Lead Paint - Bad. Abortion - OK. Huh?


New Member
itsbob said:
The brainwashing is complete..
Have you ever seen the remains of an aborted baby?? Or perhaps, that's too graphic and therefore not playing fair in this ongoing national debate.
Your head is buried in sand.


curiouser and curiouser
czygvtwkr said:
THe whole "choice" thing intrigues me. You can't get the Today Sponge any more and therefore a choice was taken away. Why aren't the pro-choice folks up in arms over that? My favorite condoms are no longer made, I lost a choice too.

Really both sides are totally off base in my opinion. Instead of trying to get the law changed the pro-life side should be doing everything they can to reduce the number of abortions if it is truely "baby killing" that bothers them. They should be providing liteature, passing out condoms, spermacidal jelly, facilitating adoptions but all you see them do is try to get the law changed.

The pro-choice side should also do this, but it seems they want people to get abortions. Shouldn't their arguement be about choices and therefore make all of those choices known and available.

And for the record I would not want to be part of an abortion, but I also don't think that it is a federal issue and should be decided on a state by state basis.
The Today Sponge is back on the market, but I do get your point and agree with what you're saying. A lot of people talk just to talk, but have no real solutions. I have a lot of internal struggle with the idea of abortion. On the one hand, abortion is a choice I will never make for myself and I find it disgusting; on the other, I realize that there are instances when an abortion is medically necessary. Additionally, a 13 year old rape victim can't be expected to carry a child. There's a lot of gray area.

But the fact of the matter is that law or no law, abortions as birth control will still exist because people will still be irresponsible. We need to remove the cause, instead of biatching about the symptom.