For your consideration ...
Isn't this the truth. Those in government, (secure in their paychecks, benefit packages, and pensions), create laws, rules, regulations, policies, ordinances, edicts, procedures, guidelines, directives, etc., that hinder truly small businesses, (mom and pop), from starting or expanding, (unless of course one is a corporation with deep pockets for whom all of the above doesn't bother.)
Then, government offers assistance, help, information, encouragement, a helping hand, on how to navigate the regulatory byzantine maze that they created. Then, when a business does finally open for business, there they are taking credit, patting themselves on the back, sending out press releases touting their virtues, for helping that business.
Just look at all the, (pre-filled spaces before construction even begins), businesses that are taking spaces in newly built shopping areas. All corporate owned or franchises. Nary a "small business" anywhere. And of course not, who can afford the high confiscatory triple-net rents these places are demanding, in addition to the regulatory burden and all government fees and taxes?
And where, at one time, a small business was located in a shopping center, those spaces now sit empty, at nearly every shopping center around.