get nasty and fight back.. don't want your lil pup scratched up

who needs a guy or a gun?? 2 jacks and it would be done..


New Member
Groud hogs

Here's what I do and it has been successful for us.

We purchased a live trap at Southern States and placed lettuce at the back of the trap. Set the trap and place the trap near the hole and you will surely catch one. I then take the trap far far away and let him loose. We caught 3 last years and 7 this year so far.

I don't like guns and such and I found this to be humane and safe for everyone involved. Good Luck.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here's what I do and it has been successful for us.

We purchased a live trap at Southern States and placed lettuce at the back of the trap. Set the trap and place the trap near the hole and you will surely catch one. I then take the trap far far away and let him loose. We caught 3 last years and 7 this year so far.

I don't like guns and such and I found this to be humane and safe for everyone involved. Good Luck.

Or did you catch one 10 times? :lol:


Map the holes out. Use a proper rifle. No .22 cal. .222 or better. Pour gasoline down the hole and light. Obviously, leave a trail of gas to light so you're far enough away. Boom. Ground hog will come out the other hole or the concussion will kill it. If it comes out, shoot it. Used to do this back on the farm when I was a kid.


New Member
My neighbor is no spring chicken and it cracks me up that he can sit in his chair on his back porch and shoot one with one shot. I need lessons from him. He's amazing. He's keeping our populations down by himself.