Last days for Freedom for Osama??


Nothing to see here
Aussie News

A BRITISH Sunday newspaper is claiming Osama bin Laden has been found and is surrounded by US special forces in an area of land bordering north-west Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The Sunday Express, known for its sometimes colourful scoops, claims the al-Qaeda leader has been "sighted" for the first time since 2001 and is being monitored by satellite.

The paper claims he is in a mountainous area to the north of the Pakistani city of Quetta. The region is said to be peopled with bin Laden supporters and the terrorist leader is estimated to also have 50 of his fanatical bodyguards with him.

The claim is attributed to "a well-placed intelligence source" in Washington, who is quoted as saying: "He (bin Laden) is boxed in."

The paper says the hostile terrain makes an all-out conventional military assault impossible. The plan to capture him would depend on a "grab-him-and-go" style operation.

"US helicopters already sited on the Afghanistan border will swoop in to extricate him," the newspaper says. It claims bin Laden and his men "sleep in caves or out in the open. The area is swept by fierce snow storms howling down from the 10,000ft-high mountain peaks. Donkeys are the only transport."

The special forces are "absolutely confident" there is no escape for bin Laden, and are awaiting the order to go in and get him.

"The timing of that order will ultimately depend on President Bush," the paper says. "Capturing bin Laden will certainly be a huge help for him as he gets ready for the election."

The article says bin Laden's movements are monitored by a National Security Agency satellite.

On Thursday last week, General Richard Myers, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, said America had been engaged in "intense" efforts to capture bin Laden, who was believed to be hiding in the border area between Pakistan and Afghanistan.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by otter
Aussie News

A BRITISH Sunday newspaper is claiming Osama bin Laden has been found and is surrounded by US special forces in an area of land bordering north-west Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The special forces are "absolutely confident" there is no escape for bin Laden, and are awaiting the order to go in and get him.

"The timing of that order will ultimately depend on President Bush," the paper says. "Capturing bin Laden will certainly be a huge help for him as he gets ready for the election."

The article says bin Laden's movements are monitored by a National Security Agency satellite..
:rolleyes: I just saw an article in the DU, that says Pres. Bush is going to wait until November to make the capture, just to pizz of Kerry or Edwards, and blow them out of the water a few days prior to the election.:biggrin:


Football addict
Re: Re: Last days for Freedom for Osama??

Originally posted by penncam
:rolleyes: I just saw an article in the DU, that says Pres. Bush is going to wait until November to make the capture, just to pizz of Kerry or Edwards, and blow them out of the water a few days prior to the election.:biggrin:

I really hope he doesnt stoop to that level. I dont think he would but if he did that would be very dirty politics and just disgraceful to the victims of 9/11.


Football season!
nah, I say august would be better. Give the administration plenty of time to incorporate it into the campaign :biggrin:


Football addict
Originally posted by SmallTown
nah, I say august would be better. Give the administration plenty of time to incorporate it into the campaign :biggrin:

Dont you think that would be morally wrong? Bush will get all the press and be on a pedistal anyway and he can STILL incorporate it into his campaign ESPECIALLY in the last three debates between him and Kerry/Edwards.


Kernel panic: Aiee.......
If this story is true, WTF was it published? The last thing we need is Osama knowing we know where he is.:confused: And if it is true, what are we waiting for? Let's go get him!:wink:


Football season!
Originally posted by BuddyLee
Dont you think that would be morally wrong? Bush will get all the press and be on a pedistal anyway and he can STILL incorporate it into his campaign ESPECIALLY in the last three debates between him and Kerry/Edwards.

Morals? Politics??:lmao: :lmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :killingme :killingme


Football addict
Originally posted by SmallTown
Morals? Politics??:lmao: :lmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :killingme :killingme

Isnt Bush running off of Honor and Integrity? Hes not being very Virtuous here if he does what your saying he should do.


Football season!
Originally posted by BuddyLee
Isnt Bush running off of Honor and Integrity? Hes not being very Virtuous here if he does what your saying he should do.

Yea, I'm beside myself thinking I would make such a suggestion. Even with my dislike for Bush, the thought of Kerry being president scares me so much that I would offer such a political angle for Bush.
Who cares when, how, or where he gets long as he gets him?'re all speculating on something that has yet to be verified.

However, I saw a report a couple of weeks ago that said we'd have Osama by the end of the year.


Football addict
Originally posted by justin anemone
Who cares when, how, or where he gets long as he gets him?'re all speculating on something that has yet to be verified.

However, I saw a report a couple of weeks ago that said we'd have Osama by the end of the year.

Yes but if we had him right now dont you think it would be wrong to let the people of America wait JUST so that he can gain a political edge!


Football addict
Originally posted by SmallTown
Yea, I'm beside myself thinking I would make such a suggestion. Even with my dislike for Bush, the thought of Kerry being president scares me so much that I would offer such a political angle for Bush.

Yes Kerry scared me too! Im going with Edwards as ive said many times before. I think Howard Dean was correct when he said that we would have to chose the lesser of two evils, meaning Kerry and Bush.


Football addict
Originally posted by cariblue
Oh for cryin' out loud. Do any of you really think that anybody would intentionally delay the capture of Osama if his whereabouts were known?

Now I've heard it all. Must be a conspiracy.

My point exactly! I do not think Bush would sit on this one. Thanks Cari:clap:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
If they have him "contained" they might just leave him there until the weather gets better but they won't wait just for the election to get closer.


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
If they have him "contained" they might just leave him there until the weather gets better but they won't wait just for the election to get closer.

The only problem with this is that we have shown in the past that if we don't act immediately, even when we think he his surrounded, he ends up slipping away

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
The only problem with this is that we have shown in the past that if we don't act immediately, even when we think he his surrounded, he ends up slipping away
Donkeys or helicopters are the only way in, he probably has a good sized combat force with him, and until the snow quits sweeping through the mountains the best you can hope for is containment. That is unless you do an air assault or drop one of those MOABs and kill everyone in the area. I would like to see it happen quick too, but we don't have to take unnecessary risks with the safety of those that will be doing the snatch and grab. Their job is already dangerous, no need to make it tougher when a couple of months containment might just work as the noose gets tightened around his neck.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
I see nothing wrong with that
Neither do I, but there might be non-combatants in the area and while getting the job done something about collateral damage is frowned upon.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It doesn't matter when ObL is captured - the Dems will still say it took too long or that Bush waited until it was closer to the election.