Legalize drugs?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken, what the hell is a "mush standing"? Did you just make that up, like you make up your Israeli/Palestinian stories?

And, Jazz, you could almost say that my fictional beheaded subjects killed themselves because they broke the law knowing the penalty! Suicide shouldn't be against the law... :banana:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You know, upon further reflection, I think what this issue boils down to for me is:

I don't think you should legalize something just because some people ignore the law. Certainly it's not the majority or we'd be in pretty bad shape. But it galls me when a law is passed, people flagrantly disregard it, so they repeal it because "people won't follow it anyway".

What's next? Murder? Rape? If people will disregard the law anyway, why not legalize it? I'm a parent, so I have a different way I deal with rule-breakers. I don't say, "Okay since you're going to have sex/do drugs/sneak cigarettes any way, you might as well have my permission."

But I do stand behind my statement that drug use hurts more people than just the users. And I told my sister-in-law, who lived in the Netherlands for 3 years, what Warron said about legalization not being a problem and she said, "Bullsh*t." And then proceeded to tell me all kinds of nasty stories about life there during legalization.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Ken, what the hell is a "mush standing"? Did you just make that up, like you make up your Israeli/Palestinian stories?

Typo Sweetheart, nothing more. It should have read, "Too bad women don't have much standing over there or you would fit in with them real well." Are you becoming one of those spelling cops? :nono:

And what have I made up about Palestine/Israel? Just because we don't agree on what is going on doesn't mean what I say is fabricated. Maybe that towel around your head is getting a little tight. Loosen it up and lighten up. :lmao:

In your next post you ask, "What's next?" Interesting question, maybe other non-harmful things or those that are only harmful to the one doing them will become crimes. That's what they did with marijuana. Congress had less then an hour of debate, they disregarded and twisted what the AMA representative had to say on the issue before they made their decision, never any real discussion or research. Even old George Washington knew about this herb and informed others on cultivation of the female plant. There are letters at the Library of Congress that verify this.

What's next? Maybe the animal lovers will get their way and hunting will go down the tubes. The gun control freaks would love to take the right to own a gun away. I think bungy jumping is an accident waiting to happen, shouldn't that be outlawed? The same for jumping out of a plane. Who needs to do that other then the military? I'm sure we could all come up with a list of things that we feel shouldn't be allowed. But, is it something the government needs to do? I say no.

I also don't think any of us are or would advocate legalizing heinous crimes like those you've listed. And as far as parental rights and responsibilities go many already do what most of us don't allow. Just look around at some of the screwed up kids and people out there. I think most of it is a result of piss poor supervision and guidance early and throughout their development. So maybe the government should outlaw them from procreating too. Let's cut it off at the pass.


Bunjee jumping isnt the smartest thing to do in the world, nor does anyone have the need to do it but bunjee jumpers don't create a drain on society, bunjee jumpers wont knock you over the head to steal your wallet to buy a new bunjee cord (ok some might buy far fewer).

Drugs impair peoples judgement and ability to think rationally. When was the last time you heard of someone going bunjee jumping and then got in a car and killed a family of 4 because they were all pumped up over bunjee jumping?

Open containers (alcohol) dont hurt anyone either? or do they? But every state has an "open container law". Does it hurt anyone when a passenger in a car drinks while in the car but the driver doesn't? Why wont airlines serve more than two drinks on a flight?

Ever notice that its usually the people that want guns banned, mumia freed, etc that want drugs legalized

Vrai I wouldn't mind living on your island.


Football season!
Originally posted by Heretic

When was the last time you heard of someone going bunjee jumping and then got in a car and killed a family of 4 because they were all pumped up over bunjee jumping?

Not bungee jumping, but.. While coming home after a little weekend getaway, I go across the 301 bridge into maryland then take a right on to 234.. A little ways down, I am amazed at what I see.. Two large pickup trucks coming in the opposite direction are passing a car on either side (one in my lane, one on the shoulder)... A big event at budds creek (or as they would say budz crick) had just let out.. Guess they wanted to try and re-create one of their most memorable moments while at the track. So you may be amazed at what gets people adrenaline pumping and what they do with it..

Anyways, off subject, but thought I would share that little tid-bit of information :)

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Heretic
Open containers (alcohol) dont hurt anyone either? or do they? But every state has an "open container law". Does it hurt anyone when a passenger in a car drinks while in the car but the driver doesn't?

Vrai I wouldn't mind living on your island.

Ever been in a car where the drinking passengers start fighting? I have and it did result in the driver losing control and wrecking. The driver was sober. The fight started over who got the last beer from the cooler. Luckily I was already passed out and didn't come to until we were in the woods and had stopped moving, no one was hurt much but the car was never used again. It could have been worse as just a little farther up the road there was one heck of a drop off down to the bayou.

This never happened when I road around with a bunch of people getting high. We were usually late getting to where we were going but there sure wasn’t any fighting going on, lots of laughing but no fights.

Also why would you want to live on an island with a dictator who would behead you anytime you did something she didn’t like. Wouldn’t it be easier to move to someplace like Iraq where freedom is only an imaginary concept?


