

I don't think people who get high are trying to escape problems or bury their feelings, they just want to catch a buzz. Nothing deeper.


Super Genius
I think there's a little of both. The really unfortunate part for the ones that are trying to escape problems is that drugs create a downward spiral. They obviously do nothing to fix whatever problem, but drugs can prevent someone from actively fighting the problem and can also add health, psycological, and legal problems.


While I do agree with this, there is no real difference then between weed and say Xanex or Valium. The difference being that they are legal and more accepted by mainstream America. They are infact highly addictive as well and do nothing to correct the underlying problem. I believe most dope smokers simply enjoy the relaxing feelings of it, whereas someone taking the aforementioned drugs have saught out the help of medical professional in attempt to "cope" with the pressure they encounter in their daily life. I do not condemn these people either as I am in no position to judge.


Witchy Woman
camily said:
I don't think people who get high are trying to escape problems or bury their feelings, they just want to catch a buzz. Nothing deeper.

And it's a whole lot better, and safer to yourself and others, than burying yourself in a bottle.


I keep wondering if some day, some one will come up with an argument for legalizing drugs that makes sense, but to no avail... probably because the folks who use drugs and want them legalized are fried and don't even realize it. So... we keep getting the basics:

1. Cigarettes and alcohol are worse than grass, and they're legal! Okay, so your living room is on fire... do you rush off and set your bedroom on fire as well? Cigarettes and alcohol are worse than grass, but that doesn't mean making another problem substance legal is going to make the situation any better. We need less access to fewer drugs, not the opposite. We've made great strides in reducing cigarette consumption, and hard liquor is on a downturn also, so where's the sense in creating a new problem?

2. Resources spent criminalizing marijuana are wasted because I can get it anywhere/anytime and everyone's smoking it! As has been well pointed out, you can't buy marijuana anywhere/anytime, and not everyone is smoking it. The reason that these are the cases is because of the resources spent in criminalizing it, so obviously these resources are not being wasted.

3. I perform just as well with a buzz than I do without. My question is how do you know? The minute you start ingesting chemicals into your body, you begin damaging brain cells, your liver, lungs, heart, etc. This damage can be minimized by stopping smoking, drinking, etc., but it cannot be repaired. So once you've begun to permanently damage your body you can never perform as well as you did before you caused the damage... so you really have no idea of what performance level you would be at it you hadn't started that junk in the first place. All that you know is how to make the best of what you've got left.

I always will remember a guy I went through a drug and alcohol abuse class with on the USS Saratoga, who bragged that despite drinking a case of Bud and a half of bottle of Jack Daniels a day, he could still perform just as well drunk as sober. When we added up his alcohol intake for each day we found that he was never really sober! He really had no idea of what he could do sober anymore.

4. Plenty of people are users and high on the job and you don't know it. Oh yeah... we know it. Those of us who have never smoked, snorted, toked, drank, or shot up can spot those of you who do pretty easily. At one time they could to, but now they start to project themselves onto others, and think that their limitations are the same for everyone. Sorry guys, but you stick out like a sore thumb.


Bruzilla said:
I keep wondering if some day, some one will come up with an argument for legalizing drugs that makes sense, but to no avail... probably because the folks who use drugs and want them legalized are fried and don't even realize it.

Yes. I am also of the opinion that anyone who disagrees with me is a slobbering moron who's simply effed-up in the head. Therefore, I care not for what they say, because it's nothing but useless jibber-jabber.


Toxick said:
Yes. I am also of the opinion that anyone who disagrees with me is a slobbering moron who's simply effed-up in the head. Therefore, I care not for what they say, because it's nothing but useless jibber-jabber.
:killingme :lmao: :lol:
:howdy: Hello Tox. Nice to see you!


Toxick said:
Yes. I am also of the opinion that anyone who disagrees with me is a slobbering moron who's simply effed-up in the head. Therefore, I care not for what they say, because it's nothing but useless jibber-jabber.

Sure... I mean what's better than having someone who's about falling down drunk staggering around and falling down while they're yelling at you about how they aren't drunk.

Or even better, the dude that's in his 40's and working at McDonalds telling you how smoking marijuana has had no negative impacts on his life, right before he has to go clean toilets for his 17-year old boss. :lmao:


Or even better, the dude that's in his 40's and working at McDonalds telling you how smoking marijuana has had no negative impacts on his life, right before he has to go clean toilets for his 17-year old boss. :lmao:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, because they are the only people getting high right? By the way, that is a rediculous example. I didn't even quote the first part because it barely made sense.


Football addict
Bruzilla said:
I keep wondering if some day, some one will come up with an argument for legalizing drugs that makes sense, but to no avail... probably because the folks who use drugs and want them legalized are fried and don't even realize it. So... we keep getting the basics:

1. Cigarettes and alcohol are worse than grass, and they're legal! Okay, so your living room is on fire... do you rush off and set your bedroom on fire as well? Cigarettes and alcohol are worse than grass, but that doesn't mean making another problem substance legal is going to make the situation any better. We need less access to fewer drugs, not the opposite. We've made great strides in reducing cigarette consumption, and hard liquor is on a downturn also, so where's the sense in creating a new problem?

2. Resources spent criminalizing marijuana are wasted because I can get it anywhere/anytime and everyone's smoking it! As has been well pointed out, you can't buy marijuana anywhere/anytime, and not everyone is smoking it. The reason that these are the cases is because of the resources spent in criminalizing it, so obviously these resources are not being wasted.

3. I perform just as well with a buzz than I do without. My question is how do you know? The minute you start ingesting chemicals into your body, you begin damaging brain cells, your liver, lungs, heart, etc. This damage can be minimized by stopping smoking, drinking, etc., but it cannot be repaired. So once you've begun to permanently damage your body you can never perform as well as you did before you caused the damage... so you really have no idea of what performance level you would be at it you hadn't started that junk in the first place. All that you know is how to make the best of what you've got left.

I always will remember a guy I went through a drug and alcohol abuse class with on the USS Saratoga, who bragged that despite drinking a case of Bud and a half of bottle of Jack Daniels a day, he could still perform just as well drunk as sober. When we added up his alcohol intake for each day we found that he was never really sober! He really had no idea of what he could do sober anymore.

4. Plenty of people are users and high on the job and you don't know it. Oh yeah... we know it. Those of us who have never smoked, snorted, toked, drank, or shot up can spot those of you who do pretty easily. At one time they could to, but now they start to project themselves onto others, and think that their limitations are the same for everyone. Sorry guys, but you stick out like a sore thumb.
Excellent delivery!:clap:


Well-Known Member
camily said:
While I do agree with this, there is no real difference then between weed and say Xanex or Valium. The difference being that they are legal and more accepted by mainstream America. They are infact highly addictive as well and do nothing to correct the underlying problem. I believe most dope smokers simply enjoy the relaxing feelings of it, whereas someone taking the aforementioned drugs have saught out the help of medical professional in attempt to "cope" with the pressure they encounter in their daily life. I do not condemn these people either as I am in no position to judge.

The problem is recognizing addiction when it exists. Some people can handle using certain drugs, while other people will wind up ABusing that same drug. To use myself as an example: I am a nicotine addict. Haven't had a cigarette in almost 4 years now, but used to smoke between a pack or 2 every day. I tried to cut back and moderate, but couldn't. Even now, I know that if I smoked a single cigarette I'd be buying a pack tomorrow. Cold turkey was the only route I could take. But alcohol? No problem. I could drink a beer right now (and would if there was one in the fridge :cheers: ) but have no problem not having another one for another week, or month, or year if I chose to. There's no addiction in it for me.