Lead Paint - Bad. Abortion - OK. Huh?


Bookseller Lady
fish67 said:
Nope, not at all. Instead lets elect leaders that will de-fund planned parenthood and return sex education to where it belongs (parents in the home). Then when there is no $$ to be made in abortion the good doctors will return to fulfilling their oaths instead of murdering innocent human beings.

But what if the parents don't know all the facts themselves? Wouldn't fewer unplanned pregnancies also take care of the demand for abortions?

Sex ed should teach the science of reproduction. The morality comes from the family. Even if you wait until marriage you need to know how your equipment works.


New Member
The problem with hyper anti-abortion advocates is they scream for government control but then scream just as loudly when the government doesn't vote completely their way.


New Member
Let us try something. Substitute the word slavery for abortion in all these pro-abortion posts. he Sumpreme Court said slavery was OK in Dred Scott.
Why does Planned Parenthood qualify as a charity, receive government ie taxpayer funds, and make profits on abortion? Why do their office staff tell pregnant young girls to lie about the age of the father so that the cad will not be charged with statatory rape? Why do they push chemical abortions in the form of contraception pills and the notorious Plan B?
Do you know that the reason Margaret Sanger established Planned Parenthood in the '20s was to, in her words, exterminate the Negro Race"? That Adolf Hitler was so impressed that he took her ideas further in Europe, just with different undesirables.
There are no unwanted babies, anyone put up for adoption is adopted immediatly, there is such a shortage of babies.


Salt Life
Bavarian said:
There are no unwanted babies, anyone put up for adoption is adopted immediatly, there is such a shortage of babies.
So those orphan'd babies are just sitting and waiting why?


I bowl overhand
Bavarian said:
Let us try something. Substitute the word slavery for abortion in all these pro-abortion posts. he Sumpreme Court said slavery was OK in Dred Scott.
Why does Planned Parenthood qualify as a charity, receive government ie taxpayer funds, and make profits on abortion? Why do their office staff tell pregnant young girls to lie about the age of the father so that the cad will not be charged with statatory rape? Why do they push chemical abortions in the form of contraception pills and the notorious Plan B?
Do you know that the reason Margaret Sanger established Planned Parenthood in the '20s was to, in her words, exterminate the Negro Race"? That Adolf Hitler was so impressed that he took her ideas further in Europe, just with different undesirables.
There are no unwanted babies, anyone put up for adoption is adopted immediatly, there is such a shortage of babies.

Planned Parenthood does MUCH more than abortions, and in most places don't do ANY abortions. they may refer a person to a clinic if that is what they want, but I don't know of any planned parenthood offices that perform abortions.

They also hand out free condoms, and do birth control consultations.. for both men and women..

And the cost of adopting a healthy American baby is so astronomical that people that want young children travel to the corners of the earth to find one they can afford to adopt. They'll travel as far as China, Russia and even Africa finding it much cheaper to pay travel expenses, visa and passport expenses etc etc.. than to go through the adoption process here.


I bowl overhand
Bavarian said:
Let us try something. Substitute the word slavery for abortion in all these pro-abortion posts.
What the hell does one have to do with the other??


I bowl overhand
Harlem — 1930
In 1930, Sanger opened a family planning clinic in Harlem that sought to enlist support for contraceptive use and to bring the benefits of family planning to women who were denied access to their city's health and social services. Staffed by a black physician and black social worker, the clinic was endorsed by The Amsterdam News (the powerful local newspaper), the Abyssinian Baptist Church, the Urban League, and the black community's elder statesman, W.E.B. DuBois (Chesler, 1992).

Tht doesn't sound to me like she was trying to annihilate the negro race..


New Member
itsbob said:

Planned Parenthood does MUCH more than abortions, and in most places don't do ANY abortions. they may refer a person to a clinic if that is what they want, but I don't know of any planned parenthood offices that perform abortions.

They also hand out free condoms, and do birth control consultations.. for both men and women..

And the cost of adopting a healthy American baby is so astronomical that people that want young children travel to the corners of the earth to find one they can afford to adopt. They'll travel as far as China, Russia and even Africa finding it much cheaper to pay travel expenses, visa and passport expenses etc etc.. than to go through the adoption process here.

They don't do abortions?
The organization's status as the United States' leading provider of surgical abortions has put it in the forefront of the US national debate over that issue.

