"Laying my past to rest"... subtitled "When Love Dies"... subtitled "Angie&


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

Originally posted by migtig
I've received NO bridge notifications today.
Might have been before your alert system went online for the day... He he did post that in the middle of the night.


I haven't seen my ex-wife in about four years. I hope I'm not this ghey in three more years...


Originally posted by Kain99
Can I be really honest for a second?

You have a problem. It's called Nice Guy syndrome. Young women claim they want nice, sensitive guys but they really don't!


NICE GUYS FINISH LAST!! I should know, I used to be nice. And I said, "used to be."


Only the shadow knows
My 2 cents...

My X once discribe me as being "Binary"(impressed the Hell out of me that she know what binary was in the first place) . Meaning that I was either a 1 or a 0 at all times. I always thought it as being simple, with me everything is either good or bad, black or white, right or wrong, or really sweet and caring or complete nonemotional a$$ hole. With me there is no middle ground. I've spent some many year of my life trying to find that balance. But... It does allow me to confirm everything that everyone else here has been saying in regards to women... Because I have been Both "Too nice" and it's opposite.

The old saying that "you attract more flies with honey then with vinigar(sp)" might hold some truth but, honey doesn't hold a candle to attacting flies when it comes to a nice steamy pile of sh!t. Feel me?

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yeah yeah
Re: Calling Sleuth14

Originally posted by bottoms up
Check in, will you buddy? :frown:

Didnt he say he was going away and would be in a wedding??? I thought I saw that...but I havent been on in a while either....:shrug: But it would be nice if he would check in :frown:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Vince
NICE GUYS FINISH LAST!! I should know, I used to be nice. And I said, "used to be."
:duh: :boxing: You know, Vince, you can be nice without being a doormat that women wipe their feet on. :duh:

If you're a neurotic nutball who gets obsessed with women who don't want you, then the only women you'll attract will be the abusive ones or the divas.

If you act like a jerk and treat women like dirt, the only women you'll attract will be the low self-esteem losers who like to get their azz kicked.

Why not be normal and healthy, which will attract other normal healthy people?

Just a suggestion.


Originally posted by kwillia
Hey could you direct me to a forum where the healthy people chat and mingle...:shrug:
Why do want to be the odd wo-man out?? :lol:


Originally posted by kwillia
:eek: :bonk:
I'm sorry if I misinterpreted the information I was given, but I heard you were right at home with the nuts. :bubble:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
:duh: :boxing: You know, Vince, you can be nice without being a doormat that women wipe their feet on. :duh:

I think I'm getting back to normal finally. And Vrai, I've never let a woman use me as a doormat. I treat people the way I want to be treated. If they treat me like sh!t, guess what! :biggrin: