Last days for Freedom for Osama??


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by vraiblonde
It doesn't matter when ObL is captured - the Dems will still say it took too long or that Bush waited until it was closer to the election.

:yeahthat: Take a look at DU, some are suggesting that OBL is a peaceful man and we have no proof that he is even involved in terrorist activities. The selective memory of the anti-bush crew is astounding.


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by SmallTown
The only problem with this is that we have shown in the past that if we don't act immediately, even when we think he his surrounded, he ends up slipping away



b*tch rocket
It won't much matter if we catch him or we don't, there's a gazillion Osama wannabe's in the wings to take his place.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
It won't much matter if we catch him or we don't, there's a gazillion Osama wannabe's in the wings to take his place.
Yeah, but they have all registered with the DU and we have them under surveillance already.

Seriously though, it will make a difference if we catch him. After all, Bush already has cleared the wall in the Oval Office for UBL's mounted head.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Ken King
.......but there might be non-combatants in the area and while getting the job done something about collateral damage is frowned upon.
:confused: Non-combatants in the area of Osama?

Unless a person was aligned with the likes of Osama, no person in his right mind would be in a hundred miles of his whereabouts.

That's just common sense, knowing the US military and intelligence folks have virtually every piece of electronic gear in that part of the sky focused on that location, trying to pinpoint him.

I'd melt the place down to the glasseous(sp?) level.:cheers:


Re: Re: Last days for Freedom for Osama??

Originally posted by penncam
:rolleyes: I just saw an article in the DU, that says Pres. Bush is going to wait until November to make the capture, just to pizz of Kerry or Edwards, and blow them out of the water a few days prior to the election.:biggrin:

I've been saying this for months.

50% joking - 50% dead serious.

However, I don't think he's doing it to #### anyone off. I think he's doing it to generate a landslide victory.


Asperger's Poster Child
When we capture him, I saw we line up the families of the WTC, Pentagon and hijacking victims and have each one shiat in his mouth. And encourage the families to eat spicy foods before getting in line.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by penncam
:confused: Non-combatants in the area of Osama?

Unless a person was aligned with the likes of Osama, no person in his right mind would be in a hundred miles of his whereabouts.

That's just common sense, knowing the US military and intelligence folks have virtually every piece of electronic gear in that part of the sky focused on that location, trying to pinpoint him.

I'd melt the place down to the glasseous(sp?) level.:cheers:
Yeah, all them little kids are "aligned" with UBL. :bs: These are, for the most part, still nomadic people. Whole families travel together and while it would be nice to just be done with it all, we don't work that way. UBL is hiding in an area that welcomes him, to many that makes them all evil, but there were just as many aligned with Saddam that are now working for us because we didn't go in and vaporize them.

We don't need to kill the body, we only need to kill the head(s).


Originally posted by Tonio
When we capture him, I saw we line up the families of the WTC, Pentagon and hijacking victims and have each one shiat in his mouth. And encourage the families to eat spicy foods before getting in line.

Well, I would say that we should When we capture him, we slaughter a pig. Make him watch as the pig is slaughtered, and tell him what's about to happen.

The pig is killed humanely as possible, and then it's entrails removed from the body cavity and set aside.

Then Bin Laden is killed as inhumanely as possible, and his entrails are removed, and fed to the deceased pig's family.

Then the pigs entrails are placed in Bin Laden's body cavity. Then Bin Laden is placed inside the pig's body cavity, and buried under several tons of pig manure or at the nearest landfill.

I would say this - but I see no reason to defile a pig in such a horrible fashion.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Ken King
Yeah, all them little kids are "aligned" with UBL. :bs: These are, for the most part, still nomadic people. Whole families travel together and while it would be nice to just be done with it all, we don't work that way.

We don't need to kill the body, we only need to kill the head(s).
Yeah, you're right; just wishful thinking. If we did go in and do that we'd only create more hatred towards us.

But d@mn, I don't like the idea of having more of our troops killed in the pursuit of this guy.

That's all I'm saying.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by penncam
Yeah, you're right; just wishful thinking. If we did go in and do that we'd only create more hatred towards us.

But d@mn, I don't like the idea of having more of our troops killed in the pursuit of this guy.

That's all I'm saying.
Hey, I feel the same way. I don't want to see another soldier, sailor, marine or airman lost, but we have to do it. Leaving this pimple to fester only results in a boil. Keep him surrounded, wait for better weather and then pop that bastard.


Dancing Up A Storm
:cool: Question: Do we need to to go in there and do a "snatch and grab" on this guy, or would a bullet from a mile and a half away, (with confirmation, I would add) accomplish the same means?
Do we not have imaging technolgy that could confirm a kill if he were shot by a long-ranged sniper?

Just wondering what the feelings were; should we have him in custody, or merely take him out?


No we're not

KABUL/ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Osama bin Laden's whereabouts remain a mystery to U.S. and Pakistani forces as they crank up efforts to flush out al Qaeda and Taliban rebels hiding near Afghanistan's eastern frontier, officials said on Monday.

U.S. military officials in Kabul have boldly predicted his capture in 2004, and Britain's Sunday Express weekly reported that the world's most wanted man was "boxed in" by U.S. and British special forces in the rugged Pakistani mountains along the Afghan border.

Full Story


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Toxick
No we're not

Full Story
:cool: You know, this almost smells like a denial of the first Aussie story that otter mentioned in order not to "spook" Osama Bin Laden and his followers.

It might have been TWL who said something to the effect "Why the h&ll are we putting this news on the airwaves to begin with?"

(1) It ain't exactly headline news anymore,


(2) Why are we tipping our hand that we have him narrowed down to a small area?

Seems to me the best way to allow him to escape/go underground again is to reveal that kind of information.:confused:


New Member
Originally posted by Toxick
Well, I would say that we should When we capture him, we slaughter a pig. Make him watch as the pig is slaughtered, and tell him what's about to happen.

The pig is killed humanely as possible, and then it's entrails removed from the body cavity and set aside.

Then Bin Laden is killed as inhumanely as possible, and his entrails are removed, and fed to the deceased pig's family.

Then the pigs entrails are placed in Bin Laden's body cavity. Then Bin Laden is placed inside the pig's body cavity, and buried under several tons of pig manure or at the nearest landfill.

I would say this - but I see no reason to defile a pig in such a horrible fashion.

I disagree. Remember, Muslims look forward to martyrdom. They wan't to do for Allah. They're either suicide bombing themselves, slitting their wrists or biting cyanide capsules, but either way that's exactly what they look forward to, the last possible cruelty they can impose and then suicide.

I agree with the pig a little though, Muslims can't stand even the SIGHT of a pig. I think we should torture him.

Take him to an auditorium at a Montessori school or all girls Catholic school. Let him rot in there for the next 20 years keeping him nice and healthy and awake subjecting him to the following on 50" Plasma screens and in Digital Dolby Surround sound, among others:

Rush Limbaugh (Radio)
Chris Matthews (Radio / News)
Lifetime movies
S#x in the city reruns
The Gilmore Girls
Mary Kay and Ashley Olsen movies
Jennifer Love Hewitt movies
The Seige


jack of all trades
Originally posted by http
I disagree. Remember, Muslims look forward to martyrdom. They wan't to do for Allah. They're either suicide bombing themselves, slitting their wrists or biting cyanide capsules, but either way that's exactly what they look forward to, the last possible cruelty they can impose and then suicide.

I agree with the pig a little though, Muslims can't stand even the SIGHT of a pig. I think we should torture him.

Take him to an auditorium at a Montessori school or all girls Catholic school. Let him rot in there for the next 20 years keeping him nice and healthy and awake subjecting him to the following on 50" Plasma screens and in Digital Dolby Surround sound, among others:

Rush Limbaugh (Radio)
Chris Matthews (Radio / News)
Lifetime movies
S#x in the city reruns
The Gilmore Girls
Mary Kay and Ashley Olsen movies
Jennifer Love Hewitt movies
The Seige

:yeahthat: HTTP, you ARE marciless!


Well-Known Member
Twisted....and too political.

Better yet: a year long collection of Salmon Rushdie lectures and
Carol Channing reading the Satanic Verses.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Hessian
Twisted....and too political.

Better yet: a year long collection of Salmon Rushdie lectures and
Carol Channing reading the Satanic Verses.
OOOHH! Now you're really getting dirty!

How about Al Gore - "How I invented the Internet"?


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
If anything, they'd catch him now and just not announce it until it was politically expedient. :biggrin:

Which is fine by me, just so long as they eventually announce it.