Late night drills?


The Smart Hooker
Incase I didn't make my point (which I rarely do) it could always be alot worse.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
czygvtwkr said:
Would you like to call the admiral to schedule flights around your babys nap time?
:lol: That caught me funny because one of my neighbors did exactly that - called the base and told them it would be more convenient for her if they would fly at different times.


jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
:lol: That caught me funny because one of my neighbors did exactly that - called the base and told them it would be more convenient for her if they would fly at different times.

You'd be surprised at how many people do exactly that. I'd say a good 25% of them would call up and ask the base to change their flight times to suit THEIR schedule. :dork:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Try living on base; babies (almost everyone) learns how to sleep thru it. The old MEMQ housing was right under the flight path to the runway many years ago.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sharon said:
Try living on base; babies (almost everyone) learns how to sleep thru it.
Whenever I hear some woman complaining about the planes (and it's ALWAYS a woman), I think, you are not cut out to be a military wife. Run. Quickly.


New Member
gigi6 said:
gggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :tantrum :burning:

Can someone PLEASE tell me why the h*** Pax has to fly their planes and do pilot training (or whatever they are doing) late at night? ITs 8:50 pm and they are continually flying over my house! Every time they fly by, the baby jumps!!!!!!!!!!!! I understand that pilots need night training, etc., but DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do they have to fly over a residential neighborhood?

I live in Drum point and i'll be damned if they don't fly at 2:00 in the afternoon and after 8 in the evening? I mean - small kids are TRYING to sleep!

Tell your baby to man the #### up and get over it :yay:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
jazz lady said:
You'd be surprised at how many people do exactly that. I'd say a good 25% of them would call up and ask the base to change their flight times to suit THEIR schedule. :dork:

I bet some of these individuals are some of the same individuals that are pointing blame surrounding NO and Katrina....


Not dead yet.
gigi6 said:
Thanks "Small Town" ! I really appreciated the "shut up" comment.

I am complaining because it seems to be every night. If you have to quiet a small child, it gets to be very tiring.

But....glad that the forumites are so nice! Thanks!

Oooooh. You came to wrong place for "nice."

Informative, sometimes;
entertaining, usually;
nice, rarely.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
gigi6 said:
gggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :tantrum :burning:

Can someone PLEASE tell me why the h*** Pax has to fly their planes and do pilot training (or whatever they are doing) late at night? ITs 8:50 pm and they are continually flying over my house! Every time they fly by, the baby jumps!!!!!!!!!!!! I understand that pilots need night training, etc., but DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why do they have to fly over a residential neighborhood?

I live in Drum point and i'll be damned if they don't fly at 2:00 in the afternoon and after 8 in the evening? I mean - small kids are TRYING to sleep!

Kids can sleep through anything. Use some background music so that the occassional roar doesn't seem so bad.

As to the flying it has been publicized that it would be going on all week (and maybe into next week). I take it you didn't look at a map that showed the Naval AIR Station before deciding to live where you do.


pretty black roses
Oh gesh woman! Would you stop your complaining about them flying at night! It is a much needed nessasity for the aircrew (pilots/cotacs/aircrewman) to get the night flights under his/her belt. It is a part of the overall flight plan for all avaition. Without the training of night flying, how would the people stationed overseas on the aircraft carries do some of their bombing runs :shrug: If you think it is loud at your should try and be on an aircraft carrier when air ops are going on. One gets used the sounds especially when your shop is right below the catapults.
I grew up in the landing path for Andrews Air Force Base. You didn't hear me complaining about the sound of airplanes flying over my house. Oh, that's right, I KNEW THE PLANES FLEW OVER BEFORE I MOVED IN!!!!!!!!!!! Your kid will get used to the sound, and it will not faze him/her after a while.


SmallTown said:
Three options:

1) Call the DoD, have them move the Pax River naval base to a less populated area that you do not reside in.
2) move away.
3) shut up.

Here, let me help<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border=0></a>, I hear there are some good deals in Louisiana.


33 yrs & we r still n luv
remaxrealtor said:
Here, let me help , I hear there are some good deals in Louisiana.

:yeahthat: :lmao: :lmao:

Great one!!! remind me to call you when I list my house!!!!


Well-Known Member
i guess i really am weird ( i know, i'm setting myself up here.) i was happy when i discovered that my house was in the flight path. i've spent my whole life at the end of a runway. whenever i travel i have trouble sleeping because it's TOO quiet.


I am used to it now. When I first moved down here I had a real hard time sleeping through them. Now I don't even notice it.

I used to live in Drum Point and it isn't that bad compared to other places. When we went to settlement for our house, we had to sign a document saying that we knew there was jet noise.


"Typical White Person"
8:50 pm is not that bad at least they are starting them relatively quickly after dark and not flying over at midnight.
jwwb2000 said:
Oh gesh woman! Would you stop your complaining about them flying at night! It is a much needed nessasity for the aircrew (pilots/cotacs/aircrewman) to get the night flights under his/her belt. It is a part of the overall flight plan for all avaition. Without the training of night flying, how would the people stationed overseas on the aircraft carries do some of their bombing runs :shrug: If you think it is loud at your should try and be on an aircraft carrier when air ops are going on. One gets used the sounds especially when your shop is right below the catapults.

:yeahthat: Or your rack {Frame 35 under Number 3 Cat}!