"Laying my past to rest"... subtitled "When Love Dies"... subtitled "Angie&


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
When I saw you on the street...
I almost turned away...
Then you stared in disbelief...
Because I smiled and waved...
Oh the years have turned my bitterness...
Into a sad regret...
And it's good to finally talk to you...
And lay our past to rest...

'Cause I have changed... and you have changed...
And all is forgiven now...
And a long and silent last embrace...
Shows our respect somehow...
But it's ok to cry a little...
I know where it comes from...
These tears of sadness and relief...
When love dies in your arms...

You were once my deepest pain...
But you were once my friend...
And a part of me was holding on...
Till I saw you again...

I couldn't bear to see it end...
With rage and jealousy...
A feeling once so beautiful...
Should die with dignity...

And I have changed... and you have changed...
And all is forgiven now...
And a long and silent last embrace...
Shows our respect somehow...
But it's ok to cry a little...
I know where it comes from...
These tears of sadness and relief...
When love dies in your arms...
~John Berry~

Angie... I wasn't sure how it would go today, seeing you for the first time in seven years. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I don't think I should have expected any more than what happened. I'll carry you with me always.



Sometimes memories are better left in your mind.



Be about it
Why would you post this for the entire forum world to see, dude? Why don't ya just e-mail or write her a letter? :confused:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
This is one of those times when the ability of the thread starter to delete the entire thread would be a good thing.

:biggrin: Kwillia, Click here!
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C - dude, I hear ya... thanks for sharing. You sure got me thinking about that particular girl.
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Can I be really honest for a second?

You have a problem. It's called Nice Guy syndrome. Young women claim they want nice, sensitive guys but they really don't!

Most young women feast on drama! - not the mushy kind but the "he's such an a-hole kind!

If you don't believe me just look at Athena's post from yesterday.

At your age you have a choice..... Date much older wiser women - Stay single until you turn 35 or, dump the nice guy crap!

Be a jerk Craig! Don't call when you promise to, become aloof and distant and NEVER wear your heart on your sleeve.

I know it's a confusing game and it really sucks but it's reality.

You're poem to Angie should have read like this....

Dang girl, you still a mut!
etc.. etc... etc...

You'd feel better and she'd be begging you to take her back!

Cowboy Up! or revisit the massage parlor with those MILF's ya liked! :wink:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kain99
You have a problem. It's called Wimpy Poopy Guy syndrome.
:yeahthat: Sleuth, if women wanted another woman, they'd get one. Why do guys attract lunatics? BECAUSE THEY TROLL FOR THEM!!! Quit friggin' trolling for lunatics and you'll be a happier person. Honest.


Originally posted by Kain99
You have a problem, it's called Nice Guy syndrome.


Hi, I'm a recovery Nice Guy. I used to bend over backwards to please my woman and all it got me was pain and suffering. She had no respect for me at all because I acted like a nut less man. Now that I have basked in the joy of manhood, she can't keep her hands off of me and will do anything I tell her to do. Women of all flavors are now attracted to me. I can't believe that I used to have no luck with women but now I have a hard time staying loyal to one relationship.

Go my brother, find the manhood that was bestowed upon you from birth and enjoy life to it's fullest.

bottoms up

New Member
Originally posted by Athena1078
I think it is sweet.

I did too. :ohwell: He may not be everyone's idea of the perfect guy for them but i am willing to bet he is the perfect guy for someone out there.

I thought people weren't supposed to change who they were to get someone else to like them? :shrug:


Social Director
Originally posted by bottoms up
I did too. :ohwell: He may not be everyone's idea of the perfect guy for them but i am willing to bet he is the perfect guy for someone out there.

I thought people weren't supposed to change who they were to get someone else to like them? :shrug:
Exactly.. everyone is perfect for someone...
I would eventually have to change who I am.. I wouldn't expect anyone to put up with the way I am all the time.

bottoms up

New Member
Another thought. Sleuth14 didn't appear to write the poem since there is a name at the end that indicates a probable alternate author. It seems as though he pasted the poem in an effort to communicate the fact that whatever happened in the past was forgiven with "Angie".

I'd rather him use a poem whether he writes it himself or pastes someone else's work with attribution than go bezerk, kidnap the chick in some crazed rage, threaten her or stalk her.


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by Athena1078
I think it is sweet.

Sure, its sweet if he sent it to her. Posting it out here is a bit much, IMHO. Reminds me of all of Kaz/caz/whatever's declarations of love for Sxy 12 to 18 months ago..