Planned Parenthood describes itself as "the nation's leading sexual and reproductive health care advocate and provider." In 2005, Planned Parenthood provided 264,943 surgical and medical abortions, the most of any abortion provider in the U.S.


I bowl overhand
I didn't say they didn't do abortions, I said in most places they refer you to a clinic that does.

Where I lived in PA they didn't do them, nor did they in NH.. I don't know about MD..


Bookseller Lady
"Services include abortion services, contraceptive (birth control) services; emergency contraception; screening for breast, cervical and testicular cancers; pregnancy testing and pregnancy options counseling; testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases; sexuality education, menopause treatments; vasectomies and tubal ligations, and more. Not all services are available at all locations."


New Member
itsbob said:
What the hell does one have to do with the other??
It means that at one time slavery was considered legal, the Supreme Court said so. Now, it is illegal. That, amoung other things, shows that just because something was considered legal does not mean it is.
The same with abortion. Future generations will look back at this time and wonder how supposedly good people allowed the slaughter of innocent unborn children.
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I bowl overhand
Bavarian said:
The same with abortion. Future generations will look back at this time and wonder how supposedly good people allowed the slaughter of innocent unborn children.

So, don't get an abortion!!

You don't have to get one, nobody (especially the government) is going to force you to get one.. Nobody is telling you what to do, why should you be so pompous to believe YOU should be able to?

When abortions were illegal are you suggesting that nobody got one?


New Member
itsbob said:
So, don't get an abortion!!

You don't have to get one, nobody (especially the government) is going to force you to get one.. Nobody is telling you what to do, why should you be so pompous to believe YOU should be able to?

When abortions were illegal are you suggesting that nobody got one?
That is equivalent to saying, "If you don't believe in murder, just don't kill someone, but let others kill"
The unborn child is a living being and that is something the pro-abortion people, including the doctors doing them, want people to forget. That is what makes it different.


I bowl overhand
Bavarian said:
That is equivalent to saying, "If you don't believe in murder, just don't kill someone, but let others kill"
The unborn child is a living being and that is something the pro-abortion people, including the doctors doing them, want people to forget. That is what makes it different.
The brainwashing is complete..


New Member
You know...I'm suprised no one has tried to market the idea of term life insurance for unborn babies, covering the pregnacy term. Now that's an untapped market niche.


Main Streeter
Roughidle said:
You know...I'm suprised no one has tried to market the idea of term life insurance for unborn babies, covering the pregnacy term. Now that's an untapped market niche.

If the govt declares that life begins at conception, the insurance industry will have a new market.


fish67 said:
Anyone find it absurd that we have Congressional hearings over lead based paint being found in toys that will potentially harm children, but yet we allow the daily murder of untold numbers of babies?

It is very sad Fish. Considering we were all fetus' at one time, I think we can now say that we are happy that we were not aborted. I am generally pro-life and believe that abortions as a means of birth control is very wrong. At a stretch, the only abortion I may understand would be one in a case where a baby is determined to be very mentally retarded or physically deformed to the extent he/she will never live anything resembling a normal life.

Otherwise, it really amazes me that some people out there actually choose to not eat meat because it's cruel, or they will adopt 20 cats so they are not euthenized but when it comes to unborn babies, they think it's ok to abort them. How someone can want to hug a tree instead of a newborn baby is bizarre. Why someone would want to spend money and time saving baby whales but don't care about baby people is nuts. Oh, no. I better stop picking on those liberals. They might get upset.


vegmom said:

You gotta protect the kiddos that are already here.

Well, that makes sense. You are right. "You gotta protect the kiddos that are already here." But, why not protect the ones who aren't here yet too?


THe whole "choice" thing intrigues me. You can't get the Today Sponge any more and therefore a choice was taken away. Why aren't the pro-choice folks up in arms over that? My favorite condoms are no longer made, I lost a choice too.

Really both sides are totally off base in my opinion. Instead of trying to get the law changed the pro-life side should be doing everything they can to reduce the number of abortions if it is truely "baby killing" that bothers them. They should be providing liteature, passing out condoms, spermacidal jelly, facilitating adoptions but all you see them do is try to get the law changed.

The pro-choice side should also do this, but it seems they want people to get abortions. Shouldn't their arguement be about choices and therefore make all of those choices known and available.

And for the record I would not want to be part of an abortion, but I also don't think that it is a federal issue and should be decided on a state by state basis.
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