New Member
I have noticed that a good many of the folks that want pot only, legalized are from the ban the guns crowd, but that does not include me. I own guns and believe the 2nd amendment means just what it says.
As for living on an island with a dictator, things usually go well at first, then the power always goes to their heads and they start abusing it. THey start imagining that every thing they don't like is bad and everyone that doesn't agree with them is bad and so on. No, if you want to live in a place where they behead criminals for things that are not against the Natural Law, things THEY decide are bad, Saudi Arabia is a good place to be. Of course you know what comes out of those oppressed societies. People are stuck in station in life and free enterprise is forbidden, so often you have a large class of low income or jobless people with nothing to do. All you have to do is to tell them some grand stories and whip them into a frenzy and they will go off and do anything....... like flying planes into buildings and sending their children off to be human bombs or killing their neighbors because they are of a different religion or race. (yes I know that happened here too for all of you America is evil people) THere are bad people everywhere, but people will often be more evil when they think they have no hope of improvment in thier future such as in oppressive societies.
I will take my chances in the worst neighborhood in DC before I would walk the "safe" streets of Riyad. At least in DC they only want my money, in Riyad, they want my soul.
So no thank you to any type of oppressive society.
The best thing for people who insist on taking hard drugs is to give them all they want, it will either solve the problem or make them so sick they have to face the problem. Regardless, if the drugs are cheap, they won't have to comit crimes to get them. SO the rest of us will be safe


Ken, silly me I forgot drugs don't cause rowdy behavior like alcohol does.

So the people you see on shows like cops doing things like threatening a baby with a butcher knife, driving 100 MPH in a car that has no tires etc are doing it just because drugs are too expensive. Im glad you cleared that up for me.

So was Rodney King just trying to get money for more drugs when the infamous video was filmed? Someone should have explained to the cops that he only needed more money for drugs and they might have given it to him and wouldnt have caused all those problems.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Heretic
Ken, silly me I forgot drugs don't cause rowdy behavior like alcohol does.

So the people you see on shows like cops doing things like threatening a baby with a butcher knife, driving 100 MPH in a car that has no tires etc are doing it just because drugs are too expensive. Im glad you cleared that up for me.

So was Rodney King just trying to get money for more drugs when the infamous video was filmed? Someone should have explained to the cops that he only needed more money for drugs and they might have given it to him and wouldnt have caused all those problems.


I don't believe that I have said anything about legalizing the hard drugs anywhere in this string. I know that there are some equally and more dangerous drugs then the accepted drug (alcohol). However, I have yet to hear of anyone overdosing on marijuana, you can't say that about alcohol or many of the prescribed drugs that are out there being abused.

Why shouldn't someone be allowed to indulge in the privacy of their own home where they are hurting no one? Notice I didn't say anywhere they wanted, as I don't think others who have no desire to experience the effects should be exposed to it. I see it as a private and personal choice that the government shouldn’t be involved in.


New Member
I see it ALL as a personal private choice that the government has no business interfering with. Now if they get all wound up on the stuff and break the law, arrest them for the crimes they commit and punish them good, not for using the drugs.
If drugs are legalized, they can get high on some morphine and other seditive type drugs and hopefully they will all go to sleep. Right now, someone can get drunk or get high and commit a crime and claim they were under the influence, so it really wasn't their fault. I say, if you commit a crime, unless you are impaired by a physical illness (rare cases) you should be locked up for the crime. IF you are stupid enough to get high and commit a crime, you should be arrested for the crime, not getting high. AND being high should NEVER be an excuse for breaking the law.
These men (or women) who beat their spouses and claim, "I'm sorry baby, I was drunk, you know I wouldn't do that if I wasn't drinkin'" BS!!! Getting drunk just gave them the "courage" to do what they wanted to do sober.
Getting high should not be a crime and it should never be used as a defense for criminal acts. We were able to overcome that stupid reasoning with drunk driving, now lets do it with drugs too.
So get high all you want and just do it in the privacy of your home or some drug bar and then don't drive and please hide yourself from your fellow man (persons) because getting high is for cowards who can't face the real world.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Here ya go, Betty - Sharon posted this in the Current Events forums. Now again, please make the case that drug abuse hurts no one but the individual. These 4 kids were certainly abused because of their mother's addiction, whether the sex charges are true or not.

It's easy for you to say "drug users aren't hurting anyone but themselves." Tell that to this woman's kids.


New Member
What a mess!

Vriablonde, that was one messed up family for sure. Who knows what happened to those poor children.
But the illegality of drugs hurts family members too.
I know of a family where both children are on drugs, hard drugs. Because of the expense of the drugs, the kids have stolen nearly everything this family owned. Now the blame goes CLEARLY on those two ADULT kids, but if the drugs were legal and cheap, at least the kids would only be hurting themselves not their parents. I am not talking about just stealing some jewerly or a TV, they ahve stolen EVEYRYTHING from the parents and they constantly hound the mother who is disabled when the father is not around. They steal her pain pills and cause her endless mental anguish. She needs to have them locked up, but she doesn't. THE MOTHER is a victim of illegal drugs in another way. She has deteriorating condition that causes her CONSTANT intense pain. The doctors are reluctant to give her morphine because she might get addicted, she will be taking these the rest of her life, who cares???? Furthurmore, to keep her safe, they gave her percocets which after 10 years of taking them has damaged her health in other ways and made her condition WORSE AND they didn't stop the pain. FINALLY she is getting morphine, after the percocets have done their damage to her body.
Now there is some responsibility to be had by those parents for not locking turning in the kids and having them locked up. They were trying to give their kdis a chance to straighten up, but when it was obvious that they were not, they should have had them arrested. Regardless, here are two parents who are suffering from government nanny protection. The laws have NOT saved their kids from taking drugs, but have ruined their lives also.