Lawsuit Over Brokeback Mountain in Class


wandering aimlessly
The question is not gay or straight, it is irresponsible to show movies with sexual content of any nature in the classroom.


Lem Putt
bresamil said:
The question is not gay or straight, it is irresponsible to show movies with sexual content of any nature in the classroom.
:yeahthat: If it is rated R the school should ask parents permission before showing it. I'd feel the same way about showing Saving Private Ryan in a history class.


bresamil said:
The question is not gay or straight, it is irresponsible to show movies with sexual content of any nature in the classroom.
I agree. I wouldn't want porn of any kind shown in the classroom.


Super Genius
bresamil said:
The question is not gay or straight, it is irresponsible to show movies with sexual content of any nature in the classroom.
I'll go even further and just say that it is irresponsible for a teacher to show an R-rated movie to an 8th grade class.


24/7 Single Dad
ylexot said:
I'll go even further and just say that it is irresponsible for a teacher to show an R-rated movie to an 8th grade class.
It was probably also illegal. Ever read the little notice at the beginning of any DVD, "for private home viewing only"


05-14-2007 02:03 PM "I sick of" uneducated people with grammar as bad as yours, too.
I guess someone didn't appreciate my comment on "gay BS." As to the unsigned karma, allowances should be made for typo's as no one is perfect especially me. As for uneducated, you don't know me or have any idea of the extent of my education. Next time don't be such a coward and sign your karma.


Baby blues
bresamil said:
The question is not gay or straight, it is irresponsible to show movies with sexual content of any nature in the classroom.

Exactly what I was going to say. I probably wouldn't sue, had it happened to my daughter, but the substitute teacher and principal wouldn't be sitting down for a good long while after the behind chewing I would give them.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Lawsuit Over Brokeback ... 05-14-2007 02:00 PM What if your kid was gay?

My kids know that it's a disgusting choice. So no worries there, jackass. :smack:
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Big Fatty

Was the teacher fired? The whole administration should lose their jobs. Award the money. I would have sued the s@#$ out of them too. No way my child should be subject to movies with sexual content in the 8th grade.


Highlander's MPD
PrchJrkr said:
Lawsuit Over Brokeback ... 05-14-2007 02:00 PM What if your kid was gay?

My kids know that it's a disgusting choice. So no worries there, jackass. :smack:

I dunno. I feel that if a gay person accepts that they are not quite normal and keeps their desires in the closet or at least doesn't flaunt it, force it down our throats, etc, then there would be no problem. I have known several gay people and I feel sorry for them. They are obviously suffering from a disease or illness. It's when they try to redefine marraige, try to have kids, etc that it really bothers me. We don't let blind people drive. We wouldn't want people with Parkinson's disease performing open heart surgery. People with gayness just simply shouldn't get married and have kids. It doesn't mean we should hate gay people. I don't hate blind people or people with Parkinson's disease but there needs to be some common sense applied here. Why the heII we would let two gay people have kids is beyond me. It may satisfy some need the gays couple has but it's not in the best interest of a child. It really pisses me off to read stories like this one about a teacher showing Brokeback Mountain. How many adults actually wasted money to see this gargage? According to the media, it was a big hit but I don't know of many people who actually watched it or admitted to it. Do not try to teach my kids that gay is normal. I will not tolerate it! Amen?

If you agree, give me some green!


I will never understand why it is assumed that two Gay Parents can only raise a gay child, when it is two STRAIGHT PARENTS that raised the gay person. This makes NO sense to me. Genetically the odds are the same that any child, no matter who it's parents are will be straight or gay. Short of major sexual trauma at a very young age, our sexualty is part of our genetic wiring.

All that said...8th grade, without parents permission, is not the place to expose children to any sexual movie because some sub thought is would be fun to put one over on the Admin.


Super Genius
These two statements are at odds with each other.
PelyKat said:
Genetically the odds are the same that any child, no matter who it's parents are will be straight or gay.
PelyKat said:
our sexualty is part of our genetic wiring.
If sexual preference is genetic, homosexuality would be a recessive gene (otherwise, the human race will end pretty quickly). Two parents without that recessive gene would not create a homosexual child. Two straight parents with the recessive gene would have a 25% chance of having a homosexual child. Two homosexual parents would have a 100% chance of having a homosexual child. Therefore, if homosexuality is genetic, the parents have a massive influence (the only influence, actually) on the sexual preference of the child and the odds vary with the parents.

Frankly, I don't know if it's genetic or not. As far as I can tell, one side of the issue assumes that it is genetic and the other side assumes that it isn't. I've never seen any studies that explore the issue. It would seem to be pretty simple to disprove the genetic-link theory if you found a pair of identical twins where one was straight and the other was homosexual. Proving the genetic link gets a little more difficult.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
It would seem to be pretty simple to disprove the genetic-link theory if you found a pair of identical twins where one was straight and the other was homosexual.
If you found such a "pair" how could they be considered "identical"? :confused: